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Nine9 Doll "Bunny Nine" 35cm Line discussion!

Sep 26, 2014

    1. I found a couple pairs of shoes from Ruby Red Galleria that are 4.8 - 5 cm. :) You might check their shoes and see what you can find.
    2. These girls are so pretty! You owners are really lucky!
    3. I think she finally settled on some purple eyes. I found that the bigger ones suit her better than smaller ones. [​IMG]
    4. I put the green eyes in my Potpourri, but maybe I will try the purple ones!
      #45 nancy_schroeder_ca, Nov 13, 2014
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
    5. The green eyes look great too!
    6. Nine9 Style has posted sneakers and more clothes for the Bunny line dolls.
    7. I just ordered a blank potpourri and the bunny outfit! I like the default face up, but I bond better to dolls that I paint... And I really want to bond with this girl.
    8. I'm thinking about ordering a Pudding… Does anyone know if long YoSD dresses would fit these girls? I looked up the standard measurements for YoSD and compared it to the Bunny Nine dolls:
      Here are the "Standard Size Clothes Measurements" off of Alice's Collection for YoSDs:

      1/6 Doll
      Height: 25-27 cm
      Chest: 13 cm
      Waist: 11-12 cm
      Hips: 13-14 cm
      Shoulder Width: 6.5-7.5 cm

      And here are some more supplementary measurements I pulled from a quick google search on YoSDs:
      Neck: 6 cm
      Arm length: 7.5 cm
      Leg Length: 10 cm
      Foot length: 4 cm

      And here are some slightly different measurements for YoSDs I found here on DoA:

      Height: 26 cm
      Eyes: 14-16 mm
      Head cir. : 17.5 cm
      Bust/Chest: 14.5 cm
      Waist: 13 cm
      Hip: 15 cm
      Across shoulders: 7.5 cm
      Arms (w/hands): 9.8 cm
      Leg (from hip to foot): 13.5 cm
      Front neck to crotch: 10 cm
      Foot length: 4 cm

      So the shoulder, neck, and waist widths of the Bunny Nine line are both within range of YoSD. Bunny Nine's bust is within range of YoSD in the measurements I got from DoA. Her hips are about 1-2 cm too big for YoSD and her torso is about 2 cm longer. Her arms and legs are obviously much longer, so long sleeved YoSD clothes would probably look awkward on her. And I'm assuming that YoSD bottoms wouldn't fit her because her hips are too wide and legs too long, unless the bottoms were elastic shorts or bloomers that won't look strange on her long legs.

      What I'm getting from looking at these measurements is that the Bunny Nine is basically like a longer YoSD with bigger feet and slightly wider hips. Would a longer YoSD dress fit her, assuming that the dress gathers at the waist?

      To owners of a Bunny Nine doll: Have you had any success dressing her in YoSD clothes?
      If possible, could you post some comparison photos of her next to a YoSD and/or a MSD? That would be amazingly helpful if you could!
    9. These girls are sooo cute!!:aheartbea I remember seeing them awhile back and writing down their names for possible future dolls (I do that alot ;) I dont know who I like better though, I think I'll need to have a better look at owner pics.:D
    10. @ClarasCraft
      Same! There's not too many owner pictures out there since it's such a new doll. :( I found some on flickr, but I really want to see some pictures of Pudding and Potpourri's faces from several angles and different lightings. Sometimes a doll can look very different from what you expect because of its faceup or the way it was photographed. :/ I'm kind of leaning towards Pudding right now though, because of her daintier nose and slightly more closed mouth. Though I do love Potpourri's big round doey eyes.
    11. My potpourri got new eyes the other day

    12. So cute! Congrats!

      I saw someone asking about their posability but she didn't get an answer... so how is their posability? ^^

      -edit- also.. can anyone take *any* pictures of these sweeties alongside other dolls? Preferably yosd and msd. I'd love to compare a Bunny Nine to a Bluefairy Shiny Fairy Junior, but what are the odds of anyone having both... ;)
    13. On pg 15 of the doll comparison photo thread (sticky) there is a picture with Radicelle, Darak Claire, Blue Fairy Jr and Bunny9, just what you asked for.
    14. I am having trouble finding some info about nine9. Does anyone know if they accept layaway of any sort?
    15. On page 2 there is a post about nine9 styles layaway program :)
    16. I asked Nine9 Style for comparison with a msd doll and they posted this picture to their flickr. For anyone that could be interested :)

      • x 3
    17. Oh geez! I missed that post completely. Thank you! I'm looking forward to grabbing one of these sweeties.
    18. I've been stalking this thread for quite a while, I love everyone's pics of these cute girls <3 I just ordered a Potpourri myself, I can't wait! She's so adorable! I have two SDC girls currently, and I think the size of Potpourri is going to look ridiculously cute with them X3

      Update 03/05: I got my shipping notice! So excited!!