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Nine9 Doll "Bunny Nine" 35cm Line discussion!

Sep 26, 2014

    1. My Potpourri came home today! I've been playing with her non-stop since I got her out of the box n_n As to the question about posability - she doesn't seem to be the most dynamic poser in the dollyverse, but she does have swivel thighs which I find quite nice. The single-piece torso is a little clumsy though. No slouching for this girl.

      Anyway, I'm over the moon about how cute she is, I definitely recommend her to anyone thinking about getting one! I took pictures but I can't find the card reader so I'll have to wait to spam you guys X3
    2. I got mine too a while ago, I keep redoing the face up. I love the poses she can pull off. Currently she's my favorite
    3. Oh she's adorable!
    4. Isn't she? :D

      I also forgot to link you guys to my box opening thread, over here.
    5. Oh my! The new girl is so cute! Wow, how am I going to choose now? :lol:
    6. She is so cute she looks like a little bunny.
    7. Does anyone know if Minifee fit into Bunny Nine clothes and vice versa? It would be great to see a comparison pic to see how much smaller Bunny Nines are. I'm thinking of getting one and hoping they'll be able to share at least part of their wardrobes.
    8. I dont know all the exact measurements from the top on my head but I know that minifees are 41cm and Bunny9s are 35cm, MFs also have thicker, more mature bodies by the looks of it. Dont take my word for it though since I've never seen a comparison.

      Update, i had a quick look look at their general measurements, the shoulder width, legs and waist are 1cm bigger on the MFs. MF have much bigger hips at 19cm while Bunnys are 16cm. They also have smaller busts at 14cm while MF are ~16cm.
      So I guess some clothes may fit, more loose dresses, stretchy waisted skirts, etc. Im interested in this too though. I have a MF on the way and would love to get a BunnyNine soon so I will definitely do some clothes testing then! :3
    9. There was a picture on nine nine's flickr of a darak-i girl wearing bunny 9 clothes. Everything fit apart from the sleeves were shorter and the stockings didn't fit. I have a darak-i girl and she is a similar size to minifee. It would depend on the item but it seems some stuff will fit!
    10. Aren't the Moe line Minifees 38 cm? So that would only be 3 cm larger than a Bunny Nine. Though of course, body measurements do make a difference. (I've been looking into a Bunny Nine myself, but couldn't quite take the plunge until they released Maple. She's absolutely perfect for a character I'm attempting to shell. Just gotta save up now!)
    11. Yeah, the moe line is a bit shorter, I just went off the Active Line measurements since I know them more and am awaiting one ;P
      Though yeah it can really just depend of the type of clothes and fabric, but im sure at least some things will fit them.
    12. [​IMG][/url]BunnyNine+Minifee Comparison by ClarasCraft, on Flickr[/IMG]

      I just made up this quick excel comparison if anyone would like to use it.
      They are quite similar but BunnyNine still remains on the smaller side.
    13. Oh wow, that excel chart is very helpful, thank you ClarasCraft!
    14. Has anyone found clothes that fit her besides the Nine9 company clothes or atleast photos of her in them? Also I notice she can have either a 14 or 16cm eyes, which in your opinion work best?
    15. I would recommend 14mm. Here is Potpourri with 14mm glass eyes.
      #76 nancy_schroeder_ca, May 2, 2015
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
      • x 2
    16. Thank you so much nancy_schroeder_ca! I wanted to see the difference on her head, I believe the company photo shows 16mm, so thanks this totaly helps!
    17. Here's a full length picture. Potpourri is wearing the Nine9 Style pink strip t-shirt and the white skinny pants. They are a stretch fabric and very snug!
      #78 nancy_schroeder_ca, May 3, 2015
      Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
    18. How is her poseability?
    19. I think she poses well. She will hold positions. She can sit without falling backwards. She can stand straight on both legs like the picture above or with her weight on one leg and the other one out a bit.