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Nine9 Doll "Bunny Nine" 35cm Line discussion!

Sep 26, 2014

    1. I found out you can make them stand really dainty and cute like this! (excuse the messy desk)

      -EDIT- sorry, looks like the photo got eaten by Photobucket XP
      #82 RamenDoodles, May 4, 2015
      Last edited: Jun 29, 2020
    2. Alright cool, cool RamenDoodles! man she sure is a cutie isn't she!:D:aheartbea
    3. [​IMG]

      Mina got a new face up last week!

      I've also ordered her dreaming head in order to have more options with her! I'm so excited!
    4. Ooh I'm excited to see owner pics of the dreaming heads :) They look pretty cute on Nine9's site.
    5. Anyone have owner photos of Maple yet? ^^
    6. I was going to order a maple head, but had to get dreaming potpourri instead >,>

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    7. My daughter just ordered a blank Pudding!
    8. i am considering buying a maple :) i like the size between msd and yo-sd
    9. Hi! I hope it's okay if I pop in here with a few questions about these dolls?

      I've looked at all the owner pictures I can find, but there just aren't that many to go by! What would you say her resin is like- smooth, rough? And I've seen on this post that her head looks pretty large on her body. Based on the measurement chart ClarasCraft posted earlier, it looks like her head is nearly msd sized! I like disproportionately large heads perfectly well, but how extreme is it? To put it bluntly, I'd like her to look good naked as well as with clothes on :sweat

      I'm sorry for barging in, but I figured I should ask. I wouldn't want to make the wrong choice and have ~regrets~ later on, you know ^^;

      Thank you for your time!
    10. I've actually had this on my computer for a while, and it has been helpful, thank you ^^ The Minoruworld Junior used to be my best bet for this character, and seeing them compared here helped me decide on the Bunny nine for sure.

      Oh, I found this lovely set of photos while searching online: http://www.nine9style.com/shop/step1.php?number=11388
      For some reason they can't be found via the main Bunny Nine page any more? Which is a shame because they're so beautiful!
    11. Hello! so I contacted Nine9 and asked what other options for clothes, here is their reply:

      Did I sent a reply?
      Sorry if I did not send.
      Bunny nine is 35cm doll.
      She has a body similar of Iple house, KID / bule fairy junior body
      clothes stores : princess Doll http://princess-doll.co.kr/
      You can buy more clothes
      Thank you~

    12. I'm curious to know how a Chibi Unoa and Bunny Nine look together. I'm guessing they can share clothes? Also I really love the option B version Maple! I already really liked her, but now I like her even more. To my wishlist she goes! ^^;;;
    13. Chibi's hips are slightly wider. The clothes fit her torso, but the 2 dresses from nine9 that I've tried didn't look right on the hips. Shirts and shoes work perfectly!
    14. That's good to know. Thank you so much. :)
    15. Have you guys seen the new boys?! Their names are Peanut and Butter, they're both adorable and I kind of want a Butter.

      Sent from my SPH-L300 using Tapatalk
    16. I would love to see a photo of chibi unoa and bunny nine side by side!
    17. Peanut is adorable! Sadly I only have girls so he'll never make it to my house.
    18. You can choose the girl body on the basic doll!