1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Noble Dolls Discussion Part 1

Apr 12, 2012

    1. Not sure yet with my girl Lelite. I have only had her since late January this year. I pre ordered her. She is in a colour called "sunkissed", which is a lovely Caramel tan.

      But I can say that I have never seen anyone selling one of Kaye's dolls ever mentioning any yellowing.

      To me my girl looks very High Quality.
    2. Just a bit of FYI on resin. The texture, color and translucency of resin depends on how it is finished (polished, sanded, powdered molds or not), and how much pigment is added. Our resin starts out clear. Some artists prefer the "French" look, so less pigment, more polishing...some prefer more matte...no polishing, seems cut only ...The exact same resin can look translucent or opaque depending on what process you use.

      As long as you use high quality UV...dolls should stay their original color if treated well.
    3. Thank you for the info Grael! : D ... So if I wanted a doll to have that french look I could polish it myself or?

      Can you say what kind of process you use? ^^
    4. grael - thanks for the info on the process of the doll distribution and the resin!

      But... is there any way we could confirm what type of resin it is? It may seem very fussy and picky, and I sincerely apologize for that, but I just would... kind of be very sad if I ended up buying a doll made with french resin, no matter how much I wanted the doll and how beautiful it was (and I personally think that french resin looks lovely - it's not the translucence I'm worried about). Truthfully, not knowing the resin is seriously the one and only hang-up I have about buying Raspberry, otherwise I am all in. I treat my dolls very, VERY well - they rarely go out in the sun, are always stored in the coldest part of my house away from light/humidity when I'm not doing anything with them, but I have seen some pretty terrible things happen to french resin dolls that were kept the same way I keep my dolls - and which still ended up butter yellow. I know all resin ages, and that's okay... I would feel really, really bad if my favourite doll turned a funny and unsightly colour in a matter of months. :( If this counts as asking for product information, I can e-mail you about this too!

      I know that the difference between resin types (in general, not just in relation to dolls - looked into this while I was contemplating doing some casting) depends on the exact bonding subunits used in the polymerization reaction that happens when resin cures. From what I know, the chief reason french resin is so notorious for yellowing is because the reagents used to make it reacts very poorly to the addition of UV stabilizer, whereas the other resins don't have that problem, so most people using french resin opt to not add UV stabilizer.
    5. Marha: no, we would have to do that during the processing time.

      Lelite: No we do not use French resin...we can create a "French look" but adding clear tints and polishing.

      And just a note...the dolls I work with...are not well taken care of, meaning, they are constantly handled and because I need bright light when creating colors for wigs,choosing fabrics for shoes, for both Jpop and Monique, they are often in sunlight for days at a time...and none so far have any color issues...
    6. Hi all, not supposed to answer product questions, so anyone can email or pm me
    7. More photos up on her flickr! http://www.flickr.com/photos/asella/
      Soooo pretty!!!! I'm going to hold out for maybe tan skin....plus I want to get my other Asella beauty home first ;).
    8. Hello all,
      First no, those are special colors for Asella's show, that is not tan or light tan. We do not have those colors yet in hand.
      On release. No, normal will not be released again. Once the pre-order is over, that skin color will be retired. There are many reasons that it is done this way, one is that it allows the artist to sculpt and present new dolls for us all.

      Kayjay: factories do not function that way, the smaller the production, the less cost effective for the factory. That is why everyone, eye factories, clothing, dolls, all have a minimum order.
    9. Here is my girl posing on her own..[​IMG]
    10. She is so beautiful! Is this the darker tan, or light tan version?
    11. Thank you ^^ it's the dark tan
    12. Here's a photo of my Raspberry. :aheartbea More in gallery.

    13. Wow i was able to put this girl off my mind because of her price range... but your owner pictures did not help with that! she look so friggin amazing.

      What size clothing did you have to fit her?
    14. Everything she's wearing for this photoshoot were made for Unoa and fits her fairly well. The jeans are a bit loose on the waist but still works.