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Noble Dolls Discussion Part 1

Apr 12, 2012

    1. Nude photo of Annick. :fangirl: More in Gallery.

    2. got my girl today. she is so lovely
    3. Making her DoA debut, my gorgeous (unnamed) Raspberry, tan version:
      Many thanks to Noble Dolls Asella and Valandra and of course to Grace @ Jpopdolls for making this gorgeous doll accessible. She is a true jewel in my collection!

      Tan ver. Raspberry by Noble Dolls by WoodSpriteBlythe, on Flickr
    4. Wow, I'm so happy to hear that there will be an elf version! That was the only thing holding me back from buying a Raspberry, I only want an elf XD
    5. Just a note on our tans. Our first tans are now over 3 years old, and they have not changed a bit. The UV we use I ship from the usa to our factory..My tan, light dolls are not taken care of in any special way, in fact they are in my house, all over my house...so they get exposed to some sun...and they still look great!
    6. I haven't still any pictures of my Raspberry with my Rhubarb but my friend Poupie sent me the pictures she took of Ambroisie (my light grey Raspberry with Asella's make-up and outfits) at the LDoll



      Now she has a steampunk look and white short hair, I will take pictures ASAP. :)
    7. I felt lucky to get one of those extra dolls. Too bad it´s no good light at all in this time of year, even in midday it´s not bright. But here is a dark pic of the new arrival. I had thought the name Iris before but after all, I named her Livia as somehow she made me think of Liv Tyler... I´m not sure this is the style that will stay, but at least something. She came with beautiful dark brown eyes but as many of these girls have light eyes that come up and show so well, I may try some others on her later. So far it´s very pretty, just makes the pic even more dark.


      I´m wondering about the translucent shade of the resin... It wasn´t french resin, right? I hope not. I somehow wished it would have been more solid NS, like my Rhubarbe is, but I like this girl like crazy already.
    8. Hi, no this is not French resin. It looks more translucent because it is entirely polished. Actually the resin is made here in the USA. And yes, she is only available from Jpopdolls.
    9. Thanks for quick answer! It´s good news for me, as I´m always a bit wary about the french resin. I wonder if I make a body blush or fix the face-up, would the shine go away?

      Here you can see the difference between the normal skin of handmade Asella´s Rhubarbe and Jpopdolls Raspberry. Both of them are lovely though, but I was a bit surprised there was this big difference inside the same colour.

      Doesn´t she look like a big sister here? And Rhubarbe´s head is actually slightly bigger and for sure more round than Raspberry´s is.

    10. Hi, of course the more MSC you spray, the more matte the doll becomes. Asella uses a resin she buys in France. All resin starts out very matte, and shines up as you sand and polish...the the more spray, the more matte the finish.
    11. I absolutely adore my Gigi!

    12. I love Elf Raspberry! But again I have no money! *SOB!!* Is it at all possible that will be a few more runs of these girls?

      Also- is it possible to get the dolls matte/unpolished?
    13. I don't know about NS girl but my tan one is completely matte. She doesn't have a shiny spot on her.
    14. My grey Rasberry (human, special cast by JPop for Asella) isn't shiny either. The resin is between matte and satin, super soft and natural looking (well, if they were grey humanoïds! ^^ )
    15. Thanks for liking my Livia! She is the loveliest and I´m very happy with her, only the translucent shine and yellowish normal skin colour were a bit of surprise for me. I´m glad to know the matte sprey might help and I will very likely make her a body blush and add a bit up her face-up to get it better for my likings. We´ll see how it will be then!

      I tried a bit different look on her yesterday, though very likely it will not stay like this. Must buy some new eyes to try! I think the more light look helps a bit taking pics of her. I will take the comparison pics soon too, I already took some comparison pics of Raspberry with Minifee, but haven´t posted them here yet.


      Nimrod, your Gigi is precious! I love her shy look in that pic!

      KatjaDraco, I have been waiting for light tan, too, but couldn´t wait any more. ^_^ NS version is my another favourite too, and I´m so happy I was lucky to catch one.

      Prege, I suppose there is no heads for sale alone, at least not by Jpopdolls. The body is so lovely though I suggest you to have the whole doll. :)
    16. You might try following the Resin Cafe's forums - sometimes they put updates about the next colors in there, but so far with Asella's dolls they've been pretty tight-lipped about what to expect. And just to make sure, you are hoping for a light tan or white elf version? Because if its one thing I do know about Jpop, they don't release the exact same doll in the same color twice, and there has already been a white human version, unless I'm mistaken (I think she was called 'fair skin' so maybe a pure white one is a possibliilty)
    17. Hi all...since it is not allowed to talke about sales in the discussion thread, if you want to ask about Rhubarb, colors...pm or email me....

      On the resin, this is not slick shiny resin, it is Matte, or satin finish. It is not as Matte as Asella makes, but her's is very super ultra matte. This resin is more like what I would call matte satin finish. And on busts, right now human is big, and elf is small, but I have learned never to say never.
    18. I made a body comparison thread with Raspberry and Minifee, in the case it helps people considering the Raspberry. :)

      Here it is: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/s...aspberry-body-comparison-(warning-nude-dolls)

      I think it is allowed to take some comparison pics along with Rhubarbe too, as long as there is an on-topic doll in the same photo? I will take pics of them later. And in the case it´s not allowed, I will add pics in my Flickr then. Just when I find some time for a photoshoot. :)
    19. Hum, I have some old pics with comparison shots. Raspberry on pics are handmade, but she is the same as manufactured dolls
      you can see here