1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Noble Dolls Discussion Part 1

Apr 12, 2012

    1. Bo Bergemann once explained how it works: it will start charging you interest only after 6 months, if I got it right, so if you pay it off on your own schedule but prior to that - you're good! I'd read all the fine print first, of course.
    2. As far as I understand "Bill Me Later" that can be tied to the Paypal account requires credit approval. So, technically it's a credit line.
    3. Is there a thread that lists what she can wear? I see her in some MNF clothing but can she wear the pants or is it just the skirts? It seems that she is wider on the bottom than MNF. Can she fit Unoa clothing or bottoms? I'm guessing she doesn't come with high heel feet right?
    4. I don't have a mnf and cannot say anything about that size but the closest approximation is Tonner Antoinette body, especially in the chest part. Unoa skirts will work if you keep them below the waist.

      This dress is part of Tonner collection:

    5. I saw a picture of her next to a mnf on Flickr but I can't remember where! Is anyone ordering her in chocolate? I wish !
      That blue dress is to die for!!
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    6. I am trying to order her right now in chocolate.
    7. I've been drooling over this girl for a while. Unfortunately I don't want her in chocolate color (which is odd, since I usually want every doll that is in dark skin color). So I just have to wait if someday there will be light tan girls available -since that color looks amazing! I love all the light tan girls in this thread!! And this body has such a great corset-body :) , I'd love to put her in all kinds of sexy corsets :)
      And I wish, she could be ordered within Europe -since she is europian doll :(. Custom fees in Finland are a murder!!
    8. I love visiting this thread just to drool. Raspberry is such an incredibly photogenic girl!

      Has anyone heard if the elf version will be released again and if so what color she might be? I desperately want my girl with those delicate ears, but gray is one of the only skintones I don't really like.
    9. The next elf version will be normal skin, she will be released in late Spring. Also white human and Radicelle are coming soon...
    10. I can't wait to see the new colors! Will the normal skin elf have the regular bust or the smaller bust again?
    11. I'm also very curious about the bust size! I'm not too keen on the immature bust for an elf girl. Also, who is Radicelle? :? Is that one of Asella's creations that I've totally missed??
    12. Radicelle looks a bit like Rhubarb, and I too prefer the large bust for Raspberry.

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    13. I did some creative googling and found photos of her on Flickr. Almost like a dreaming version Rhubarb with smaller ears I guess! Very cute.

      I've still got some hopes and dreams pinned on a fantasy colored large bust elf Raspberry :aheartbea

      Though I guess it'll help me maintain my dolly goals for the year if that variation never sees the light of day :lol:
    14. I'm still holding out for Rhubarb, Radicelle is Ok, but something about Rhubarb just makes me happy :)
    15. I feel like Radicelle has a sadder face with her pouted lips but really I would have thought Rhubarb would be Asella's next doll to hit Jpop or maybe Reglisse. =) I guess i'm just not a fan of sadder looking dolls.
    16. Rhubarb is not yet made into sample..and some dolls will never be made by Jpop...only hand made by Asella.
      Radicelle looks pouty, or sad or happy depending on how she is painted...preview of the white one:
    17. She sure is cute though! I'm super excited more of Asella's dolls will be avaliable at Jpop!
    18. Oh what a beauty! Love!
    19. Here is my sweet Raspberry, Momoe!! I made a new dress for her so took some snaps.. I just love how well she poses her arms! I really want to blush her hands and paint her nails.

      Momoe Sweet by PinkGunDollhouse, on Flickr

      I am so looking forward to Radicelle!! She has such a sweet face and I am excited for a slim tiny size doll that has such a cute body!