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Noble Dolls Discussion Part 1

Apr 12, 2012

    1. eep! Radicelle is adorable :D
      Boy that white sure is white, isn't it?
    2. I'v ordered a chocolate Raspberry :) I'll post up some piccies when she's with me! <3
    3. I'm crossing my fingers for Rhubarbe to be released for pre-order in a color other than white! I could convince myself to order normal skin if I had to, but I'd be crushed if she was in white >.>. I'd love it if she were sunkissed or tan or grey or some other fruity color - my collection loves variety!
    4. I would LOVE a pink skinned Rhubarb!! Grace....please? :D
    5. None of that is yet decided...colors of Rhubarb..so perhaps in limited edition we could do some fancy colors. The problem is I have a minimum number that I have to order, and sadly, only a very small percentage of people like colored dolls. I myself love colors and have blue, green, gray, lavender etc...but..sadly most do not. The most popular in order of demand are normal, white, light tan, tan, dark tan...then the colors follow.
    6. Will there be a large bust available for the grey skin elf then ?

      What color skin will be available for the Radicelle ?

      I'd love a lavender Rhubarbe ^^ (You won't make elf Rhubarbe I suppose ;A; )
    7. I would still be happy with a tan or dark tan Rhubarbe, even though shades of tan are natural skin tones, they are still more rare than 'white' and 'normal'.

      OMG ELF Rhubarbe plleeeaasseeee! She needs to be my little halfling!
    8. PinkCandy, Momoe's dress is awesome! I love her hands too.

      Light tan is a wonderful color, however, MSC seems to turn white on it. Some parts of Gigi's face have subtle white dusting. It's not very noticeable but frustrating nonetheless.
    9. On Rhubarb, please do not suppose anything on her, nothing has yet been decided. She will be elf...it is human that is not decided. Asella wants some dolls to be only her handmade, so she thinks very carefully about who, what, how and what color..
      No, gray elf is done, and ordered as is...no change for her. So she will be the rarest of all!
    10. An elf rhubarb \o/
      I do have one, but the first version with the very pointy ears ^^

      Thanks a lot for answering, now we'll just have to wait for an official update (and start putting money aside for my part XD).
    11. Woot woot! I thought that the elf version was the regular version, but then I wasn't sure. Glad that's straightened out ^_^
    12. I just LOVE Radicelle and I think I may have to get her,but the idea of being able to get Rhubarbe... I hope that she will be available!
    13. I agree: Radicelle is very adorable and soooo tempting, but I'd really adore a WS Rhubarbe!
    14. I really want the dark skinned raspberry so bad but with the no layaway available I can't get her. :(
    15. I'm umming and ahhing about getting a White Skinned Raspberry, or holding out for the Normal Skin human if they come about in the future. I think I do prefer the White Skin though. It's so ethereal and pretty and it doesn't look too white with the blushing. (plus I have a WS Serendipity Alice who was paper white (now slightly cream) and I loved her colour (well, still do but the paper white was gorgeous) ).
    16. Rinoa, normal skin has already been done in human...so she is not going to be done again to my knowledge.

      Oh and on Rhubarb...it will be sometime. Factory is now closed until March for the Asian holidays. April/May is the earliest we will even have samples.
    17. Will you let us know here when you'll know in which color skin the elf rhubarbs will be available ? (I don't want to seem too obsessed with them, but the elf rhubarb is my n°1 favorite !)

      Ah I'd want a Radicelle too.. Guess I'll have to make money somehow x)
    18. Oh, Asella doesn't rerelease the same colour later? I could have sworn white skin was sold before, but maybe my memory is failing me. :sweat Ah well, I really do love the white skin more!
    19. Just a thought for those who really really want elf or different colors. How about ordering it directly from Asella? Of course it won't be exactly the same quality as factory made but you would get fantasy colors and/or elf ears :). My blue elf Rhubarbe is currently leaving France and I expect to have it here on Tuesday. Wait is quite long but I guess if that's what you really want it is worth it :). For me example I will not order these dolls from jpop because why would I pay customs for European doll that I can get directly from artist herself? And I get to choose skin color, bust and ears! This is just my opinion and everyone makes their own decisions :).
    20. Well normaly the elf version was limited to orders made only during Ldoll 2, and Asella has been so busy I never bothered to ask x)