1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Nyxy's Creations tinies discussion

Jan 7, 2017

    1. A thread to discuss Luna the bat, Silk the spider and any other tinies I make that are on topic here!
      #1 Nyxy, Jan 7, 2017
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2019
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    2. This is my first time hearing about your dolls! I love your little bat--and so many pretty resin colors, too! :D Will you be taking more orders/preorders in the future?
    3. Oh goodness I am so freaking excited. I want to build a little perch but I think I have to wait untill she is here so I can fit it to her feet.
    4. I can't wait either!
    5. Yey! Luna is so adorable, hoping to chat with everyone who picked her up :)
    6. Oh a bat sounds great! Do you have any pictures of her right now?
    7. I've seen her on your tumblr, she is super adorable, great job! :)
    8. Awww yes. That's so great that we can talk about her here. Though I still need to see about making the Luna I pre-ordered her little extras. Ooops.
    9. I'm loving the preview up on tumblr of the light purple, I'm so glad I finally decided on that color <3
    10. Wow! Luna is lovely! Will you advertise your next pre-order session here? I'd love to order one!
    11. Just checked my tracking (again) and it looks like my pink bat will be arriving tomorrow. Yay!
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    12. Luuuucky, it's looks like my little purple one will be taking her time, lol. The 28th for me!
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    13. Oh my gosh I'm so glad she's arrived safely and that you like her @vicemage!
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    14. It was tough to not leave work early when the delivery notice came. I'm glad the office here can sign for packages so I don't have to wait! She definitely made it safely, and will get to show off a bit at the convention I'm attending soon.
    15. My girl unexpectedly showed up mere moments before I left go to my LARP game. Lol, so Luna will be meeting a bunch of werewolves today and I had to open her in the car. I love her! I'm also glad I went with the pearl resin, you sculpted her wing membranes so wonderfully thin it's semi transparent! *squeeeeee*
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    16. Oh cool @nissi_nirvani ! Seems like a good place for a little bat familiar XD I hope you have fun!
      I'm really glad you like the resin and sculpting!
    17. I hope to see more cute little bats here as I'm waiting for one now too. <3
    18. Been reluctant to do much with the Luna I got as she's a gift, but I couldn't resist a couple photos with the other part of the present which is her own little batcave. And since the giftee isn't a member here, I feel safe to share some of her posability that I discovered in the process with you. (I do have more pics, but I should probably make a project journal for those)

      She sits pretty great, as long as the surface isn't too slippery.

      She can cover her eyes nicely with her wings.

      And she can lounge, though this was one of the harder poses to get.

      @Nyxy I love her so much, I'm definately getting one of my own in the future!
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    19. Thank you for the pics! I am actually in the planning stages of making my bat a cave as well (with the hanging bar also!). So I'd love to see a project journal for it!