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Pipos Anthros Minuet and Hopen

May 8, 2012

    1. I like the image, too. Especially as I really needed to see what Minuet looked like without the wig. So now I have her on layaway. And I was thinking of a short mohair wig something like a mane for her. Nothing thick like the wig they have on her. Maybe someting like Hopenin's short wig. You can see the face better.
    2. I'm so excited to get my girl :P. I really do want the gift edition girl as well. Anyone know how gift edition works? I asked Pipos, but they misunderstood and told me the difference between the gift and limited...instead of the difference between basic and gift. Do gift versions "sell out"?
    3. I don't think the gift editions sell out. The last group of dolls they did - Wizard of Oz - has a gift Dorothy and she is still available. And I don't see much difference between a gift and a basic as they are pretty much a plain, nude doll with choice of face up or not. I do find it strange you have to buy the tail separately as all cats should come with tails. IMHO.
    4. I didn't realize that the tails are being sold separately - that's really odd. All cats should come with tails! I mean, it's a cat!
    5. It does seem a little odd, but I imagine there are people who wouldn't want a tail, so I do think it's nice to make it optional.

      If I had bought a Minuet (I'd been thinking of the B.Minuet and the temptation on that has fortunately passed), I had thought of making her a white Serval, in order to internally justify the size difference between her and my other kitties. I'd have actually had no use for the standard long tail, because I would have wanted to switch it out for their small/short tail.
    6. I didn't even realize they had small tails for Hopen and Minuet! I did see a little deer doll and he had the cutest little brush of a tail! But it wouldn't go with a cat and probably can't even be bought separately. I'll have to go look for a small tail for Minuet. I do appreciate that they had the tail for less as an option than if you bought it separately. And most of the pics in the limited editions were without tails. I guess I just can't imagine a cat without a tail.

      Have a wonderful day!
    7. Well, the small tail I was thinking of isn't specifically for those pair, but Pipos offers it as one of their option parts. I don't know exactly how it would look on them, but I thought it would be a cute alternative to the long, thin tail that comes standard.
    8. Oh, an option part. Well if you wanted a shorter tailed cat that would be the way to go. I haven't decided exactly how to dress my Minuet yet, so don't know what I'll do with her tail. But I wanted to have one for her because I have never seen a cat without a tail. I would really like to turn it sideways - if possible- so I could simulate it wrapping around her feet. I'll have to see when she gets here.
    9. It mentions in the Pipos site manual that the head girth for Minuet is 19.2cm. Would it be safe to say she would wear 7/8 wigs from other sites? Or would she be 6/7?
    10. Heartplace - that comes to 7.6", so I'd definitely think a 7/8 would be the way to go.
    11. You know, my Charlotte has a tail and so did my Kivi, and I never use the tails. They seem to get in the way or take up too much room. LOL!
    12. Oh wow, her head sure doesn't look like a 7/8! My pullips fit that and I'm shocked that her head must be the same size. Still, it's easier to find 7/8" wigs than 6/7". I'm really tempted to purchase her. I loved the LEs, but with Minuet being able to wear wigs, I'm way more swayed by her.
    13. The time frame for these, according to Pipos when I ordered, was less than two months. They should be shipping very soon! I can't wait for her to come, and to see everyone's spam.

      I did order her boots, but haven't wanted to sew without actually having her with me....I am excited! Already 'know' who she is!
    14. Has anyone got a shipping notice yet?
      I still have two payments to go >_>
    15. Got the shipping notice yesterday!! She is on an airplaine, according to EMS....
    16. Woo hooooooo! SO cool moogie602!!!!
    17. Thanks. Have been following the tracking, and she made it to the post office in NYC!!! We are out in the middle of nowhere, though, so I am not sure she will get here before the holiday on Wednesday:(. She has boots, shoes and 2 wigs, but nothing to wear, because I am not sure of the size, and didn't want to waste energy on something that would not work. If she comes by Tuesday, I have a chance to sew on Wednesday, because I have the holiday off, but if not, will be a long time until I have a day where I can actually sew because of work, school, and life....
    18. Any arrivals yet? I am so excited to see owner pictures of these.
    19. Soooooo...did she arrive? :D
    20. She's home, and lovely! More orangey than i thought she would be, and, not done by Doschul, although I thought that was on the original offer I bought from. My issue is that I don't quite understand the photo board thing--I only take pics with my phone...be glad to email anyone a pic...

      At this time, because on top of everything else in life (or, more aptly, because of it), I broke a toe, and am not moving real well, all she has to wear is an "easy cheaty yukata" from the directions of the same name--but it does have a fancy obi with knots and bows...

      Again, be glad to email pics...
