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Pipos Anthros Minuet and Hopen

May 8, 2012

    1. Ohhhh Penne I might have to take you up on that, if you want I could help you post a picture on here.
      I am just super excited to see owner pictures of these.
    2. I did take her up on it...and she is soooooo cute!!!!! *grabby hands*
    3. Is this where one can ask abou Pipos cats too? Or is there another thread? I am very interested in the upcoming release of the lavendar and blue Ringo kitties on July 25. I have two Charlottes but they were bought here on the Marketplace. What do others think of these colors? I want one of each color as pets for my off topic Lilac Layla and for my Blue Koneko by Kaye Wiggs.

      If I am in the wrong place will someone kindly direct me to where to go?

    4. I absolutely love Minuet! I'm so excited that they finally released some MSD anthros! :D
    5. I love the of kitty tails too! I have my two Charlottes' tails stored away and Kivi's too. Also, my Luna Tamer Chimera has a great giant whip of a tail. And my blue Koneko's tail is rarely used either. I don't take any of them out often because I don't trust the magnets. I MUCH prefer the tail of my off topic Mushroom Peddler Grin the Cat. He has a hole at the base of his spinal area for his bushy tail that fits nicely and is very secure.
    6. I also am very interested in the release of lavender and blue kitties! ^^ I requested that they consider making Minuet available in lavender next! They said they would let the production people know. I'm sure if more people request it, they will consider it all the more, hehe... If Minuet ever becomes available in lavender, I will pounce on purchasing immediately!
    7. Now that the new summer event at pipo's I am desperate to see some owner pictures of Minuet. Please please please someone show me what these are like in person so I can just decide on getting one or not. :sweat
    8. Your girl is gorgeous Goldie! Wow!!!!

      I'm still waiting >_>
    9. Goldie she looks amazing! I would love to see more of her with a wig as well (saw the ones on your flickr) I would love to pick your brain a bit about the body a bit posability and stuff. But she looks so good! I love the face up! She looks very much like the pipos pictures but still a bit better :lol:
    10. Thank you, Britt. I found the perfect color for her and will post that for you to see, too. But you are getting a full set Minuet aren't you?

      Thank you, Lady White Raven. I have added another pic for you and Britt to see. I am happy to answer any questions you have about her, too. Well, I can't take any credit for the face up! And I think one reason she looks a bit better than the Pipos Pictures is that the wig I have on her is better than the one they used. I'm not a great photographer, but she is easy to take pics of. If you want to know about posability, I can take pics of her in some poses for you. Just let me know what you are interested in.

      Have a great weekend!

      Oh, and she is wearing clothes for the fashion doll I collect, too. They just made this doll in a resin version, too. Her name is Ellowyne and I hope it is ok to say so as she is now a resin BJD, too.

      blue green close up by Goldie613, on Flickr
    11. I love looking at the new pictures...She does dress well! And, for some reason, does look wonderful as a blonde, but can also be gorgeous in red or brown! I have done her up as steampunk/Firefly-ish and in a yukata (not been a good girl--playing instead of doing what I am supposed to do...and find her fun to sew for, easier than a yo size...although it takes more fabric)

      Yes guys, I have got to learn to post pics...

    12. Yes, moogie, you need to learn to post pics! Love to see what you are doing with your Minuet and in the different wigs and all. Oh, and your shoes that just slip on as opposed to my shoes that are attached to another pair of feet!

      In general, I chose blonde as I am trying to make it look like her own fur. So today she got her new mohair wig and it looks really cute and fur like on her. I haven't sewn for her yet as I have a few other projects ahead of her. That is why I dressed her in what I had. I do like her in the blue green and will use that color for her when I decide what she is going to wear. I think I will have to drape a few things to see what she wants to wear. In the meantime she is wearing the blue green as the color is so good on her. So here she is in her new wig. Hope you all like it!

      soft curls by Goldie613, on Flickr
    13. Wow!!! I love her in blonde :). Such a cutie!!

      Moogie602- Photobucket is extremely easy to use! They give you the little links and everything and you can simply click and then paste here. If you set up a photobucket account I would be happy to help you figure out posting pictures. You can pm me if you ever want to :)
    14. Britt, thank you very much. I quite like her as a blonde, too. When are you due to get your Minuet?

      Have a great day!
    15. I hope I will get her soon! LOL!!! It's killing me!
      *biting nails*
    16. Gee, I hope you will get her soon, too! I know just how hard waiting is, too. Hey, don't bite your nails, you may need them to defend yourself from her claws! LOL!

      Have a great day!
    17. Such a pretty kitty! Though what would be the advantages/disadvantages of having the ears solid/magnetic?
    18. Personally I think that the advantage/disadvantage is mostly personal preference.
      The one piece (solid) looks better without a wig, and if you do want to add a wig it would have to be modified quite a bit for it to work. However the magnets are better for if you do plan on having a wig on the doll I think.
      I really love the pictures so far. I am still debating on what to do. I promised myself that I would buy my MNF first and then decide on if I want one of these. But the limited time order grey skin sound soooooo good to me. >_<
    19. My girl is being held hostage by customs >_>