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Pipos Anthros Minuet and Hopen

May 8, 2012

    1. OOO! am loving all the pictures! Agree that blonde is a good color for her! I am so sorry your girl is being held up! I don't have any time to play with mine, but have her box open on my bedroom chaise, and just enjoy looking at her!
      Yes, I do need a photo account! Will work on it!
      By the way, what kind of stand are people using for her?
    2. Ah, so there is a thread for these lovely kitties =^-^= I knew there had to be one somewhere.

      I've been waiting on a gift ed. Minuet and Hopen since starting a layaway back in June. After a long wait from completing my layaway back at the start of August I have just had an update from Pipos in the past couple of days to say my kitties will be arriving some time mid October now :shudder
      They will be joining my Dearmine Priscilla as part of the cat-anthro portion of my doll family =^-^=
    3. just ordered minuet. in another forum someone postet, that she had just ordered charlotte and i have to look at their page. i could not resist. she's so cute and I'm happy to get a hand on her
    4. Congrats, Rin Yhun! Did you order the Gift Edition set Minuet or the new G. Minuet?
    5. I'd love to see those two next to Priscilla!
    6. @Jen
      i ordered the G.Minuet (but i had to look on the page haha)

      what does the "G" mean?
    7. My guess is that it's referring to the fact she's in Pipos' grey resin. In that case, big congrats. I'd love to see how this gorgeous girl looks in grey. I love Pipos' grey, already having my Star Cheshire, Charlotte & Dali in this colour.

      Me too...can't wait for my shipping notice. It's starting to drive me nuts as I know it could be any time in the next few weeks now based on what I've been told:shudder
    8. My guess is that it's referring to the fact she's in Pipos' grey resin. In that case, big congrats. I'd love to see how this gorgeous girl looks in grey. :D love Pipos' grey, already having my Star Cheshire, Charlotte & Dali in this colour.

      Me too...can't wait for my shipping notice. It's starting to drive me nuts as I know it could be any time in the next few weeks now based on what I've been told:shudder
    9. I am wondering if anyone ordered the original Limited Hopen as I was really looking forward to seeing owner pics of him. I have been looking everywhere for something like his gorgeous tails suit or a pattern for one I can adjust / customise myself.
    10. As Pipos had said approx. ETA for my Minuet and Hopen would be mid-October I am finding myself obsessively checking my order status daily for any update. I recently received my absolutely gorgeous 20mm handmade glass taxidermy eyes from Tohickon Glass so now I am even more excited to receive my kitty siblings!
    11. Still going nuts waiting for my kitties to ship out. *_* Aaaany day now :shudder
    12. Finally received my shipping notice on Monday and my Kitties just landed at Sydney airport this morning! :kitty1
      Hopefully not too much longer now...fingers crossed.
    13. my madame is here in customs now. have to wait till snail-post send me my letter...
    14. I know it's somewhat belated as I've had this gorgeous pair home now for a couple of weeks but here is Abby and Simeon, my Minuet and Hopen siblings. :kitty1


      I'm absolutely love both mmy lovely new MSD cats but I do have to admit the PO13 body used for the M.Pi cats is very kicky. These guys have wonderfully poseable double jointed arms and then Pipos goes for very long single jointed legs..so naturally the legs age going to be very kicky. I would have loved double jointed legs to match the poseability of the arms.
      Looks like the legs will need some serious sueding as I can definitely say it's not a stringing issue.
    15. my "madame mim"
      love her so much. i wish she would have a hopen on her side one day

    16. She is lovely! Enjoy her.
    17. "madame mim" She is so beautiful!
    18. Just wanted to try and liven up this thread!
      I started my layaway for a Cranberry Lavender Minuet. :love Went ahead and added in the beast hands and tail, since it's a special color and I might not be able to get them later.
      No faceup, since she'll be painted by MilMascaras. :aheartbea

      I'm so stupidly excited to get her, especially since I couldn't find ANY blank pics of this mold anywhere.