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Pipos' Majestic Line 70cm boys, human and anthro

May 26, 2014

    1. JAS101: I picked the A type, for the same reasons as Lady Ravenswood. ^_^

      It's true that the promo shots all show a similar angle... I like the idea of the ruffled collar! I actually thought about giving mine a high collar shirt and a cravat, Victorian style. I'm not too worried anyway as I usually prefer proportions with smaller heads. I also count on the big beast hands to make the body a little less human.
    2. Same here! When I checked a few hours ago there were only two left of the limited Raven. It will be lots of fun to see when they start showing up :) .

      It's actually the first time for me getting a doll with makeup. I did ask about ordering mine blank since I prefer doing the make up on my own. It turned out it wasn't possible to order him without makeup (Pipos were super nice about it and I fully respect their company policy about the limited dolls) but fortunately I really like the look he has in the photos so I decided to buy him.

      That's very cool Lady Ravenswood and Lochness! It will be great to see how they look with the different bodies. I like both types but picked the B type for the opposite reasons since I like less joints and more muscles :sweat. I think it is great of Pipos to let us choose body type even on such a limited version of the doll.

      Right now I'm planning what style of clothes he is going to have :). I have a few ideas but I need to do som research and see what I can find.
    3. That is interesting to know about the faceup. All of my dolls have a faceup by me at this point…so I imagine some time in the future Mr. Hyde will too. I do like the default though, so I didn't really worry too much over there being no option to purchase him blank. Hehe.

      I know exactly the outfit I would like to get for him…but all my "budget" went to the doll, so I'll just have to wait and hope that I can get it down the road. ::crosses fingers::
    4. There are 2 BJDs in my gang that I didn't paint: Naoka (Dollmore Judith) and Tok[sic], my Pipos Cheshire. I think it's thematic... His faceup is absolutely amazing, and looks a lot like Mr Hyde's. I did change it a bit, and Naoka's too, so it's very likely that Mr Hyde gets a few touch ups.

      I also sent all my money to Pipos, so he'll have to wear what I own or what I can sew. It's ok, though: I've been looking for excuses to start sewing again! I love the black shirt he comes with anyway... (not quite sure how well it matches the gray suit pants, but we'll see!)
    5. And now there's only one more left! I didn't realize that until I saw your post, JAS, about there only being two left, and then ran back to check.
      I got the B body because I like the unbroken view of the lower torso, and the extra veins in the arms and legs.
      Yup, my kitty's likely gonna be wearing that default outfit for a while! XD I did finally get a sewing machine recently, and I'm beginning to learn it's language.
    6. Yay, more fellow Mr. Hyde owners. ^__^
      Welcome, pull up a chair. There's cake. :bcake
      ::passes out cake to everyone::
    7. For some reason, I think my Mr. Cat will really enjoy cake... especially the type with light whipped cream on top! ^_^
    8. Hehe, I can just imagine it stuck to the end of his whiskers! :kitty2
    9. ....and paws... subsequently tracked throughout the house! ;)
    10. Hahaha! Since I picture him as quite the finicky aristocrat, I can only imagine the lengths to which he would go to eat properly... only to fail every time to hide the evidence of his secret passion for desserts. =^_^=
    11. That's…such a cute idea!! Here. Have more cake! :pcake
      Hehe. ^_~

      Sooo…I ended up buying the outfits I had my eye on for my Mr. Cat after all. Ooops. He's going to look so dapper once he arrives.
      ::comforts crying wallet::
    12. Ooooo! You'll have to share pictures! That really is a nice outfit set. I keep going back and eyeing it all.

      Lochness, you'll have to be sure and give him a handkerchief to put in his pocket to help "hide" the telltale evidence... ~_^
    13. Lady Ravenswood: Which outfit did you get, if you don't mind me asking?

      Aernath: The handkerchief is a great idea!

      I can't wait to see how different all the cats will look once they arrive...
    14. It was this one. ^__^
      Actually I got him two outfits…but the other one, it was the last one, so it doesn't show up anymore.

      I'm so excited for him to arrive! He's going to have to try on all the outfits. :dance
    15. Oh~ niiiice! He's really gonna look majestic in that outfit. ^_^

      I can't wait to try all sorts of outfits on my cat too... I unfortunately don't own much in his size, but he might give a completely new look to old pieces, or inspire me to use some pieces of fabric that are just waiting for inspiration. So far, I picture him as really noble and a little stiff, but his attitude might be completely different in person... He could be an ever-wandering gentleman with a folkloric Eastern European look or a sly alley cat who tries to appear more successful than he really is... I'm excited just thinking about the possibilities! XD
    16. Thank you! Haha, all my male dolls seem to end up in suits or Victorian-esque uniforms with gold buttons. ^_~
      I love to sew for my dolls…but I'm terrible when it comes to men's clothing, so I'm happy enough to buy them a couple changes of something nice. I have two other outfits in this size. One I managed to make myself, and the other is what my other doll of this size wears allllll the time so…I decided it would be best not to steal it.

      I think I'm going to name my cat "Janus"…at least that's the plan for the moment.
      What are people thinking on names for their cats? ^_^
    17. Ah! I thought you were eyeing the Pipos outfits! :doh I like that band uniform too. It's a very nice look!

      Hmmm... you know, I haven't given thought to a name yet. I usually wait until they arrive before trying that, though sometimes they tell me ahead of time.
      I just got in Soom's Crow and named him Djak, so I could go with Djill.... but the Pipos cat man is very masculine, so I'm sure he would not be amused to be a tomcat named Djill. ;)
    18. I'm really not sure how my Mr. Cat will be named either... I guess I'll know only when I meet him, as it'll depend a whole lot on who he turns out to be. If he's the fussy nobleman I'm expecting, I think he'll end up with a collection of first names and a nearly equally impressive list of surnames... only to end up with a short, quirky nickname. XD
    19. Mine doesn't have a name yet either. I'm having a few ideas but nothing that's stuck yet.

      I have a pretty clear idea for the style I want for him but have also promised myself to not go spending a lot of money on clothes before the layaway is done. So hopefully the items I have in mind will still be available later on :)

      It will be great to see once everyone starts to get their dolls and the various styles for them :)
    20. Hehe, no worries. The Pipos outfit is quite nice too. ^__^

      I take a long time to think of names, so I'm trying to get a head start! I'm not too dead set at this point, as maybe it won't fit once he arrives, but it does help me to think about character possibilities for him. But yes, I can't wait for them to start arriving either. :chocoheart