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Pipos' Majestic Line 70cm boys, human and anthro

May 26, 2014

    1. My grey soom Pussinboots was easy to name - I just named him after our big grey cat Timothy, who goes by TIMMY!
      But our other cat is all tiger stripey, so I'm going to have to actually work and come up with a name for Pipos grey cat. lol
    2. Ah! I'm so antsy for my cat-man-du. :kitty1
      (Ha ha, that's what I default to calling him. Has anyone else here seen the animated film called "The Triplets of Belleville"? I always sing it in the tune of the theme song from that film.)
      I know it's only been half the listed waiting time, but I can't help logging in and checking my order status. ^.^"
    3. Oh~ yes! With the movie song, it's purrrrfect! (sorry, I can't resist old cat puns...). Now I can't stop humming it... and I didn't even click the link yet! XD

      I keep thinking about potential names for Mr. Cat... Here are the most promising ones, so far:

      - Louis-Albert - rather sober, but fitting for a somewhat archaic nobleman, I think. (If he wishes to sound like a French aristocrat. Or even an Earthling at all.)
      - Za'atar - Taken from the delicious Middle-Eastern herb mix.

      The following ones are all inspired by my job at a liquor store:

      - de Meyrac - From the name of a French white wine
      - Vacqueyras - A wine appelation
      - Muscadelle / Cinsault / Sémillon / Mauzac / Muscardin / Amaral / Alvarinho / Diolinoir - All of them are types of grapes, but would work great imo as either first or last names.

      I wish he could already be here to inspire me!
    4. Oh! The liquor names are fantastic. I'm quite partial to de Meyrac (as a name, don't know the wine). Hehe.
    5. Thank you~ I didn't think there were so many possibilities surrounding me at work until I was there, one day, waiting for customers and thinking about Mr. Cat. ^_^
    6. I love the idea of Liquor names! Also I wish that type B body had the extra joint but it's so beautiful I think I could live without it. I accidentally stumbled upon pipos via a dealer site because I didn't know they sold humans until now but they're so beautiful it's exciting!
    7. IpLemons: Thank you! ... and did you manage to resist the call of the human Pipos so far? :3
    8. No I havent :O The way my doll funds work is that I have a fund split between multiple things I want and this is added to the current split ;-;.... resistance is futile....that B body is too beautiful....I must hyrbid it ;_;.... it was the hips and the little hip veins that stole my heart
    9. Yesssssssssssss! :drool
    10. I really love the detail they put into the new doll body (though I can't tell how much is the paint job - which I'm not even sure you get buy)
      and the face sculpt for the anthro is like a more mature Derek! I love it! ugh.. but 70cm is way too big for me XD;; I can't imagine having a doll that big, let alone the $700 it would cost… I hope maybe they will update their small anthro dolls to have this mature look as well

      only thing… from the picture posted earlier, the head of the anthro doll looks way too small for the body. Like his head was shrunk. It looks fine in the official photos though.. be curious to see it in owner photos
    11. Yes! The body is lovely. It definitely fits nicely in that little hole I had for an SD17. ^_~

      I imagine the head will look much like the photos from the event earlier in this thread. They seem to have made them based off of regular SD-head proportions. Which is to say that the head is larger than a regular SD-head, but not nearly so large as the heads of smaller anthros as compared to their bodies.
    12. Yeah, the event photo is what I was looking at. The human head size looks perfectly normal, it's just the anthro ones that look bizarre
    13. Hehe, I think it has to do with Pipos' tiny anthros and many, many tiny anthros having a very chibi aesthetic. Their heads are almost as wide as their shoulders, and are very big top to bottom as well. It makes them look very young and cute and that is what we are used to seeing in the BJD hobby when we see an animal-headed anthro (animal-headed anthros are quite hard to find in SD-sizes!). But Mr. Hyde has a more mature aesthetic, as you said (I love it as well. ^_^), so I can see why they decided to go for a smaller head. I wonder if what really throws the eye is that they did make it bigger than a standard SD head side to side, but it is still in the same proportions top to bottom (not counting the ears)?

      I'm ok with it because I keep telling my brain that those are the proportions I should expect of him. Hehe, I don't know if that quite makes sense? I guess just that I don't expect him to be chibi. ^_~
    14. I had never heard of this company as am still very much a newbie - but will definately look into the larger size guys as they look quite wonderful
    15. I got a shipping notice!!! I got a shipping notice!!!

    16. oh wow, really?? man, I was thinking of breaking down and ordering one, but I want to see other people's dolls!
    17. I really wasn't expecting it yet! My jaw dropped when I saw the email. Hehe. Aw yeah, so excited!!
      I'll be sure to post of photo of him in his dapper clothes too. ^___^
    18. Awesome! Congratulations! We'll definitely be looking forward to photos! ^_^
      I figured it would be a few more weeks yet.
    19. Is he the anthro or the human?
    20. Mine is the gray version of the anthro. :kitty2

      I figured I shouldn't even let myself really start to think about him being ready until mid-next month. Er…not that I really was doing that great of a job at not thinking about it…but you know… ^.^