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Pipos' Majestic Line 70cm boys, human and anthro

May 26, 2014

    1. Nice! Can't wait to see.

      yeah, I missed out on the grey one but I actually like the NS a lot :3
      at first I thought the grey skin one was super expensive but I did the math for adding in the suit to a NS and it was actually quite a bit cheaper to get the LE set ! Lol. The beast hands are pretty much free .
    2. Wow~ Lady Ravenswood! This is wonderful~ :kitty1

      I was hoping they would start shipping around mid-August, but wasn't really expecting any news before mid-September. I'm so used to companies being behind schedule, this is incredibly good news!

      And yeah... I told myself I wouldn't think too much about Mr. Cat, but this is pretty much impossible! :sweat

      Bears: I did the same calculations! XD With the face-up, outfit, extra hands, special color and free shipping offer, his price was rather reasonable.
    3. Wow, free shipping? @_@

      yeah, I really wanted the shirt and pants for the NS boy, but with a faceup too, it's already $740. I'm going to try and find some indie clothes instead, lol.
    4. I got a shipping notice too!!!! :dance

      It was hidden in my spam folder. :doh

      I'm so excited I had to retype pretty much every letter of this message twice. I guess I'm just hitting the keyboard randomly and hoping words will appear. Weeeee~
    5. Oooo! Congratulations! :cheer
      I dug through my spam and nope, no shipping notice. Not yet. But then I was one of the last ones to order, so I'll likely be last to get shipped. ^_^ I'm good with that. I will eagerly watch your arrivals!
    6. Yay, another shipping notice! So exciting. :hug:

      Well, they seem to be rolling right along with these guys, so I'm sure you'll see yours soon too, aernath. ^__^

      ::bounces around the room some more::
    7. Congratulations to the shipping notices! I finnished my layaway perhaps three weeks ago. I figure the layaway will probably delay my shipping notice a bit, but that's totally okay.
    8. [​IMG]


      Um, my cat arrived this morning. Hehe.
      Not so great photo, yay!
      I haven't even really finished unpacking him yet but I got him all dressed up and here is a photo for you all. ^__^

      In answer to earlier questions…
      He has double jointed knees and elbows.

      In person his head is really quite big, so it doesn't look off at all. Like seriously, it's huge.

      He comes with gorgeous gray glass eyes, but I switched them out already. They are held in with sculpy, so if that bothers you, get your eye putty of choice ready.

      His joints are nice and stiff and he's strung tightly out of the box so he can stand like a champ with knees bent and all kinds of stuff.
      He can slouch. ^__^
      His beast hands are MASSIVE. So they will not play nicely with clothes. You'll have to remove them a lot to change him…and they are sort of difficult to remove… T.T

      I realized after I took this photo that I had that tail! It's mellowed out enough that it almost matches him, it's just a bit lighter. Oh yeah! ^_^

      Oh, and his resin is sooo nice. Mmmmm.

      So yes, if anyone has questions, just let me know and I can try and answer them until you get your own cats to play around with. ^__^
    9. Oh WOW! He looks awesome in that outfit! Very classy and ready to hit the town! NICE!
      You're right, everything looks good from here, proportion-wise. Yay!
      Now I'm getting excited again! ^___^
    10. I'm so in love with him! :chocoheart


      Here's another outfit. I can't help posting more, he has so many dapper clothes I can't decide. ^_~
      Oh, and he's wearing his tail in this one.

      The clothing from Pipos is super nice too! The pants are very well fitted and have a real button closure. The black shirt has a high collar and a separate ruff which he's wearing above (er, you can't really see it...).

      Ha ha ha, and I realized I'm silly. The opening in his wrist balls is more of an oval, so you can rest the s-hook there and change out the hands. Much easier! I couldn't see that when I tried to change them out the first time (and he doesn't come with any kind of manual), so just FYI.
    11. Wow. Just WOW.

      Lady Ravenswood, he looks amazing~ The proportions seem perfectly balanced and I love the big white shoes you got him: they match the size of his hands while looking quite classy. <3

      Oh~ Now I *really* can't wait to see mine! He was released from customs earlier today. :dance
    12. Ah! So he does come with a tail? I was wondering about that.

      omg, his head is perfect size, not freaky small, lol. and though I'm not a huge fan of what they did with the beast hands, I think they look better in your pictures than in the stock photos. He looks A-MAZING!

      You are just killing me. ><;;; Now I want the NS cat even more..
      I would love to know where you got those clothes
    13. Bears: Sorry... he doesn't come with a tail... If I remember what she wrote earlier, it's from IH Luna Tamer. ^_^

      ...And my Cat arrived today!!!! I was actually talking about checking Canada Post's website for updates... when the bell rang! That was the most timely coincidence! :dance

      I don't have any pics yet (I had too much fun playing with him to think about taking snap shots ^_^; ), but my Cat is just as amazing as I was hoping he would be. <3

      Thanks so much Lady Ravenswood for the trick to remove his hands more easily!

      He poses really well, stands solidly and slouches wonderfully! My only complaint is that I find it difficult to activate the double joint in his arms. You need to pull the peanut out of its socket and lock a notch in place, but almost 9 times out of 10, it takes less than a second for the peanut to pop out and slide back inside its socket. The tenth time, though, I manage to get a solid pose. Maybe there's something I haven't figured out yet... or maybe there's just too much tension on his elastic.

      I'm considering repainting his face-up since he's just so inspiring, but I hesitate... Once I remove it, I can't get it back. 0_0

      Oh! Remember how I came up with all sorts of fancy names for him? So far, he wants to be called Rat. That's unexpected.
    14. Haha! Oh that would be grand though: a cat called Rat! ^__^
    15. Yay, another cat arrived! Hehe, Rat would be a funny name. My husband has decided mine should be called Alfonso Cat? :sweat

      Oh and sorry about the confusion on the tail, Bears! Lochness is correct, it is the tail from Iplehouse's Luna Tamer. I just happened to have one and thought this would be the perfect opportunity to use it since he doesn't come with one.
      The two outfits and shoes are from Volks.

      Hehe, I super loved those shoes as soon as I saw them! I'm glad you like them too, Lochness. ^__^
      They do give him that big feet, big hands look. I had the human hands on him at first, and took a photo, but when I looked at the photo I just suddenly felt that they were too small compared to his head or something, so I changed to the HUGE beast hands. The human hands are really lovely too though.

      As for the elbows, I haven't found a trick to them yet. I also have the same problem where they just pop back into the arm. Hehe, I don't think I've even been as studious in trying to get them to hold. I tried about three times and then just shrugged and got him dressed instead. ^.^
      I'm glad the hand thing came in handy though! I felt pretty silly when I noticed that after struggling with them so much earlier. XD

      Ah! I really am very happy with this guy. He's really a nice doll and I just love his aesthetics. :chocoheart

    16. Ooooo, thank you for the closeup of his face! ^__^ Nice to see all the faceup details.
    17. He has beautiful, fine brush strokes that make up his faceup. All long, dark ones over the patches of blushing, and delicate red ones to define his mouth, and cute little white ones on the top of his nose. I enjoy just looking at them all and appreciating the hand control. Hehe. ^_~

      My camera sort of goes all grainy up close, but it will be something to enjoy once yours arrives, aernath. ^___^

      (Er&#8230;but I'm sort of in the same boat where some part of me itches to do my own faceup. >.<)
    18. It's the beautiful, fine brush strokes that make me hesitate too! >_<;

      I drew a little face-up sketch at work and I'm quite proud of my ideas... though for good results, I would need great symmetry and lines as fine as the ones the Pipos artist painted. :eek:
    19. Oooo! Ooo! Ooo! :dance I just got shipping notice on my grey boy! :dance Like, six minutes ago! lol
      I'm guessing he'll be here early next week. ^__^
    20. I got my shipping notice today as well.

      Also noticed that there is a note on Pipos site about which dolls that will be sold on august and september... and a grey basic Raven is mentioned...... I can't help but wonder if that means the same doll as the limited one will be available without makeup. If that is the case I will be very disapointed since the only reason I purchased the limited one with makeup (didn't want any makeup) was because I thought the grey skin was for the limited one only...