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Pipos' Majestic Line 70cm boys, human and anthro

May 26, 2014

    1. Thank you very much for showing comparison photos :thumbup!

      What you show is what I was expecting from Pipos: You can tell there might have been a seamline but it's all smooth to the touch and if applying any shadows or fur patterns on the body of the doll the line would no longer be visible at all. This is not the case with mine. He's not smooth to the touch at all when feeling across the seams. I work quite a bit with resin kits on my free time and my Raven feels, in many places, like a resin kit does before any work has been done.

      The spot is some sort of paint. I'm sure it can be removed but I need to get hold of supplies to safely do so first. I hope I might be able to go to the closest art store sometime this weekend or next.

      I looked at mine and I can't see any obvious issue with the stringing. I think it's a case of really needing to tighten the tension. The chest joint is the biggest issue so far since if I as much as move it he will move that joint... a lot. I'm sure it can be fixed and since I will have to disassemble him anyway to do the sanding I might as well test to tighten the strings. It is good to hear that he will be able to pose well when the string tension is right.

      I really want to be positive and like him... I mean he is a very pretty doll but unfortunately it feels like someone forgot a few steps when it comes to the finish and assembly on mine.
    2. Seams on Askerat look pretty much exactly like what Lady Ravenswood posted: nothing at all on one side of the torso, and a smooth surface on the other side, with a faint line. The arms and legs are smooth as well.

      I don't have any picture of his face-up, but it looked less intense than what your picture shows: the inside of the ears, for example didn't seem black near the point. The paint used was black, but it looked more like a dark gray since it wasn't opaque.
    3. Thank you very much for letting me know! This is very odd. I do wonder if it's because we picked different body types :?? As I recall you and Lady Ravenswood picked the A type right? And mine is the B type. I guess it shouldn't make any difference but it would be interesting to know if any of the ones with the B type bodies got smooth seams or if all of them are like mine. Mine literally have visible seam lines (the kind that aren't smooth) on both sides, both arms and both legs.

      Mine have really black ears on the inside. of course the dolls are hand painted so differences are bound to happen and that's cool. I was just surprised about the difference. Though I am getting used to it so it feels considerably better than it did yesterday . I do like the black around his eyes a lot. And I think it would look very cool if the back side of the ears were black too. It's something I consider doing when I paint my own makeup :kitty2.

      I have thought a lot about this and I wonder if would perhaps be a good idea to maybe try getting a blank head for him in grey skin. That way I could keep the limited makeup (I mean... I have it.... so I might as well keep it right?) and still do my own thing.
    4. Oh! I suppose there could have been different teams working on the two types of bodies. It seems a bit odd that they would finish them differently though! *_*

      In regards to the faceup, mine is also more a charcoal gray than black in the airbrushed parts (ears, side of eye).
      Hm, getting a new head to paint might be a great idea! I'm still a bit torn. I like the default, but I like to do my own faceups as well. I'll probably still just wait and see how the faceup holds out and if I need to re-do it, then I will have fun. ^_~
    5. Sorry! Got busy around here.
      I got the B type body, and his right side has no seam at all, and the left has a very small seam.
      [​IMG]Tom T. Cat - Pipos mb Raven by aernath, on Flickr

      The forehead part of the faceup does look a little darker than in the promotional photos, but I really love it! He freaked out one of my cats! lol I have him sitting on my desk next to the computer, and one of our real cats hopped up into my lap... and got spooked by the Pipos cat (Tom T. Cat, I think.)! He leaned in to sniff at it, but then jumped back, then warily eyed the doll... and then went away. XD
      Here's the faceup mine has: https://flic.kr/p/oN47Qm
      He came with light grey eyes, but I switched them out for these because they have a ton of detail in them.

      Oh! And I totally agree on the upper torso being a bit to eager to slip all over the place. Definitely needs some hot glue sueding. But then, most of my dolls this size need that as well. I'm pleased as punch with my guy!
      I hope you get yours sorted out! Sounds like he was a little bit rushed to get out the door.
    6. Hm, I wonder if the two body types pose differently then because the torso joint on mine is really stiff (I mean, I know they would just because they have a different number of joints but...like they both have that one). I have to physically lift it up to move it around.

      Also, cat photo! :kitty1


      Alfonso seems hungry.
    7. Hee hee hee! That's adorable! "Eenie, meenie, meiny, meow!"
    8. It's been a while since I posted here. Thanks a lot to everyone who offered pictures of their cats and the seamlines. It does appear that I got the "bad" one out of the 20 but there's nothing a little patience and sanding can't solve ;)

      Pipos have posted Pictures of the other grey cats now. I do have to say one of the makeup options is a little too similar to the "super limited" one in my opinion.... It's not identical of course but there certainly are strong similarites... The second one is very different and suits him well I think :kitty2.
    9. Has anyone gotten the humans?

      I'm interested in Midnight Crow and have been hoping to find some owner pictures.
    10. Hmm I'm a bit at a loss on what to do now. I'm sort of trying to decide if I should buy a blank head for Leo (Mr. Cat has a name) and keep the limited one untouched (just in case...) or if I hould simply remove the makeup. I know I am going to do some heavy kitty-hand modifications and that's also a bit of a tough one to decide on since to be honest I am not going to use the beast hands, but on the other hand I'm not sure if it's such a good idea to start messing around with the fullset pieces.

      I did add one of those little rubber discs to his neck joint today and that made a huge difference. I imagine that if something similar is done to the rest of his joints he will feel like a compeltely differnt doll and stop his bad habit of having his joints slip all over the place :sweat

      I don't know if anyone here has the human dolls. I do however agree with you that it would be great to see owner pictures. Hopefully someone will post pictures of Midnight Crow soon so you can see what he looks like outside of the company photos :)
    11. I just noticed that Pipos is having a grand event and giving free cat ears with a head purchase. I might just go for it and buy Midnight Crow @_@

      Do I even need cat ears? I dunno! But it's more stuff than if I buy it during no event.
    12. I'd also love to see some pics of Midnight Crow if anyone here has him already
    13. Got my Crow today.

      x_x all my other dolls have smaller eyes so I don't have anything that fits right now.

      He looks angrier in person, but it might just be because his eyes barely fit and he looks all death-glare-y.

      • x 1
    14. Heh heh. I like "all death-glare-y"! ^_^
      Congratulations! I love those big ears!

      Despite him coming with faceup and clothes, I still haven't gotten around to taking any dedicated photos of my boy.
      But here's one of him with the soom Puss in Boots (who definitely needs a faceup).

      [​IMG]C is for Curious Couple of Cats. by aernath, on Flickr
      • x 2
    15. Aernath: The lil' mousie doesn't seem all that comfortable with all those felines around!

      Zecarmisama: Thanks for the pic! I didn't like the human guys much, but seeing your blank head changes my mind... He really has interesting traits! He also looks a bit like the guy in your signature... is it a coincidence?
    16. The doll isn't meant to be the guy in my signature. He's my RP character Nick.

      Gotta start saving up money for the nice angora hair because nothing else does waves the way I like. His temp wig makes him look like a girl.

      Probably take a few more proper pictures after I get his new pair of eyes, then some face-upping.

      Also gotta save up for a body. I'm thinking about the Luts SDF type 3 body. Probably the most expensive body I've wanted to get (well, I also have a SSDF body, but I got it cheaper secondhand)... But I like the realskin brown color and also I want an immature looking body too. Too many dolls have six packs.... though I don't know why I care when my dolls are nearly never naked... But the character is a skinny thief who is more likely to be sleeping under tables than he is to be doing sit-ups.

      The cat ears are so fun. It doesn't really match any of my characters, but I've thrown cat ears on all of them. The only downside is that they apparently only paint the front of the ears. The back is totally white.
    17. Isn't that strange? They painted only the front of the big cat head's ears as well. It's on my to-do list to paint the backs.
    18. Hehe, at least it does give you somewhere you can grab to take the faceplate off.
    19. True dat. ^_^
    20. More pics of my Midnight Crow, for reference. >_> I know when I bought mine it was annoying there wasn't really much of a side view in the company photos. I think I might mod the nose a smidge for a rounder ball of the nose, or I might chicken out and leave it. https://www.flickr.com/photos/kaxen6/sets/72157648259119378/

      ...gosh my Dollzone Eye Putty and the Pipos head are bent on not sticking to each other. I can't figure out why. The putty shouldn't be too old, it sticks to my other dolls. He still looks kind of gappy with 16mm eyes. I guess silicone eyes or low dome eyes might work better. But some of the gappyness might be the eye putty being uncooperative.

      My opinion of the age this doll looks keeps swerving. Sometimes he looks 20-something and sometimes he looks like a skinny teenager with puppy eyes.