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Planetdoll 41cm, 43cm and 45cm Discussion Part 2

Nov 26, 2008

    1. Is there a thread for the 27cm PD dollies. Cause I just ordered. One. Thanks Wolfboy for the resin color tips.

      Oobiedoll hand NS(yellow in stock) and it's a perfect match to Hujoo's apricot color.
    2. Congratulations on your order, and you're very welcome:)! Hope the match is really nice when she arrives!
      Here's the link to the thread for the PD tinies, with the somewhat confusing title (in several ways): "PlanetDoll Mini Riz".
    3. Oh, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!! We missed their invitation!!!
      I think my Elyza would have been happy to come, I swear!!!
    4. Her invitation probably got lost in the mail!
    5. Thought I would share some spam of my girls.
      First is EsRayElla, she is a Dandy Head on a girl body with modded Elf ears... done by Napoleon_Chan her on DoA (and she did the lovely face up too)

      Then there is Saraphina
      She is a Tara with a lovely face up by Ahyu her on DoA
    6. So pretty! That's the first time I've seen Dandy as a girl! She looks great, though. And of course I have a soft spot for Tara.
    7. Dragonlovesdolls: Your girls are really lovely! I especially like your EsRayElla, she looks amazing and so adorable with those modded Elf ears! Always thought Dandy might make a cute girl too!
    8. Thanks cirquemom, when I received Tara I knew she needed a partner and I wanted a female that was a little bit larger and did not look just like her sister so the Dandy head was perfect...

      Thanks Wolfboy, Napoleon_Chan can do amazing things with resin. She is modding a PlanetDoll Roseann into a lovely Butterfly type creature right now.
      When Saraphina needed a partner we wanted someone who looked good with her but not like a sister and I have the HUGE PlanetDoll love so we tried this option. I think it worked out too. :)
    9. [​IMG]

      Katie says Hi! to the new girls and everyone else, after being away for the summer.
      She also wouldn't allow me to post any pictures here of the new PD boy who came to live with us, before she told you something!
      Here's what she had to tell you

      Edit: Sorry, guess she's a bit worn out from the shoot, but she's really happy to see you guys again!
    10. Katie's a cutie - cant wait to meet the new artistic ​ boy lol
    11. Dragonlovedolls, I love your gals!!
      They're particular! And I didn't know Dandy's head was so perfect for being a girl too!!
      Wolfboy, your Katie is lovely,indeed!! And I'm running to read your photostory about this mysterious lil' guy XD

      My Spam-turn


      I feel so mentally stressed lately, I'm playing so few with my dolls.. not only lack of time, I have no much will to take some shots when I'm back home for lunch.
      But Today, I just needed Elyza's company so I stealed her from May (who is hating me tonight XD) and I took some shots I've just modified & uploaded online.
      Man.. hope to be happier in the near future. I feel I really need to realize something and I'm just wasting my time so bad..
      >.> sorry for all these words XD
      keep spamming people!! These PD kids deserve attention!!
    12. I always love seeing Elyza and I love your photography. It is so perfect for such a moody girl!
    13. Thanks Samson, Elnuyn85 and Cirquemom for your kind words (both here and after Katie's 'message to the world').

      Elnuyn85: I just can't get enough of your gorgeous ghost girl. I've missed seeing her sad little face, please keep posting pictures of her! Roseanne's probably my favourite PD sculpt, and would love to have her in MSD size some day too (have her in the tiny version). Hope you feel happier soon. Good thing Elyza's there to keep you company while you feel like this!
      Dragonlovesdolls: Oh wow, can't wait to see Roseanne modded as a Butterfly creation! I'll have to check Napoleon_Chan out, love the work I've seen done by her from your pictures!

      Well, since Katie gave me permission to post pictures of the mysterious boy, here 'he' is. He doesn't speak, so we still don't know what his name is, that's why we've started to just call him "the boy" for now.
      Who are you, little boy?

      His face-up isn't totally finished, and this 6/7 inch wig is a bit on the small side, where the 7/8 version is a bit big. Will need to find him a wig cap.
    14. Thank you Cirquemom & Wolfboy for loving my Elyza ! You're so gentle!! and thanks for the virtual friendly support :P I really appreciate it ^^
      I'll try to take some shots of my girl often XD

      and The Boy 's so cute!!!Finally he shows himself to the world !!
    15. Cirquemom - What a lovely but sad photostory my girl (still has no name) says she wished she could have gone. She's never been to a tea party before.

      Dragonlovesdolls - Your girls are lovely and such a beautiful setting for them too!

      Wolfboy - Aw Katie and The Boy are so cute :) I love her fluffy hoodie. Has The Boy managed to let you know his name yet? Not sure how he'd be able to do that if he doesn't speak but I'm sure he can find a way :) when he's ready.

      Elnuyn85 - I love that picture of Elyza, the colours really set the mood and she looks so uncertain peering around the door.

      I've been wanting to take a photo of my girl for days now, but I can't find my camera! I'm desparate to find it now!
    16. I like calling him The Boy. I have an off-topic boy who ended up being called Green Boy (because of his green hair and eyes and outfit) by someone who fell in love with him (so I gave him to her, some things are just meant to be). Now I have a new boy (also OT) who has blue hair and eyes and so far his name is just Blue Boy. I think it's going to stick.
      Your boy reminds me of that wonderful song, "Nature Boy"- written and song by Nat King Cole, but also sung by Michael Jackson. Listen to it and see if you agree!!!
    17. Gosh this thread has gone quiet! I took a few pictures of Rebecca the other day so I'll post one tomorrow. (Shame on me that I'd forgotton that I'd named her that!) But yes she told me (again!) that her name is Rebecca!
    18. Yes, it has gotten really quiet! Everyone is busy, I guess. I'd love to see some spam, though. So hopefully someone will post some! I don't have any right now.
    19. dragonLovesDolls........your Modded Dandy is gorg. So unique