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Planetdoll 41cm, 43cm and 45cm Discussion Part 2

Nov 26, 2008

    1. Hey guys! Can anyone get me a measurement of the 43-cm girl body from the shoulder to the waist and the waist to the knee? (And can anyone get me some more spam?!)
      Thanks~! :)
    2. Sorry megpie252, can´t help with the 43 cm body.

      Thanks! I´ve been busy making new clothes including dresses for her. (Now all I need to do is convince to try them out: she´s such a tomboy ;))
      The Boy still hasn´t spoken yet, but we´re all learning sign language now! Hope you find your camera soon!

      I do however have a picture of The Boy.
      Yeah cirquemom, I think it´s going to stick with him too! Haven´t listened to that song yet, but I´m really intrigued by the title and going to see if I can find it tonight! (......Running off now that I can´t contain myself any longer.)
      Wow, just found it on You Tube (listened to a few interpretations and this is one of the ones I like) - Thanks so much!

      So... here´s my elusive nature boy
      As you can see he was giving me a hard time and kept wandering off. Maybe indoor shoots will be easier with him;)
    3. Wow, that is a fabulous version and thank you for introducing me to a new singer- never heard of her and just bought her CD with that on it! Also always thought Nat King Cole wrote that song, I guess not!
      And now I'll always think of The Boy when I listen to it! He's great. Maybe he and Katie have a special language, just like some twins do.
    4. That's wonderful! I'm glad you like that version so much.:)
      It's interesting to see how Katie is starting to get 'girlier' ever since The Boy came out of hiding. They seem to bond really well together, so who knows they might develop a special language together too. And they are more or less twins as well, arriving from PD at the same time!
      I'm getting more and more hopeful that she'll be willing to try on some of the dresses I've been working on lately. Before there was just no way she would, but now...;)
    5. Avery got some pictures today.

    6. Avery looks lovely :) Her eyes are so blue in that picture!
    7. Always happy to see Avery!
    8. I agree - Avery is a beauty x
    9. She's beautiful, Mirrin! Love all those matching subdued colors and then her striking blue eyes!
    10. Aw, thanks everyone! I never get enough pictures of Avery..
    11. Here's one of Rebecca in her new wig :)

    12. Aw, Pippin! She looks so cute!
    13. Cute, Pippin. It suits her.
    14. Working on shooting things in RAW and figuring out other techniques. Mitcham is the Guinea pig. Sorry for being missing for so long

    15. Great to see Mitcham! And I'm glad people are starting to post pictures again- there was quite a dry spell there. Can't really complain too much as I am guilty as well! Maybe this weekend I can get some new shots.
      And I ordered one of the OT mini-mermaids! So Vienna and Manouche will have a new fishy friend one of these days (not soon though because she's on layaway).
    16. @Maudib05 Mitcham looks cuter every time I see her :D
    17. Thank you all...she was super neglected
    18. Pippin: Rebecca looks adorable! Dolls with sad faces... I just love them!

      Maudib05: Good to see Mitcham again! I've enjoyed seeing all your great photo's elsewhere in the meantime, but really glad to see you here again too.

      And to add to the picture flow, here's one of The Boy where he was somewhat easier to keep still and pose ;)[​IMG]

      Again, I don't know what it is with me and sad faces, but PD's Emma sculpt might be their least sad looking one(?), anyway, I still felt the instant desire to take away more of Emma's happy expression, so I used the sculpt to create an autistic boy character...
    19. I love The Boy.
    20. I love The Boy