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Planetdoll 41cm, 43cm and 45cm Discussion Part 2

Nov 26, 2008

    1. *waves* I just adopted a HE Riz on the MP, she is ssoooo lovely! MSD dolls don't tend to last long here (I've sold all I've ever bought!), but she is perfect as the daughter of my DT girl and AiL boy :) I hope to find an OE Riz or Roseanne to adopt to be her twin :)

    2. Thanks everyone :)

      Maudib05 - Lovely to see Mitcham again - her dress is lovely :)

      Wolfboy - Aw I love The Boy too! I just want to give him a hug!

      Almaxaquotal - Congratulations on your new girl, she's beautiful! and welcome to the thread :)
    3. I'm really debating getting a Dandy right now. I need a tan boy and there's only so many companies with tan boys that look somewhat mature. Resinsoul is out because, well, I have most of their MSDs right now already, in tan even.. and the ones I don't have wouldn't suit the character. Iplehouse has tan, I like Iplehouse and have a boy from them that I adore, but the character's not a linebacker.. ><; So.. I'm thinking maybe a PD. I like their tan well enough. Love my Avery from them.. so he's really becoming a possibility!
    4. @Mirrin DO IT!! :)
    5. Today is Avery's birthday! It's silly, I know.
      Here's some old spam. It's just gross out for pictures today.

    6. Happy Birthday Avery! :)
      Vienna and Manouche want you to come to the tea party for your birthday....

    7. Happy Birthday Avery - sorry it's a few days late!

      Vienna and Manouche's tea party looks like so much fun :)
    8. Manouche at the Halloween Party....
    9. Very cute! She looks so festive and I love her hat.
      I have always wanted to get all my dolls Halloween outfits, but I'm not sure if that will ever happen. Halloween's my birthday so I got to love it. ;)
    10. Aw she looks great Cirquemom :) and I agree with Mirrin that hat is fab!

      Mirrin you should do it then they could celebrate with you :)

      On a side note what age do you tend to think of your girls as? I'm thinking 8/9 for Rebecca.
    11. Avery's 29 years old.
    12. i think of mine as kind of not having normal ages. But if I had to guess, I would think late teens for mine. The great thing about the planet dolls is that they can kind of be whatever age you want and still look right.
    13. Yes, it all depends on the face-up, I think.
      All of my dolls are based on my original characters that existed long before the dolls. I can't say I would ever get a 'child' doll. I get creeped out by dolls really easily and child dolls creep me out the worst, but only in person. I can enjoy other people's pictures of 'children' dolls, but I could never have one myself.
      All seven of my MSDs are adults. I just like the scale and it works for me.
    14. My birthday too !:D

      Everyone is looking wonderful in their party/ Halloween attire ! Only 12 days to go woo hoo !
    15. Where is everybody?! :o More spam please!!
    16. Someone's feeling awful for deserting you guys for such a while...
    17. Maybe she's been off hanging out with Nature Boy.
    18. Haha, yeah that too! But besides the Planetdolls, I've totally fallen for the DIM's as well, and have been busy making clothes for everyone lately.*_*
      Katie was my reluctant model, because I was making a few dresses too, and as the only girl around, naturally she had to fit them for the new (DIM) arrival!
      I've made her 2 as well, and she actually likes them (!), but I haven't had any time lately to take pictures with her.

      One of the things I was working on is the cardigan she's wearing there. I want to make everyone their own, but for now, they still have to share this one.
      And while busy with that project, I decided to make a knitting tutorial, because I was hoping that way more people who'd like to, might be able to learn to knit things other than maybe a simple hat or scarf.
      I'll be posting it in a condensed version as a knitting pattern as well when I'm finished, but if anyone's interested, I've already posted the 1st parts of the tutorial for the cardigan.
    19. I saw you over there on the DIM thread- they are very nice dolls. :)
    20. Here is my MacKlagen sisters^^
      mini Riz - Abigail and mini Roseanne - Louise :3
