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Planetdoll 41cm, 43cm and 45cm Discussion Part 2

Nov 26, 2008

    1. BEYOND adorable!!!

      *wah, wants her minimermaid to hurry and come!!!*
    2. Avery stole the dress I got for my newest doll. It clearly belongs to her now.

    3. THANK GOD you resurrected this thread! I just looked for it last night. Avery...well...what can I say? The dress does look really nice on her, lol.
      I'm going to try to get my girls on here, probably not til tomorrow. We have a new puppy and he is eating my brain. It's like having an infant.
      The other day I put him to bed in the laundry room to take a nap, and went out to my studio for a while. Came back into the house...everything wonderfully quiet...he must be asleep, right?
      Tiptoed back to peek at the sleepy little darling...only to discover he had somehow gotten the door to my bedroom open, grabbed a basket of dolls that had been in there (Iplehouse Tatiana, DIM Odelia, and Planetdoll Tara), pulled it into the laundry room onto his wet and furry dogbed, and proceeded to pull the headcaps and then wigs off of each one.
      THANKFULLY (or he would be Dead Puppy) he didn't damage the dolls too much. The only one with any real damage is my PlanetDoll Tara- she has two little tooth marks on her head, but it is up under where her wig is, so it shouldn't show.
      It was very traumatic for all of us, though....
      Anyway- I have puppy duty all day today, and have to drive somewhere which will take up a chunk of time, so probably won't get to pictures til tomorrow.
      But thanks for posting Avery and she looks fabulous!
    4. Yeesh! I'm glad there wasn't too much damage. I'd imagine that was extremely traumatizing!
      Hopefully you'll be able to get some pictures tomorrow for us!

      And thanks. It's not even funny how much better it looks on Avery. I guess I'm back to the drawing board for my new Dreaming Doll's clothing.
      I guess it was time for Avery to get some more clothing anyway.
    5. I really need to post a picture of my little Abby (mini Roseanne in tan) on this thread. I have had her for months now but I have yet to get a photograph of her that really does her justice....that will be my goal for winter break! take some cute pictures of Abby! it's just that she has such a huge mop of mohair on her noggin that it's hard to see her lovely face.
    6. Oh- she's so pretty! I'm waiting for a mini-mermaid (the little one). Should be coming sometime soon, I hope! I still haven't gotten pix of my dolls- I really want to get a Christmas picture of them soon!
    7. Oh, awesome! I still think that mermaid is just the coolest idea ever! She's stunning!
    8. popping in to say hi and to say everyones PDolls look awesome

      My Mitcham got a lovely swimming partner from my Swap Partner

      Helping Hands

      Barry is his name: he’s supposed to teach her how to swim

    9. @Maudib05 I love it :) They're both so cute!
    10. Thank you

      I don't think that Barry can swim either :shakefist:



      ...To Be Continued.
    11. I love the octopus! Did your swap partner make it? I have a mini-mermaid coming soooooon......She is also the tan. I also got the human legs.
    12. I now have both my twins - HE Riz and Roseanne, both adopted from the MP :) Anyone else find that their girls are insanely tightly strung and that the elastic is far to thick for an MSD size doll? I couldn't even get Roseanne's head back on :XD: So I bought some new elastic and restrung them both yesterday, they are much more manageable now :) Time to send their heads off for new face-ups!
    13. Yess I was so surprised she made a friend for Mitcham. All she wanted was a Blythe blank scalp I had. So I decided to make it a Swap instead. I made her some stuff for a blythe and Leekeworld Florence.....with no specification on what Iwanted. It was a total surprise.:o

      Did your mermaid come?
    14. almaxaquotal- i totally agree with you I desperately need to restring my Riz, her body makes me crazy!!
      It has been along time since I have spammed her so here ya go...I just love her...

      Peppermint Blues by pinkhartbjd, on Flickr
    15. Not yet! Should be coming in to Oobie doll any day now.
    16. pinkhart - glad its not just me! Your girl is so cute, love her outfit! My poor girls are still naked but for shoes and stockings :sweat
    17. And here they are :)

    18. They're very sweet, almaxaquotal.

      Old, but recent Avery spam!
