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Planetdoll 41cm, 43cm and 45cm Discussion Part 2

Nov 26, 2008

    1. Almaxaquotal- Thank you I actually make all of my dolls clothing so it makes it easier (sometimes) Your two girls are adorable!!

      Mirrin- Avery looks beautiful, as always...
    2. Oh, no. I'm sorry you posted this. Now I'm going to have to get a HE Riz.
    3. I am soooo tempted to get a PlanetDoll girl for myself at the end of this month... The German store Sweet 'n' Honey has them in stock (Roseanne, Riz, Tara and Emma, no Katie unfortunately), on sale AND all skin colours are the same price.. all girls are in stock in tan skin as well, I am sooooooo tempted... Just don't know which one to get.. and not sure if I should, I just got my first resin BJD a month ago and 3 more are on their way already XD. I'm on a spreeeee...

      Help me decide by posting some serious picspam of your girls!! Lol ;). They look alike, I need to see owner pics to see the little differences I guess. I'll also check out the Flickr group :)
    4. After taking comparison pictures of her body (I love this body so much!) these past few days, my Katie was reunited with her body again this afternoon.
      She's been terribly neglected for way too long, and I really need to take new pictures of her again soon!
      Evelien, I hope you don't mind me posting her, even though she's not in store where you want to order. Hope you'll be able to come to a decision: I know all too well how difficult that can be*_*
    5. Hello everyone! Merry Christmas to you all :)

      I'd like to properly introduce my mermaid now that she's clothed and her face has been painted :) (Though her tail still isn't done yet.)
      Her name is[FONT=&amp] 娟雨[/FONT] - Juan Yu. It means "graceful and beautiful rain" in Chinese, but it's a pun because "yu" sounds like the word for fish. :XD:

      She's a little shy though...


      really shy...


      I did manage to get her to pose for me, though. :)
    6. SHe's so cute (and shy). I've been so crazy busy, no dollieh photos for me. Hopefully after Christmas.
    7. Sasha and I want to wish all here Happy Holidays ! And let the spamming begin, this thread stays quiet for far too long


      ''Where is everyone?''
    8. Happy Hollidays! I am working on a new dress for my Riz - but is not finnished yet. Samson: those shoes are very pretty, may I ask where you found them?
    9. Happy holidays Cyador - ofcourse you may ask. They are from Red Ruby Galleria.
    10. Sasha looks fabulous, and I was going to ask about the boots too. Now that most of the holiday frenzy is over I hope I can do more pictures- I got a fancy new lens from Santa. Of course today is dark and overcast and no light, so I can't use it yet.
    11. Thanks Cirquemom, I look forward to seeing more photos from you x I find these girls so easy to shop for - the skinnier minifee are so awkward !
    12. Hey all, happy holidays! Looks I'll be joining you in this thread now - my dad ordered me a Roseanne for Christmas :D (best dad ever, buying his son a doll~)Before she arrives (and I have no idea when that will be) she needs clothes! What have you found fits best?
    13. She's wonderful
    14. Happy Holidays XX How wonderful ! I can only speak for myself - I buy regular msd size but she does squeeze into some of my slim msd size clothes too! ( Theyre not too happy about that- they say she stretches things !! ha ha !)

      Thank Maudi - I follow your dolls here and on the DollChateau thread, They are amazing !!!!
    15. [​IMG]
      Here is Vienna- posting her for someone asking about NS in the mini-riz thread. I'm so sad this thread has gotten slow- but I haven't been taking pictures either, so I can really complain, can I?
    16. I want to post like crazy in here, but I'm still waiting on my little girl :( Her wig from JS got here yesterday, and that's all I have for her, how sad is that? I'm beginning to wonder if my dad ordered her correctly... Vienna's got a beautiful wig and a beautiful name, cirquemom~ Can't get enough Rizzes (is that right?) in mohair, it's just so perfect.
    17. @cirquemom Vienna looks great :) I love her dress!

      I'm almost done with Juan Yu's tail blushing (finally) and I'll try to put up some more pictures when it's finished. :)
    18. Vienna is either a Katie or a Cindy- it took me forever to decide between the two, and now I can't remember which one she was!

      Thank you vanzinger! That picture is from earlier in the fall when it was warmer. She has on a sweater now. :) But I haven't taken any pictures in a while.
    19. PFFF, OH MY GOSH. SEE -- that's what happens when you try to DoA on your not-so-smartphone, kid...
      Thank you for that ;A; If I squint I can see I was wrong. Herpa derpa doo! time for a new phone.

      Gosh, I'd hope that girl would have AT LEAST a sweater on in this weather, it's getting really ugly out there. Better clear up before she arrives too! I want to be able to give her a faceup and show her off in a timely manner. My MNF is still all nakedface six months after I got him *hide*
    20. I rummaged through my fabric stash on the weekend and picked out what I'm going to use for my girl's outfits... so I'm one step closer to having them clothed :sweat Frills, lace and cupcakes ahoy!! :D