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Popular Sculpts, do you avoid them when choosing a new doll?

May 24, 2010

    1. I tend to just go for what I like, regardless of whether it is a common sculpt or not, which is what most people seem to think lol. The same sculpt can look very different depending on face-ups, wig, or any mods made to it, so a common sculpt can become something more unique :)
    2. The answer to this for me is short and sweet: I own an El, a Yder, a Glati and a Ducan.

      Avoiding popular sculpts? Nope!

      That said, I also have a Romantic Dillui, and a Liddel. Not popular sculpts, as there's only a handful of either out there.

      I'm with everyone else. I like what I like.
    3. I don't think I've ever seriously looked at Volks or Soom. I feel like most people have them, so I've already seen them, so why look at the website? I'm not even sure what else is considered popular companies. I love Iplehouse dolls, but that's because they look human and that's what I like in a doll.

      However, the popularity or unpopularity of a doll is not a deciding factor for me. An unpopular doll would be cool, but that mindset would never influence my purchase. I do really like Migidoll Ryu and it's perfectly fine that so many people have him! He's a very handsome boy!
    4. When I buy a doll, I choose mold which causes feelings in my soul.... During this moment I don't think of its popularity... And if this mold is even popular, I can't forget about my feelings and refuse to buy it...
    5. I think I do to some degree... I mean, I'd rather have something unique, but a sculpt being popular wouldn't totally stop me from getting a doll. A doll has to match the character I want more than anything and if I felt a popular sculpt did it best, that's what I would go with. If it were between something popular and something far less known and both would work great, I'd probably go for the more unique one.
      Both of the dolls I have now are not very popular. I was the first person on the site to get an Resinsoul Rong. I ordered her the day she came out. There's only about four here now. My other doll is a Planetdoll Tara... they don't seem to be terribly popular. I think mine is just lovely though.
    6. I don't avoid popular sculpts at all, in fact, my first two dolls were two of the most popular MSDs by Volks around, Toppi & F-18. Some of my favorite dolls are the most popular ones! :) Volks SD Kun is a favorite of mine and she is Volks USA's top selling SD doll. The Volks Four Sisters (YoSD & SD versions) are another favorite of mine. They're four times as popular with there being four different sisters, but I still love them to death. Volks YoSD Lin is like my dream doll and she was voted the most popular YoSD in 2008. Clearly I like the more popular dolls lol.
    7. Popular sculpts have their advantages. Many people recommend viewing owner pics before you make the purchase, and you'll find a lot of those with popular sculpts. You don't have to like all the popular sculpts - or any of them - but still look at owner pics, because a doll you didn't like might look really cool.

      My doll wasn't a popular sculpt, and there weren't many owner pics anywhere, but she still looks awesome.
    8. I don't consciously avoid popular sculpts, but I usually (not always) don't like them.
      It's just that when I see or hear something a lot and it's everywhere
      I tend to start to dislike it.
      This also applies on BJDs. The first doll I really wanted was DOD Ducan,
      but now he doesn't seem as perfect any more. I have seen the most wonderful
      Ducans and he's still very pretty, but he doesn't give me that giddy feeling any more.

      That being said however, if I happen to like a very popular sculpt,
      it's popularity doesn't matter to me.
    9. Do you find yourself avoiding the popular sculpts because a lot of people have them?
      No, I don't〜 XD I like Volks Kurumi & Miruku, they're popular, I want to have either Kurumi or Miruku. I don't care if a million people have them, hahaha... XD〜

      Would you choose another sculpt even though a popular sculpt suits the look/character you are going for?
      No, I won't〜 Actually I always see the sculpt first. I like him/her... I save〜I order〜I make char for him/her〜The doll comes home〜〜〜 :)

      And if you do choose a popular sculpt what extremes do you go through to make it unique?
      A single face up will change every sculpt into unique & OOAK. And with different wigs, outfits, shoes, even though many dolls with same sculpt are standing together, all of them will look different〜〜〜
    10. I don`t want to take a mold, that is very popular and unlimited.
      It makes my heart bleed when I see a doll, that has no well done face up (especially when I love the sculpt)
      But when I really like the mold- I don`t care about popularity.
    11. No matter how many there are in the world of the same mold, all dollies will look different, that's why BJDs are awesome :D
      More popular=more owner pics, which is what I look at when deciding if I like a doll... *_* So I guess, in a way, it kind of has the opposite effect...? Seeing lots of lovely owner pics will make me wanna get one XD
    12. What other people own doesn't come into the equation for me at all. I buy dolls to fit characters -- if a doll is a good fit, great, that's what actually matters. Buying or not buying dolls because they are more/less popular just puts the control over what I buy into other people's hands, and that's not right. I'm in this hobby for me, so it doesn't matter what other people do. The other thing to keep in mind is that dolls can go in and out of popularity making said popularity not a good thing to base decisions on. Plus, if you want to get really technical about it, our dolls are unique, because they've been customized to suit ourselves. You can have a bunch of the same sculpt that look totally different.
    13. I know a few people that turn away from the popular sculpts which is pretty sad. That shouldn't stop one from buying a BJD they adore so much. I absolutely love the Crobidoll Yeon-ho and he's VERY popular. Four people I know have him. XD But I love the Yeon-ho so much, I'm still saving up for him and I don't care what anyone thinks. I want him and it's for me. Not for anyone else. So for people to be influenced by how popular a sculpt is and not get them... I dunno, I don't particularly agree with it.
    14. Well, err, I do not care about the popularity of dolls at all.
      But I noticed that I usually don't like the popular dolls. I always had a very specific taste.
      Here in Germany many doll owners have the DoD Homme Ducan, that I just can't find pretty in the least...
      I also don't like the style of many popular brands, to be honest.
      I noticed that I always like those dolls from which almost NO OWNER PICTURES EXIST FROM!! XD;;;
      And I always wonder why, since I think the dolls are perfectly pretty.
      But still, I don't care about popularity, since a BJD is so customizable that it still looks unique, even if many people have the same doll.
    15. I don't think I avoid popular mold. If they suit my OC or I was spark by them, I will get them but most of the dolls I like and used to own are not popular, I hardly find their owner pics!

      Anyway I have to admit sometimes I bored with popular mold, I saw them so many times and this is like I eat same dish for everymeals and everydays but If they are my dolls, I not bored to look at their same old face!
    16. Hmm, to this question, i would say my answer is maybe a little odd? The thing is, when i want a doll, i know which one is going to be good for me by a 'feeling' i get when looking at it...almost like the spark you get instantly with a best friend or someone you just met who is really nice ^^
      I ignore every other viewpoint on the doll if i get a 'feeling' about it....That's that, decided. xD It's like the 'feeling' is the decider! Every doll i've had a 'feeling' about, has brought me happiness in different ways, so i'm happy with it whether it's popular or not! I don't usually end up buying popular sculpts though, for some reason, i recently got one from a newish company called Illusion Spirit (very nice dolls ^^), and not many people i mentioned it to had heard of them XD
      I think popular dolls or non popular ones are just as special as each other, as long as they have owners that love them ^^
    17. The popularity of a mold doesn't affect my decision in an aversive sort of way. It feels silly to me to go "I hate it because it's popular." I'd rather be glad that other people think the mold I like is lovely too! A mold being popular helps me research what I want since then there are a lot more owner pics to look at.

      My Megi is probably the more popular of my two dolls... I didn't really put much thought into whether or not he sticks out from the other Megis. I just buy what I like for him.
    18. I never really thought about popularity before reading this thread. I don't think popularity should really matter, since the doll will be unique when you're done customizing him/her.
    19. No. My choice depends not on mold's popularity, but on if it matches with my idea