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Pregnant and Chubby BJDs

Oct 8, 2013

  1. want a chubby one

  2. want a pregnant one

  3. want both

  4. not be interested

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    1. I'm not really interested in pregnant dolls to be honest, then again I'm not really into the whole pregnancy thing either. It's nice to have the option out there for people who are interested though.

      I'd love some more ball-jointed dolls out there with normal proportions instead of all the photomodel bodies most are producing. Don't get me wrong, I love those sculpt. More variety however would be lovely so we can mix it up, chubby dolls are therefore most welcome. I do draw the line at obese dolls. The body still needs to look natural and healthy for both male and female sculpts.
    2. I'd be interested in a chubby doll! Perhaps have a few different version of to fit everyone's needs (like from a little pudge to a bit more)
      I have a character, Noah, who gets kinda soft when he finds a stable job and is able to buy as much food as he can (mostly sweets haha) so a boy body with a little more to it would be perfect! But then you have the issue of clothing, they would have to start making clothing to work with these dolls or there would be some modification to previous patterns and such. But still a really cool idea, I'd defiantly want one!
    3. I have a massive pregnancy phobia so that's a huge no no for me. Plus, this how baby faced a lot of sculpts are, I think there's the potential for that to get really quite creepy.
      I'd love some chubby dolls though, like really chubby, not just dolls that don't have their ribs showing. I'd love to see dolls of all different body types really.
    4. hmmm, what a great question. I guess that even thought in theory i wouldnt mind either, my fantasty for my little resin ones is that they are all fairies of pixies or elves, so they arrive via a beautiful flower or inside a nut, so i guess that rules out the preggers dolls for me as it just wouldn't fit the fantasy. When it comes to chubby dolls, i say bring them on!!! I am happy with any shape, size or colour of bjd, it is about transforming our dolls into who we want them to be... so i say YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!
    5. I'd love a chubby doll! Pregnant not so much for some strange reason the idea of a permanently pregnant doll seems a bit off for me I think it's the idea of forever expecting but never actually delivering freaks me out a bit.
    6. I made a temporary wearable preg belly from fimo clay for one of my girls for depicting her during that time in her life.
      My girls are fairies, but concieve and produce their offspring as most other mammals. ^^

      • x 1
    7. I love that sculpted pregnant belly! I've been debating buying a very tiny doll to use as a baby for one of my girls, and have been considering different methods of making my doll look pregnant (temporarily of course, for photos and such). I actually still have the pregnant Barbie doll, and have been thinking about using its magnetic system as a reference, as many have posted about before. I'm thinking of just attaching some magnets to the inside of my girl's torso and then sculpting a belly with magnets embedded in it. I'm not too concerned about color matching because if it's not perfect I can just hide it under clothes and still have the right shape. I wouldn't have any use for a permanently pregnant doll, but I like the idea of attachable belly plates and I'd support the idea if a company ran with it.
      I'd also looooooove some chubby sculpts! I think they'd be great, and add even more wonderful variety to the hobby. :)
    8. Thank you! :) I think magnets would work very well. I only made a fitted belt/girdle, so no nudies for this gal. ^^ Her daughter is a PukiPuki Sugar, who looks great both as a baby and toddler (of course she does in my eyes ^^).



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    9. i want both but more into the fat doll like me
    10. I know I'm in the minority but I'd love to see a pregnant ABJD.
    11. I don't think this would be something I would ever want, but I can understand the appeal for others.
    12. I would love a pregnant doll with interchangeable abdomens for the trimesters. I know people have made due with padding or made their own sculpted pieces, but none of these really allow for non-concealing clothing. Give that bump some love! Also, none of my dolls are very body-conscious, so I would imagine any pregnant doll I had would also like to be able to dress as they pleased.

      As for chubby dolls, I could see them being cute. Especially a correctly proportioned chubby tiny. :D So cute! Adorable little baby chub, I'd just want to cuddle it forever. :hug:
      • x 1
    13. I actually wish I could find a chubby bad. There's a character I want to shell that's a thicker dude, and I'd love to have him as a doll.
    14. I would honestly like both types! I can see the interchangeable torso being a possibility here, as others have said - eternal pregnancy is a troublesome fate, but then again it could depend on the character :) Chubby dolls have always been cute to me, too.
    15. Right now, I'm not interested in a pregnant or chubby doll. BUT if I see one I like, I'll change my mind. ;)
    16. I would want to have both! I think it would make my BJD family complete, and unique!
    17. I think it would be awesome to own both, someone should make a pregnant and chubb bjd mold like right now.
    18. I was just coming here to post this link! So far I seem to be the only person who's pre-ordered one (well... two... my wallet may not be speaking to me at the moment). I can't wait!
    19. [​IMG]

      Here is the prototype- it's going to be cast in tan and light skinned resin by Haru. As well as the dolls, there are also perks for commissioned artwork, a doll-sized metal dragonfly-key necklace and 3D printed pygmy hippo pets :)