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Prettiest doll hands?

Jul 31, 2015

    1. Hello everyone. :]

      When I plan to buy a new doll one of the most important things - besides the face and size of course - for me are the doll's hands. I really like it when they are sculpted very detailed. I guess I'm somewhat picky there. ^^
      Are your doll's hands important to you, too? Or not so much? Do you like long fingernails or short?
      Can you recommend some companies with nice hands? For me the hands on Dollzone's new 1/3 female body are gorgeous. I own the body myself and I love them, they are so delicate.
      Fairyland Minifee's hands are awesome, too. Gotta love the many different poses.

      I'm curious to hear your answers. :D
    2. I love dolly hands myself... You could say I'm nearly obsessed. I prefer dainty hands which is why I love minifee hands too, but the best hands ever are the ones of all Cerisedolls! And Doll Chateau... can't say no to those amazing delicate beauties. My after school Dia from Soom came with special hands that are just so expressive also... I might be slightly obsessed!
    3. @Soenatte: Haha, glad I found a soulmate there. ^^ Yes, Cerisedolls hand are indeed very pretty, similar to Soom hands. :)
    4. Personally, doll hands are not as important as the face for me. Of course, I wouldn't want ugly hands on my doll, either. It's just that I tend not to weed out dolls I don't like by their hands. I will say though, that a nice pair of hands adds to the overall look of a doll. I especially like long, slender fingers on female hands. I also like long fingernails. The first time I paid attention to hands was when I was looking through the Souldoll website. Souldoll has beautiful female hands, especially when they are blushed! You should check out not only this company's dolls, but the hands they have available, as well. I don't think you would be disappointed. :)
    5. As for me, beautifully sculpted doll hands or fingers are a must. I especially love Dollshe's 28M Classic hands because of its realism and the amount of detailing (plus, it looks really manly :love).

      As for 5th motif Timeless Body Hands, I love it because it's beautiful to look at and the sculpting was just phenomenal.

      Soom's Nephelin/Amber Hands are also worth mentioning because it is long and thin and just plain attractive to me.
    6. I've been a little obsessed over PeaksWoods hands. They have a very unusual but very expressive look to them. I also think minifee hands are very pretty.
    7. Iplehouse nYID girls have the prettiest hands I have ever seen on a doll tbh.
    8. Hands are a huge deal for me. So much so that I have 2 dolls that I replaced the hands on because I disliked the ones they came with. My Elfdoll Rita is on a Mirodoll body, and I like the sculpting and shape of the body very much but the hands were terrible. They looked like stiff mittens. So she got Iplehouse nYID hands, which are absolutely beautiful. Then there's my Islanddoll Noah/5Stardoll hybrid. Again, I really like the shape and proportions of the 5Stardoll 60cm girl body, but the hands were so small they looked silly and threw everything off. So I gave her Angel of Dream hands, the long nailed ones. They're pretty hands, and the size was so much better. In both cases, it was amazing how much difference changing the hands made to the overall look of the doll.
    9. Any hands sculpted by Gu Mi Jeong, such as Narsha and Zaoll, are always gorgeous.

      I find that hands can be a deal breaker and I don't think I could own a doll with hands I didn't like.

      Interestingly those same Dollzone hands you find beautiful I actually strongly dislike, I think that's proof that everyone has a taste in hands as much as they do with face molds.
    10. Has anyone heard about the new hands iplehouse is making?
    11. Soenatte just took the words outta my mouth. Cerisedolls and Doll Chateau definitely make my favorite hands :aheartbea they're so slender, dainty, and precise!

      I especially love how my DC Elizabeth's hands are only slightly jointed, where they can achieve elegant poses without having the lovely form of the fingers broken up by joints. I can't forget my older brother's reaction to her when I first showed him the doll. He cares nothing for dolls or girl things... but when he played with her fingers, he surprisingly commented how much he loved how feminine and pretty they were. They really left an impression!

      I agree with others that hands can be a deal breaker. I'd rather buy new hands then keep poorly defined webbed sausage fingers xDDD! I'm really interested in all the hands people are mentioning here, been going on a google binge. Would love it if there was a Photo reference thread of pretty hands, would browse through that all day :love!
    12. For me, hands aren't a deal-breaker, but I may try to swap or modify any I really don't like.

      I've been quite fond of all CP/Fairyland's hands (and I have quite a few CP dolls hanging out around here, so it's a good thing I like them!); I've also found that WithDoll's hands are nice, as well as Spirit Doll's (plus, both of those companies send two sets by default). I also like the cute, delicate little hands on my DollPamm girl. The Illusion Spirit doll I just got has some fairly awkward hands, though, and the Miro body I used to own had giant yaoi hands--those weren't the reason I switched bodies (the build was), but they were never right for the delicate character who had that one, and therefore always bothered me.

      The rest of the hands I have around here, I guess I'd say they neither jump out at me as anything special, nor stand out as anything "bad." They're all fine hands, just not the really impressive ones of the companies I listed above.
    13. Unoa hands are awfully pretty! While hands aren't a dealbreaker...sometimes the wrist is. If the wrist looks too out of proportion with the forearm/hand or the overall look of the doll, I'll not want to buy the body.
    14. 5th motif timless hands all the way! The sculpting is INCREDIBLE. When I first got my Venitu I just sat there staring at his gesture hands, and turning them around in my big "people" hands for like 20 minutes. I'm excited to get my 28M guy too because his hands look amazing :D
    15. I do love nice hands. I haven't looked at too many, but before I got Tripp I looked over ResinSoul's MSD hands and had to have Lu hands for her! They look like delicate lady monster hands! I adore them, they are very expressive.
    16. Hands aren't a deal breaker for me…but they can be somewhat of a deal maker. Some of my dolls have amazing hands, the others are little more than glorified sausages.
    17. I agree that hands can be a deal breaker. I remember how disappointed I was when I got my Doll Leaves Sleeping Amara and saw her hands. Not so pretty. Not surprising you don't see her hands clearly on a single picture on the website.
      @vicemage: Yes, I agree, I have my eyes on a Spirit Doll MSD and the hands are beautiful. Love the cat claw hands.
      I didn't know they send two pairs of hands. That's awesome. :D
    18. I really don't care about the hands when I'm buying a doll, I'm to busy fussing over their facial features. ;)

      Sadly, I haven't been in the hobby long enough to really know what hands I think look pretty.
    19. Doll Chateau hands are beautiful on the new A05 Body and on the OT mini Centaur girls, the jointed mini hands are also stunning! So detailed and delicate. I really like well sculpted hands and no matter how gorgeous any other feature may be on a doll, poorly sculpted hands are a make or break for me.
    20. I don't know much for female dolls but for male dolls, I would say, IOS Class80's and ID72's hands. They look so real and beautiful.