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Question about dressing your bjds

Jan 29, 2021

    1. I know its intimidating, but honestly just do it and all will be well. My only tip would be that you can pull further and harder than you think and you won't suddenly break it.

      My first time removing my doll's hands went about as wrong as things can go but still isn't a big deal. I didn't pull the hand far enough out of the arm to get a good grip and when I took off the hand, my grip slipped and the mini s hook dug into my thumb and took out a mini chunk of skin. Thankfully no blood got on the doll or clothes! lol. I've learned though. Its okay to use more strength than you think and pull strings further than you think. Now I get a real good grip on my doll's ropes when changing hands.

      I want to be able to use my dolls to their fullest potential which involves removing pieces. Best bite the bullet and give it a go sooner rather than later!
    2. I have a set of pliers with plastic covered jaws that I use to take doll heads off with, and I usually use a small crochet hook or knitting needle pushed through the hand or foot hooks "T" boned to the limb to swap those parts out if I need too.
    3. i dont like totake off my venitu's head because it is difficult to put it back, because of the strenght of the elastic band.. so i choose open shirts and so,,,
    4. Thank you! Finally knowing what the thingamabob is called made finding it easy. I'm ordering one this week. :3nodding:

      I don't usually take off the head to dress a doll (I hate taking off their wigs and messing them up) so I make clothing that opens up the back or alter things I buy so they do. However that handy Head Puller is going to make changing hands and feet a breeze!
    5. like clothes that go on simple, because I'm lazy and scared to mess with my more delicate (in my eyes) doll. I just know myself well enough to know that velcro and a few sew-on snaps are my friend. It doesn't show on my girl because she has a long wig, and I'm pretty creative when I take her for photos.

      My project doll, however, has a few sweaters now that are definitely take-the-head material. I have taken that thing apart so often by now that I can literally do it with one hand and a knee. :)
    6. I just don't bother with clothes that won't go over the head. The makers KNOW the size of doll heads, so if a maker can't be bothered to make them with an opening to allow them to go on without removing the head, I'm not going to buy their product.

      • x 2
    7. I pop heads off without much thought. It's easier than struggling to get a piece of clothing over wig, eyelashes and faceup. Plus, it looks more realistic than having snaps (or even worse, Velcro--I hate Velcro with a passion) up the back. Except for my old AoD Chen whose headcap is S-hooked to his body stringing, it's really not that hard. I use a crochet hook to lift and twist the s-hook and I like my dolls' knot to be in their chest so it's pretty easy to pop heads on and off for dressing.
      • x 1
    8. I bought my Luts head puller tool from Fabric, Friends, Dolls shorty after getting into the hobby, and it has honestly been one of my best BJD related purchases. It makes it so easy.
    9. I take of heads and sometimes hands (they are replaced with paddles!) when I dress my crew. I usually blush those hands so it is a way for me to keep the blushing intact for as long as possible. :XD: An S-hook puller is great and so are shoelaces.
    10. .
      #30 Gintsumi, Jan 31, 2021
      Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
    11. Honestly, I’ve never had to take their heads off but that might be because most of mine are in casual clothes and t shirts. I do have to take their hands off sometimes though, for shirts and jackets.
    12. I avoid clothes that I'd have to take my dolls' heads off for them to wear. I want to keep those with company face-ups from having theirs damaged, and putting a wig back on is sometimes a struggle. Many of my dolls are tinies, and I have to use tweezers to pull the S-hooks back into place. I'm not doing that just to change their clothes. I make most of their clothes, and put Velcro or snaps on tops and dresses.
    13. elastics scare me, so i usually just make the clothes with back closures and put them on that way rather than worrying about taking the doll apart. my dolls are mostly older sculpts too, without fancy, easy-to-remove heads.
    14. Actually I popped one of the eyelashes off my doll while squeezing her into some tight clothes :sweat
      I think I dropped her face first on the carpet one too many times LOL
      So taking off the head sounds like an excellent idea!
    15. If I can I just take the head cap off. Otherwise, yeah...the head has to come off. But it's really not so hard to do.
    16. I was so scared to take my dolls head off for the first time so I understand! It's really not as scary as it seems and if you follow everyone else's advice you will be golden. The way I see it, if you don't take your dolls head off you risk damaging the faceup or your clothes.