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Rainman Discussion

Sep 24, 2018

    1. Oh good. I think I have both sizes 12 and 14 lying around here in my eye stash. thanks I will see what looks best on her. shes on her way, not my photo but sellers[​IMG]
      #841 shaDrouet, Apr 8, 2022
      Last edited: Apr 8, 2022
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    2. Oh, @shaDrouet I read too quickly, but i want to say if you don't like a loose fit with your dolls, you should go for a size 7-8 as their heads are closer to 7.-5

      And she is SO beautiful , congratulations!!
    3. Ah a 7.8 wig size.. I would of not guessed so.. than you this does help. and thank you, she will be my first bigger bjd in quite a while. having gone out of the hobby to collect smaller resin fashion dolls, I find I missed the bigger dolls now too.
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    4. @susana789 I will take some pictures of Eva on the Sartoria Aphrodite body tomorrow, too bad the body is in Fog Gray so I can't tell much about the match. But proportions are incredibly good. The head looks a bit larger, but it could work because the neck hole has a great fit on the body and no modification is required.

      @IngieBee As always, thanks for the lovely pictures. Your Veronica looks great on Impldoll body! I wish I could join any Sabrina's doll preorder soon.

      Rene looks great on the Dollfamily-H body, but now I need a different one for Eva. Too bad Opaleighty has discontinued the large bust version.
    5. I hope that happens at an optimal time for you @Nanael . I know sooner isn't always best, but if that'd be good for you, I hope an order opens up soon for you :D
    6. So Rene finally arrived and here she is on a Super Gem white body which I think has mellowed. to a more creamy shade of changing .. im not sure I like the ratio of head to body. shes a very tiny head far as it goes. the S hook goes thru but the string knot is to large so its preventing me from fully pulling the S hook thru alone it will perhaps I need a smaller knot.. shes got in 12 mm eyes which are not glass as all my glass eyes are bigger so im going to have to order her some eyes and a wig. this one is 6/7 and much too small for her so yeah 7/8 as someone mentioned is going to fit much better. my hunt for a body goes on[​IMG]
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    7. @shaDrouet Oh, I was thinking she almost needs broader shoulders. Necks always look too long on dolls to me, but clothing usually hides it, maybe to the point that longer necks are required for the right look? Her faceup is amazing, she is stunning!
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    8. Sorry if I am super late with this but I managed somehow to take pictures of my painted Eva Head in new normal on SartoriaJ Aphrodite 61 body (in fog grey, though).

      Pictures on IG

      And then Rene in old normal, Eva Head in new normal and SartoriaJ Luthien in fog grey, so you can see how they look according to size (Rene is slightly smaller than Eva and Luthien).
      I didn't manage to put Rene on that body, because the S-hook neck hole is smaller, but I simply placed her on it and the head looks incredibly small. She needs a slimmer body but neck measurements are ok!


      So who knows, perhaps SartoriaJ could be good. I can't tell color wise, but as soon as I manage to get an elf Lobelia in their normal tone, I can tell.
    9. That's such a pretty feminine body @Nanael ! Lovely :)
    10. @Nanael thanks for putting the head and body together. I would have never thought of that combo. I have a couple sartoria dolls, and am in need of a body for my Blina head. Maybe she can share!
    11. What bodies will work with Rainmanking Blina? Thar head seems a bit smaller than. His other girl heads.
    12. I don't think Blina and Eva can share a body. Their neck holes are different sizes. I started a thread about this because I forgot about THIS thread. Does anyone have recommends for a good body for Blina?
    13. @ZaidaBoBaida , I have my Anna head on a supiadoll ballerina body? Color may not be the best match though

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    14. Hello! Does anyone have a Blackcherry Aishat head and a Rainman body and could show me how they look together? I would appreciate it a lot.
    15. The Iplehouse nYID body. I have mine on it and it's perfect. But you'll either need to sand open the neck hole or sand down the neck. In my case, I bought both pre-owned with both modifications already done, and it's too loose. But I also had an unmodified Blina to try, and that fit perfectly on the sanded-down neck. Here's my photo of the modified one: https : // www . instagram.com/p/CaG2yBjLBJu/ (Sorry I had to add spaces to the address. Pasting the link as-is caused it to paste the entire caption, and I didn't know how to fix it.)

      You could probably also go for the DF-H 58 cm body, they also have resin matching, and smaller necks than Iplehouse.
      #855 ElizabethStiles, Aug 1, 2022
      Last edited: Aug 1, 2022
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    16. I still don't have a body for my July head. Any suggestions?
      I never bothered to try her on my Iplehouse bodies because I have two SIDs and didn't really want a third, but there's so many for sale second hand it would at least be an easy option if it fits. I did try her on my Dollmore Model and she's way too huge for that body (my second tallest girl!), she definitely needs a bigger neck/shoulder.

      I'd love to get her completed, she's one of three dolls I have left to get together before I consider the collection done lol
    17. I tried mine on the new FanFF body (the one that came out with the Yue and Hai heads) and the fit was really lovely!

      It looked so good, I'm tempted to give the body over to the July head. But I love the Yue and Hai heads as well, so I'm a bit torn.
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    18. @VampireAngel13 , I'm currently waiting on a DF-H63cm body for my July. IDK when I'll get it, but I'll let you know what it's like when I do.
    19. @ElizabethStiles That would be great! I was just looking at that body yesterday (but I'm super impatient and didn't want to buy new lol) -- thanks!
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    20. I'm almost finished painting my July, and she'll go on a DF-H 63cm body. I'm kinda busy again, so I don't know if I'll get her finished until maybe the weekend, at least I hope so!
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