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Rainman Discussion

Sep 24, 2018

    1. So for the life of me I could not figure out what FanFF was and I gave up only to be looking for someone on Instagram and realize I follow them.

      That's the kind of week I'm having lol
    2. @IngieBee , fabulous! Show us when she's finished, I think it's safe to say both @VampireAngel13 and I would love to see her!
      #862 ElizabethStiles, Sep 16, 2022
      Last edited: Jul 9, 2023
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    4. The FanFF body is definitely the most beautiful one I own. It is similar to the 60cm Dollshe, just so much better! It stands right out of the box and holds any pose, just love it. It is available again at new clover singing atm. I received mine two months ago and it was less than 4 months wait.
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    5. @quake , could you show us what July looks like on that body? And how is the resin match?
    6. I will try to take a picture this weekend, when we come back home. My FanFF body is in 'volks normal' skin and I am pretty sure, it is more on the yellowish side and not a good match. When I ordered it back in March, there was also a 'Mia normal' option (which would be a better choice, I guess) but I had already received the Yue head in 'volks normal' and it was supposed to be Yue's body. Unfortunately my July still lies in her box. Maybe I will redo the face up one day and try again.
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    7. Here is my July on the FanFF body. As I thought, it is not a good resin match but I really love the proportions of this body.





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    8. @quake That's a beautiful body and as you said, proportions are really great despite the bad match. Dollfamily-H has just released their new 68cm muscle female body if anyone is interested. Not imposing but slender and well toned, I wonder how it would look with Rainman heads.
    9. The proportions are perfect! Is the color difference really bad? It doesn’t look too bad in the photos.
    10. [​IMG]
      I got my Blina sleeping head today. It is smaller and nore delicate than I thougt. Its beautiful but I do not know what body she can use.
    11. I have a Dollstown elfbody I use now to my Rainman sleeping Blina head, until I find a better body. Body is 53 cm. Picture:

      #872 tovej, Nov 5, 2022
      Last edited: Nov 17, 2022
    12. So, I just bought Eva via a reseller, and was looking at suitable bodies for her--I only have boys at the moment. She's still in transit from the UK, but I was wondering about the Normal resin used on the head. Is it on the pinker side, or it is more neutral? I'd heard Impldoll Star worked well with the overall proportions, but wasn't sure on the resin match.
    13. @klytaemnestra, I had Rainman Kira, Eva and Tsunaina (tan). My first body for Kira was Ipple SID, I sanded neck but after 1y of using this combo I bought DollFamilyH 63 cm body in normal and it is perfect match in color and proportion (my Kira is from 2018 first sale and maybe a little bit color changed). Tsunaina in tan fits perfectly on DollShe 26F copper oriental. And for Eva I had DollsTown 18y body on mind one day. My Eva is from second edition (OpalEighty) and normal color is not so pink as my Kira. So there is change in used colors (it was notified by OpalEighty). If yours Eva is from last sale it will be more normal, not pinky normal.
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    14. The Impldoll star body is on the tall side, concerning proportions, but not bad. The Impl normal pink resin is the right hue, but is paler compared to R&R normal.
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    15. Thank you. The listing did not specify whether this was from the initial release or second--the faceup looks like it is OpalEighty, though.

      Thanks. As for proportions is it just that the limbs/torso are a bit elongated visually? I was looking at the measurements against the R&R body--which I don't love the breasts on tbh--and they look similar by a cm or two difference. I don't mind having a slightly taller body for Eva as I debated going with a more androgynous look for a while.
    16. @klytaemnestra , the Impldoll body is quite long, yes, but not androgynous in the least. It has some very curvy hips and thick thighs. I also have the R&R body, and it looks much better in person. It's actually one of my favorites, although the lack of heel feet is a definite point against it. Mine does have the small bust, which looks much more natural than the large which is featured on the website. I would say the R&R body looks much more natural than the Impldoll, in my opinion. I'll try to show a picture at some point.
    17. Giving this thread a little poke, as I brought home a full Blina from BJCD Austin a few weeks ago...
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    18. Oh, which one? The one offs look so pretty. The WS Julys and the one off Blinas looked gorgeous!
      I was pretty sad they announced they were discontinuing their body on IG. It's definitely my favorite. I hope they keep it around for one offs though!
    19. I chose Blina! I had to get a second opinion since it was between Blina and one of the Evas. I keep falling for her bold red lips. :love
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