1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Rainman Discussion

Sep 24, 2018

    1. Aww, I love the bold lip! So gorgeous!
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    2. I also bought the Blina head, I will receive it soon and send it for makeup)❤️❤️
    3. I can't wait to see your head painted! I've looked at others in IG and it's so neat seeing the range of characters from one head.
    4. Of course I’ll show you, I think that the makeup will be in delicate shades, I saw the work of fantyfoo on Facebook, I really like how she paints dolls, I want to draw heads the same way )))
    5. It’s been ages since I was here, and I’m still looking at bodies for my July— however I ordered the new impldoll Star body (mostly to see if July fits but also because I really liked the look of it) and they just got me a shipping notice!!

      so fingers crossed she looks good on this one, because I’ll finally have my last DC girl in the works.
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    6. I look forward to your photos! I certainly like the new Impldoll Star body better than the old one, but I'm still on the fence about it overall. I didn't like the wrists, hands, ankles, and feet on the old body, and it doesn't look like they've changed that bit. Also the new body has weird shoulders. But sometimes doll bodies work out better than expected when you start posing them and styling them.
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    7. @ElizabethStiles yeah she’s really big shoulders, but I liked that, because I feel like July looks way too big on narrower bodies.

      regardless, she came today, and July fits perfectly!! Finally! I’ve been waiting years :(
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    8. @ElizabethStiles i can’t!! I can only get on DOA using my phone now, and have no way to do it. I have been thinking of canceling my Flickr even, since it’s essentially useless now. :|

      I did post a few on my Instagram

      ok apparently I can’t make that link work either.
    9. @VampireAngel13 Your IG link is in your signature. ;) But, I only see her shoulders.
    10. Since this thread is super quiet and my Adel head came in today, I decided to do a rare photo share and post some photos here!!! The rest are here on Insta~


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    11. @TasiaChiba She's so beautiful! I'm a huge Rainman fan, but I haven't had money to buy dolls since the Rin release, so I've missed out on her order, Becky's, and Adela's. I hope I'll be able to get them in the future.
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    12. Thanks! She really is fabulous in person! I'm so glad I was able to get her. This is my first Rainman sculpt, too~
    13. Yay more Rainman love! I'm eventually going to be on the hunt for a body for the sleeping head I have...
    14. Are all Rainmen head in small sizes? I have Blina sleeing head (very small sd) and Imany( needs a small sd body).
      What body do you use on Blinas head?
      Only body I have thats funktion is Dollstown elfdoll 53cm, and its not petfect.
    15. Hrmm, I personally don't know about all Rainman heads as this is also the first one I've ever seen in person! But I have a lot of heads, lol, and I would think it's pretty average. I actually took a photo beside my DS Arsene head and they're nearly the same. I plan on doing some headswaps with the bodies I have on hand, so I'll share whenever I get to do that! I'm also, personally, looking for a male body for mine, but floating heads rotate on bodies in this house, so it will probably spend some time on a female body at some point! :lol:
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    17. Thank you!~ ❤️
    18. Blina is smaller than the others, I have her on an Iplehouse NYID body, with the neck hole sanded slightly open, and the neck on the body sanded slightly narrower. It's a little work, but she looks really good.

      Imany I haven't put on a body yet, but I'm planning on another Iplehouse, although I also have the Rainman body. I like Iplehouse bodies best, so I'll just have to sand down all the necks.
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    19. [​IMG]
      I did put Imany on an old Twigling body from 2007. It works very well. Also perfect in color. Blina is not working on the other Twigling from 2008. I may buy a Agata head also from Sabrinadoll to that body. I tried the Anna from Milkweed and honey, but I think she is looking better on Dollshe Diana + pose body.

      Anna on Dianas sd + pose. Nakana on Dollshe Amandas.
      #900 tovej, May 31, 2024
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2024
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