1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Resinsoul 70cm Long discussion

Sep 1, 2008

    1. Ju is really cute. :)

      These are the pictures ResinSoul sent me. I hope it's okay to post them here - I'll take them down if not. You can see what I mean about the neck being too long for the size of the head, even though the heads aren't all that different in size.


      And this is photoshopped by my clever beloved to see how the head would look on a shorter neck. Proportions of body and head aren't changed, just the neck shortened. I think the fit is pretty good - actually better than Charisma is on a 60cm body. Possibly the top of the neck may have to be thinned a little too.


      I may just have my calculating Manchurian empress...
    2. Christmas sales of Resinsoul!!!
      We have a surprise on offer on Christmas.From now on buy our four new dolls Feng, Chun,Lian,Dian,the price is 15% discount .It is valid until Dec. 10 for the dolls can arrive before Christmas.Hope everyone spread the news.Please place your order as soon as possible.Thanks!
    3. Thanks for the heads up haodoll!
      I'm ridiculously happy over this event, it's made it possible for me to order a doll guilt free with the current exchange rate :sumomo:
    4. I love the overall body and facial aesthetics of Long, but I'm not much a fan of elf ears. ^^;

      These are very nice new dolls that Resinsoul has released recently.
    5. @Autumnrain: That doesn't look too bad!
      It could work! :)

      Aw man, tempting for me to order Lian now. But no way she;ll be here before christmas right? :? I mean, they have to be made first and stuff.
    6. Honoez, SALE! I'm definitely going to have to order my Lian next week.
    7. Well, I ordered a doll the other day and I got an email saying that they'll ship it out as soon as they recieve payment (cmon paypal work faster! lol). Maybe they have a few already made?
    8. I just placed an order for a blue Feng from Resinsoul for my friend's birthday. Boy, she is going to be surprised (she's not a DoA member, before anyone wonders. ;) )

      I'm having him sent to my parent's house first so I can wig and clothe him before giving him to her. :)

      I look forward to seeing more of your guys and gals! (I like Lian too. :) )
    9. Yeah they probably have a few in stock but I doubt they have a purple Lian :lol:
      I'm going after a purple Ju first anyway. Big Lian will have to wait a bit :aheartbea
    10. Ooh, I hope they have at least one or two WS Lians in stock! I'd really like to get mine before Christmas.
    11. any more lian pics? She would make a perfect Arwen Evenstar type Elven queen--she looks so grave and unique.
    12. Any new arrivals of any of these guys/gals? :)
    13. Hello,In less than one week,The Christmas activities of RS will be end.If you want to have a beautiful doll,hurry up!Thanks
    14. Guuu, my mom won't help me pay for either Lian or Ju for christmas >.< She says it's more fun to have more smaller gifts under the tree >.>
      I'm still waiting on my WS Ju, but once she's here I'll decide wether to buy Lian or lilac Ju, because I am determined to get one of them for myself for christmas :D
    15. My Feng should arrive sometime next week, probably Wednesday or so. I'll be sure to post pictures of him :gingerbreadman
    16. Oh, good! I can't wait to see some owner pics of him!

      I ordered my Lian today, so I'll be sure to post some photos whenever she happens to arrive, unless someone beats me to it. Actually...I'll probably post them anyway. XD I'm so excited, she's my first big girl.
    17. I'm definitely getting Lian. Yes.

      Anyone know what size eyes she takes?
    18. I wish I knew. It usually says what size eyes they include right?
      I've been looking around for eyes aswell in case I do get her.
      I already have some SD clothes and a wig :lol: I'm pathetic >.>
    19. I bought 16mm for mine and have my fingers crossed that they're the right size. I'd think, though, that since their other dolls in that size range seem to take 16mm, that that size would be about right for Lian.
    20. For those interested in Feng's headsculpt I've posted some blank head pictures in the box opening thread here as well as a couple of pictures with a custom faceup by me (NB not the most amazing faceup)