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Resinsoul 70cm Long discussion

Sep 1, 2008

    1. I've got a question.. does anyone have a picture of the knees on these? I have a Mei and I'm not really happy with the way her knees are when they're straightened out- it might just be my girl but I'm interested to see how the knees on the 70cm's look.
    2. Both Feng and Long have 21cm heads, so size 8-9 should fit them well :)

      I took pictures for you, only my internet got capped and is too slow to upload anything onto photobucket :( however! This is a link to the company photo of his knees straightened out, and it's exactly how it looks in person as well.
    3. the bobobie 70cm boy is awesome, love it.
    4. Thanks. Do they seem pretty stable in person? With my Mei, the tops of the knees are always trying to slip down over the bottoms and I'm curious if that's because of the larger sculpts or what.
    5. The knees on the 70cm are pretty stable and lock well. If they're loosely strung, their stability is not as good, for obvious reasons, but I've never had any problems with their knees collapsing. Also, the 70cm boys have double jointed knees which I think helps, and I think Mei's body has single jointed knees? (please correct me if I'm wrong :))
    6. Oh yumyum! He look lovely! X3
    7. Does anyone know what shoe size Feng/Long bodies will take? I was wondering if they'd be able to fit 1/3 or SD13 size shoes...any help is appreciated!
    8. They have small feet for such big boys, 7cm long, which I think may be 1/3 size. You can put them in shoes that are too big, they'll still stand fine in shoes even a whole centimetre too big. Just make sure you know the internal length of the shoes you're planning to buy for them.
    9. I love all the bobobie elf boys, but they are a little skinny don't you all think??
    10. They're not skinny. They're slender.
      Skinny is a whole different level.
    11. After meeting Latte and her boys today, I discovered just how much I need to get at least a Long, if not a Long and Feng... Now just to find things to sell so I can get them.
    12. It's relative to personal preference. To me, they're lanky and tall and I find that kind of build very attractive. Others may not. Does it matter what we all think? Not really.

      Mwahahaha! If I could possibly enable you further I would :kitty1
    13. :lol: I don´t think I need further enabling - I went through my fashion dolls and put a couple up for sale, now all I need to do is cover shipping! Another sale and he will be mine!

      I´m being a lazy insomniac and wondering what size eyes are best? I have a picture of my boy forming and am looking at wigs and eyes to match...
    14. 16-18mm is what the company recommends; I have ~16mm in my boys. I wouldn't go bigger than 18mm, smaller than 16 could work if you want a piercing stare.
    15. Thanks! I´m starting to get a really clear picture of what my boy is going to look like. I had been all ready to order him in WS, but NS is going to suit his look better - Why do I keep on ¨seeing¨ dolls I haven´t even ordered completed and with a personality?
    16. I was wondering, do you think it would be possible for Feng's head to be put onto Lian's head?
    17. Like a double-decker ice-cream cone? :lol:

      Tee hee!
    18. oops!!!!! I meant Feng's head onto Lian body.

      *edit* I emailed Resinsoul and they said that his head would fit onto the 68cm girl's body.
    19. I'm really loving this long body! I know some people complain about the loose stringing, but I kind of like it that way. He's floppy and when I pick him up by the middle he just arches backwards so nice. The upper chest joint is wonderful as well and gives such a nice sinousness to the bod. I might tighten the leg strings some because his legs twirl around a bit too much. So many accidental poses look completely natural. I'm also considering redoing his hands and feet. I think if they were modded to have S hooks they would position better. I might also shorten the neck (still mulling that one over.) My only complaint is still just the head. No jaw to speak of so it looks weird in profile view. I just got a weylin and see that his head is the same way!

      Oh yeah, I just had my very first restringing experience; I had taken his head off to wipe his faceup and when I went to put it back on the S hook straightened out on me and down he went, all in pieces! I tried putting him back together and it took me about 10 minutes to figure out that I was missing his whole abdomen section...LOL, it was under my bed. With that said, I might suggest getting stronger S hooks right from the get go.

    20. I keep on hearing about the loose stringing and being a musician keep wondering if it´s done to stop breakages during transit. When guitars are traveling by air the strings are loosened to stop them breaking...

      Anyway my Long has been aid for, just wanting him to arrive NOW!