1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Resinsoul and Bobobie Mini Discussion Thread - Part 33

Aug 5, 2021

    1. I don't buy MSDs anymore I don't buy MSDs anymore I don't buy MSDs anymore :shudder:shudder:shudder
      Resinsoul. Why must thou taunt me so?
      I am so in love with the new body, y'all.
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    2. You'll never know if they'll also make it in SD size later on :abambi:
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    3. I'm loving Ran! I think she's definitely going to be coming home with her Rabbit ears! She's so pretty.
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    4. Hi quick question! Do Resinsoul update their bodies when they make new ones or do you have to specifically request the new body? I’ve ordered a Jian (hopefully coming today!!) and I just wondered because I know they’ve been making new bodies.

      If I’m being honest I ordered both my Gang and my Jian based on their face sculpts and now I’m worried the bodies aren’t going to be the best.
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    5. I believe you have to specifically ask them to put the head on the X body if it's not their default one. I've never ordered from them yet but that's the impression I have at least.
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    6. Jian will come on the 1/4 boy body by default unless you ask them for the 45 cm body.
      Gang will be on the 1/3 boy body.
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    7. Thank you both! I will probably switch out their bodies at a later date (or when I have the money) anyway but I thought I’d check for now because that will be far into the future.
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    8. In case anyone wants to purchase the new girl body separately, Sun said it's $120 (plus extra for special colours of course).
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    9. Hi everyone! I just got my first Resinsoul dolls, and I’m wondering if anyone has clothing recommendations? I have Song on Wu’s body and Li. I have some Volks MSD clothes, but these bodies are much slimmer. I’m interested in both casual and more formal wear.
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    10. The Wu body will fit in most slim MSD clothes. Most of the stuff I bought for mine were from Starrshine Designs on etsy, but the store opens infrequently. Nine9Style and TTYA fit as well. I have some Bears clothes that are also a good fit, though the shirt I have is a bit big on the Tang body. (Haven't tried it on the Wu body, but the Wu body has smaller shoulders.) In my experience some shirts for JID boys can fit if they aren't made to be oversized; the only problem is long sleeve JID shirts will hang over their hands. JID pants are a hard no, though. I have yet to try Minifee boy clothes on my boy. As for shoes, I've had some luck with Kaka Planet boots. They fit snugly and aren't too loose or too tight.

      As for the Li, minifee clothes (and shoes) should be able to fit if they aren't super tight, with the exception that the Li's chest is larger than a Minifee's. I have a lot of Minifee shorts, skirts, and leggings that fit my Li back when I owned her, though none of them were fitted to be waist-high. Nine9Style and TTYA should also fit the Li as well, but I don't have experience with their girl clothes.
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    11. Thank you so much, cosmicakes!
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    12. OK, so I believe Li should be on the Rong body. I have the Shi body, and I had the Bobobie 1/4 or Mei body. In my experience, the girls are very busty, so you're going to want more traditional 1/4 scale tops. The hips and legs, on the other hand, are very slim, so definitely Minifee-sized pants.
      As for the feet - Resinsoul feet are great. They should fit any traditional 1/4 scale shoe, because they are small and narrow, but a tad too long for 1/6 scale shoes. So if you shop for shoes on a dealer website like ACBJD, any traditional 1/4 girl shoe should fit just fine.
      Since Resinsoul feet are so cheap ($10), I have a couple extra pair that I'll swap out on a doll whose feet don't fit a particular pair of shoes. Works every time.
    13. Thanks, MaleficentMrsofEvil!
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    14. Y'all Ran is gonna do me in, she is LOVELY. I can't wait to see more photos of her!! I bet she'd look gorgeous in their tan options :love
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    15. So I'm thinking I'm going to order a Spring, but my question concerns colors and this seems to be the thread with the widest color choices going on. Does anyone know what the current shade of non-custom purple is? I may still go with Skelf's shade, for consistency, but it seems like searching RS' base purple pulls up at least three different shades at this point.
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    16. Prism (Dawn on centaur body) got her lower half dyed today, so it was “take your centaur to work” day. After showing her off to my boss, we horsed around for a while.
      She decided to lounge about while making ME do all the work. Never mind that I’m the one who got a restringing workout today…

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    17. She looks cute!
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    18. Does anyone know how accurate their measurements are, specifically for height? Looking at that picture shared a while back with the girl bodies, it looks like the Xi Body is taller than Ran, who looks just a little taller than the Rong body. But both Xi and Ran are listed as 45 cm. I know just judging by a picture isn't great, and Ran is too new for anyone to have her on hand to measure, but I'd be interest to know if the 45cm for Xi is accurate.
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    19. Oh she's so pretty!!!! I love her in that dark resin tone too. At least she doesn't have elf ears, because then I would be doomed (don't remind me I can have them added custom :XD:)

      Thanks for sharing her @Cryptid!
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