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Resinsoul and Bobobie Mini Discussion Thread - Part 33

Aug 5, 2021

    1. Oooh she's pretty! Although I really wish they'd show blank version of their sculpts too...
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    2. Hmm, I can't really see the elbow joints well (hidden by the dress), but she does appear to have the new ankle joints that Lina has.
      Maybe? When they released the new Shi/Xi body, they did a smaller bust and a larger bust version. Maybe this is a similar release?
      When Resinsoul posts in the News section, we'll have to ask.
    3. they've gotten a lot better at faceups.
      I like how peeved she looks but I really need to see a blank sculpt.
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    4. They've got the measurements up and it confirms that she's the same body as Ran. But yeah, I really wish there were good blank sculpt photos.
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    5. That facial sculpting is - that's really good. I'm looking at my old Mei, and there's a pretty significant increase in subtle details (cheeks, eyebrows).
      At Resinsoul prices.
      Looks like Resinsoul is coming for the more expensive companies. :abambi:
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    6. Those thigh peanuts make me nervous lol. But I guess 99% of the time I use stands anyway. The extra pose-ability when not standing would be nice. And those new sculpts...alas I'm looking at elf girls for the moment

      Is it allowed to post a picture of an anime character in here if I was looking to pick the best RS/BB sculpt for it? Figured there would be more RS/BBB knowledge in here. Sun already said they could modify the ears...so just looking for other opinions on sculpts.
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    7. Go for it, resinsoul are terrible with their lack of blank sculpt images so it can be hard to figure out what the heads actually look like.
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    8. I've been meaning to get my Daytime centaur a friend. I think Lina would be perfect. She look grumpy but I like that :)

      Still my Daytime do not have his horns on because of the missing magnet. I have had too many things planned in my doll hobby to be able to think about any Resinsoul orders so far :sweat But I'm hoping sooner than later I can do an order so I can ask for a magnet. Originally I were only going to order Animal 0037, and usually I only do one doll order at the time. But I think this time I'll have to order both Lina and Animal 0037 at the same time.

      Currently I only have Daytime and Flame, but I'm looking forward to grow my Resisoul collection a bit more <3

      Edit: I have no words right now :doh


      His missing magnet were stuck behind his s hook, and I somehow did not notice... My eyes are not the best, but still Idk how I could miss that!

      I'm just glad he finally got on his horns :love

      That is an amazing color you dyed her :)
      #489 manabusama, Apr 18, 2024
      Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
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    9. Elf ears Lan (on Rong body) is here!
      [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] Not sure how well it shows in these pics, but her mouth has a slight asymmetry that gives her a bit of a smirk, which is perfect for the character (she'll be my last dnd character, spring eladrin bard who loves pretty outfits, so she's perfect to make a doll of haha!)
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    10. WHOA. That's the new Lan? Already? That is an absolutely stunning color, and she's gorgeous. I can't wait to see what you do with her.
      I love me a good smirk.
      Man...... (I don't buy MSDs anymore I don't buy MSDs anymore I don't - ) :shudder
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    11. Amazing! That is the second time I've been tempted by that color, but I wouldn't know which sculpt or what type of character they would be. Plus I really need to focus on some of my current dolls.

      All I know when it comes to Resinsoul for now is that I'd like Lina in the dark tan, and Animal 0037.
      #492 manabusama, Apr 30, 2024
      Last edited: Apr 30, 2024
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    12. resinsoul green is the best. I love it so much.
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    13. Oh that sounds like a great character, I hope you will post photos when she's been completed. I love seeing photos of before and after. :love

      I wish I'd seen the Bobobie sales promo BEFORE I ordered my sky blue Mei from Resinsoul, I could have saved some $'s. Still Sun says 40 days 'till shipping, so I guess that's pretty good these days. I want to make her look similar to a Na'vi character, but not identical, then form a story around her.
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    14. This wig looks perfect on your centaur! Opens up tons of possibilities in styling her. :love

      QUESTION: Has anyone put a MAI head on a 45cm boy body? If so, photos please, please please. :eusa_pray
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    15. She's cute, and that green is perfect for a spring eladrin!
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    16. The new Lina doll is calling to me like the ruling ring.... I don't typically buy girl dolls but she is so beautiful! The dark tan color is very pretty as well
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    17. Same! I'm going to get her in the dark tan. When I don't know yet, but hoping sometime after summer vacation.
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    18. I am also probably going to get her when I am not so strapped for cash. I will probably wait until people get their pre-orders to see how she does with standing. I have had issues with my Song's joints and while I could suede them I just don't particularly want to. If I'm being honest I will still probably buy her regardless
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    19. I love Resinsoul too much so I don't care much about the mobility of their body. I had a Li once in the red skin, and after some tighter restringing she held her poses wonderfully. I may have restringed her much tighter than you normally do, but it made her hold any pose I put her in.


      Looking at her old images makes me miss her now... In this image though her red skin had started to loose it's red and become more like a warm chocolate.
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