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Resinsoul and Bobobie Mini Discussion Thread - Part 33

Aug 5, 2021

    1. Did her body blushing! I've never done it before so it was a bit nerve wracking but also very fun. Working on the faceup especially was such a weird experience--layer by layer I started actually being able to see my character in the face. She has placeholder eyes and is bald because the eyes i got for her aren't here yet and the wigmaker I commissioned hasn't started work yet but lord I can't stop staring at her
      [​IMG] [​IMG]
      Comparison with (one of) the reference images: [​IMG]
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    2. She looks cute! I love her freckling
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    3. I like her much better with a faceup! The plain green was just not speaking to me.
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    4. Oh, wow, she is really looking like your reference photo. I don't know why it never occurred to me to use a yellow-tone pastel for blushing, but it really makes her green resin pop. She is beautiful! :love
      And this is your first time? Could have fooled me.
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    5. Oh my gosh she's SO DARLING!
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    6. I think your blushing has really brought this doll to life and I cannot wait to see her completed. If the comparison shot is what you are aiming for, I think you are well and truly on track! :dance
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    7. Oh she looks so lovely!! I've always had a hard time imagining what blushing would look like on the green dolls, but I've gotta sat, now that I've seen it, I'm a fan!
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    8. the yellow blush works well! My green dolls usually get blue blush but yellow is a good plan.
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    9. Does anyone have transparent white or transparent light blue Resinsoul dolls? Can you please show me how they look? Especially how visible the stringing is inside?
      If they also have translucent heads with a faceup please show me too!

      I'm planning a project and with their customization options I'm sure Resinsoul will be the ideal company for it but I need to decide on which translucent color I want! The character is a ghost :XD:
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    10. I have a boy who's got transparent parts.


      this shows his strings in clear resin. He actually has blue transparent arms now, these were a mistake on resinsoul's part.
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    11. [​IMG]

      this better shows the strings. They kinda look like bones.
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    12. Does anyone have the shan/ruoxi body? Is it any good for at least basic poses?
      Or any of the other bodies with non human legs, for that matter. I'm trying to figure out what to do with a non-human floating head and I figured a monster body could be fun, but I also have vague memories that some of those bodies aren't always the easiest to handle:sweat
      #512 Tagath, May 19, 2024
      Last edited: May 19, 2024
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    13. I have the Rong body and the girl dragon body. They stand pretty well but the knees aren't great.
      Their newer bodies do have better engineering though.

      How much knee mobility is important to you?
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    14. I was thinking the same when I looked at his legs. Now I wonder about what a doll would look like if the whole body was transparent??? Could make a cool ghost, if all you could see was his innards!! :wiggle

      What colour is he? He looks like a pretty mint green on my screen, but I know 'puter settings can make colours look different to what they really are?
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    15. It is preferred if the doll can stand on its own and have a least one sitting position that actually works, but other than that I could probably deal with bad knees... And even that I could deal with if the body is pretty enough:XD: (arm/elbow mobility is more important, I feel that contributes more to the 'life' of a photo)
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    16. Pardon me for jumping in, but I'm hoping my experience might be of a little use here.
      For more affordable doll lines (and some expensive ones *cough* Iplehouse *cough*), I find dolls need a little "help" for better posing.
      "Help" can come in a few forms:
      • Hot glue sueding - Swipe a thin layer of glue onto joints and/or in joint crevices to add friction between joints. Pros: easiest and quickest. Cons: in tightly fitted joints (Impldoll), hot glue has a tendency to, well, glue, and the joints will get stuck. Pull out the joint, and out comes the hot glue. Also temporary and over time, tends to turn brown due to its tendency to attract dust. :ablah:
      • Suede sueding - folks have used moleskin or actual suede leather. Apply (moleskin generally has adhesive backing; leather needs to be glued) to joints and joint crevices to create friction. Pros: more permanent. Cons: moleskin also collects dust around the adhesive edges (yucky). I found that moleskin didn't provide the friction I wanted; it was too smooth. Suede needs to be glued pretty permanently to stick. Also, thin suede leather can be a little pricey and more difficult to find (Etsy is a source).
      • Silicone kips or flexible discs - my new preference. I recommend 10-20mm diameter by 0.5 mm thickness discs. Cheap and readily available at local hardware stores. Pros: on tightly strung dolls, provides great friction. Cons: unless you glue in place, they can move around a little. Also - you have to restring your doll.
      • Wiring - helps hold dolls in poses. I recommend plant wire at the local hardware store because it's plastic-coated. For smaller channels, jewelry wire is great. Pros: holds dolls in poses nicely. Cons: you have to restring your doll, and OMG restringing is such a PITA.
      I use a combination of jewelry wire and silicone discs for Resinsoul dolls, because they have nice, DEEP joints and larger channels. Although in the interest of full disclosure, I cut open and glued the silicone discs into the joint crevices.
      Resinsoul uses very small diameter elastic. I upgraded my centaur to Dollmore 4 mm diameter elastic (which is smaller than 4mm diameter elastic I've purchased elsewhere, heh) and got improved posing.

      Combining tighter stringing using a thicker diameter elastic with silicone discs and wiring, I find the posing is much improved.
      Also, an all-over spray of MSC helps create a little tooth and friction.
      #516 MaleficentMrsofEvil, May 23, 2024
      Last edited: May 23, 2024
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    17. This was super helpful, thank you!! My one resinsoul boy has the wobbliest knees and its driving me up the wall! (I can't fault him though, I have the same issue myself lmao)
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    18. I already use some/most of these tricks, but even like that some bodies will not cooperate xD (myoudoll type3 my beloathed) (also the muscly msd body from resinsoul. I've restrung it, wired it, used silicone in the joints, and still I struggle with its elbows and knees)
      (meanwhile my daytime centaur also from resinsoul has had nothing done to it and yet never makes problems, nor do my SD with resinsoul's newer body... So I guess going with something new should be a safe enough bet:eusa_pray)
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    19. He is panatone "Ocean wave"
      I sent resinsoul the swatch over email and they mixed him up in a lovely aqua colour for me. It's more green than their standard blue is when new, it's quite lovely.
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    20. It's great to see everyone's new dolls.

      Meanwhile Morana got a new name, and a new dress. I also found her a wig that was actually meant for a Lati Yellow.

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