1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Update Ricky`s Helios & Gene type

Nov 6, 2008

    1. HighPriestessIce / You can order The 17 boy body just in order season. The body is not limited.

      I do not decide next order season, yet. I`ll decide This event ends.

      But Helios & Gene Heads are Limited.

      Both of This event 'Elf ears' & the next order season 'Human ears' Limited editon.
    2. So are the Helios and Gene heads going to come back when you release the 'Human Ears' limited edition?
    3. VisualK / OK, You are right!!

      And 'Human Ears' limited edition, too.

      After preorder ends, the Helios and Gene heads will be out of press.

      Thank you.
    4. This is Human version 2nd Period 1 Feb~ 22 Feb
      Nomal skin & Human version Only.

      And I'm very sorry about send doll so late and I break appointment with you.
      Because of Doll-coppy- process and move away gateways.
      Please understand doll-making work(all-handling).

      I promise send you doll start 1st Week Feb 2009.
      And Ricky`s 7`th annversary Event, All doll & body buyer present 'CARRIER BAG For Ricky doll'.
    5. Hi Ricky!
      I want to ask - you wrote that the 17-body won't be limited, but now it is written "☆ 17boy body only price each 550$ (limited edition)". Does it mean that it is the last preoder period for it or not?..
    6. Adino / You`re correct. I`ll edit My notice. Thank you.
    7. Is it possible to get them with faceups?
    8. Ricky~ I was wondering if the 17 body will fit into the pants and trousers of SD17 body too. Won't it be too short? because your 17 body is 70.5 cm but SD17 body is around 65cm only @@. Any full boy pictures with clothes on?? Thank you ^^
    9. CrimsonSky / I sell only no-make up head.

      ice_icey2001 / My boy body tall size is 66cm and more slender SD17.

      The body is not limited. But Helios & Gene Heads are Limited.

      I do not decide next order season, yet.

      Maybe, Helios & Gene out of press in the future.

      Thank you.


    10. Love Helios head.
      Does helios head fits a sd13 body well??
    11. mazelord this thread is over 3 months old, try contacting Ricky directly with your question for an accurate answer; or check the neck measurements for SD17 and compare to SD13. Most SD17/SD16/SD13 male heads are interchangeable on the different bodies.
    12. 3nd preorder start!!

      You can order email to me.

      mazelord / perfect fit SD 13 boy body

      twigling / thank you
    13. Ricky, is the pre-order for Human eared Gene and Helios? When is the end date for orders?
    14. minuet / ya, this is human ear only and preorder end date is 11. April 2009
    15. Hello,Ricky-sama

      You said your body's skin match with Volk normal skin.

      I want to see your body next to Volk's body.

      Could you plz give some picture for me?

      Thank you very much

      PS. Maybe,If I can't order in 3nd order. Could you plz tell me your next open order? I want your doll very much.
    16. Snake_Blind / Hi, My body's skin match with Volk normal skin picture you can search in Den of angel.

      and I`m not decide next order.

      Helios And Gene will be out of printing. (body is not limited)

      Thank you.
    17. Will there be new Head molds?
    18. I would like to know if the body is ordering only during the pre-order ?
    19. HI

      Becuase of DDos, I can`t accept My Email.
      I use my account, but suddenly I can`t use My Email.

      Please, wait your turn.

      I shipping start today. I send doll step by step.
      You`ll receive next week.

      Thank you.
    20. Hello i have question: For when the next preorder? Im interesed in a body ^^*. Thank youuu