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Rosette 47cm discussion Part 6

Apr 17, 2014

    1. I haven't tried them with normal shoes, but I don't really like the look of them. They don't have much of a heel to fasten a strap around and the toes aren't sculpted very well. Tomorrow, I'll see if I can find some shoes to fit them out of my stash. I think these feet would be fine in boots, but I don't think they would look nice in strappy sandals.
    2. Aww :/

      I coulda told them that... (that they were different releases). -3-

      I was so disappointed by the appearance of the new heeled feet after seeing the pics here that I wrote them (using Anna's and linakauno's pics --sorry >.<) hoping they could realise how much the feet detracted from the Rosettes' elegance and fine craftsmanship and that maaaaybe they still had the original molds they could use in this release? Okay I knew the chances of that working was like <5%, but I was hopeful for a second >.<

      Looks like I won't be ordering any heeled feet this time round :/ Gosh, I could make my own and they'd turn out better than what's available... I once didn't believe that possible but now I kind of do.

      "The shape is different from the one above because it needs to fit the shoes parts that come along perfectly."
      And we know this is a moot point because the original feet fit into shoe parts too, didn't they? They kinda still have the exact same listing photo to show it so I don't know how they could forget.:|

      Oh oh! Maybe next they can do a Cinderella release to justify slicing off parts of the foot to fit the shoe! :) You like that, Soom? :wiggle
    3. Awww :( Phoo! I was hoping for the pretty little feet like Anna posted... imo $50 is a bit steep for feet that can't be really worn without shoes... *pout*

      Edit - ahhaha just saw your comment about Cinderella Momiji, it gave me a good chuckle! XD
    4. Are they seriously $50? I didn't even look at the price. Well, that puts an end to my gonna-get-some-even-though-I-sold-the-girl-who-would-wear-them plan. If they had been available when I still had my ST Fir, it would have been a different story. Too little too late in this case. Sorry Soom.
    5. Hey, no problem about using my photo. I am unhappy about the weird feet too. I think pointy-toed stilettos are just about the ugliest shoes around (only surpassed by lobster-claw shoes) and even if I liked them, I would prefer my dolls in real doll shoes, not painted resin ones. It would have been so easy for them to manufacture the original useful high heel feet instead of going to all the trouble of inventing new weird ones. I just don't get it.
    6. Hmm... I think you'd still be able to use those feet with high heeled shoes. I mean I have my flat
      Footed dolls in heels. They are odd looking though.

      Oh in other news my fir is on her way to me. Can't wait to meet her!
    7. Yeah, I don't get the redesign either :/
      The only two explanations I can think of are:
      1. They wanted to keep the collectors value of the Versailles edition feet (and understandable that people who were lucky enough to get them may feel that way too).
      2. The lost the mold for the original feet :P

      Sooo I was half joking before, but I actually did end up making --a foot :nowords:

      Link to pic cos it's creepy-lookin'

      Yes just one foot. As I anticipated before starting, I ran out of energy to do the other foot. I also completely lack the appropriate materials and equipment to make one to the quality and finesse I want (and I doubt I'll be stringing Super Sculpey), but gosh... after getting frustrated by Soom's...Soomness, I just wanted to DO something.
    8. Momiji, no problem about using my picture! I'm glad Soom was able to clarify the difference, and folks know what they are buying now. But, to clarify, I never bought the limited Versailles Rosettes. I was able to get the high heeled feet with my basic Muse Fir. However, the Versailles girls were released around the same time I bought the basic Fir, so it's possible that they had the mold back then, but don't have it anymore, which is too bad. I would have loved to get a few extra pairs of the nicely sculpted feet for my other Rosettes. The stilettos are cute, but I'd like the flexibility of using other types of shoes as well.

      By the way, that foot you sculpted is awesome!
    9. that foot is really awesome! :D
    10. eeeee! I just ordered elf delilah, on the muse girl body. She is going to be the faerie queen over all my tinies (various sprites, elves, fairies, etc.). She will be my first MSD, but I've been eyeing the Rosettes for a really long time. I guess I was just waiting for the perfect one to melt my resolve. I'm very excited! I ordered her eyes and wig with her too. :) yay!
    11. Yay! Congrats!! You're going to love her :) Rosettes are so much fun :D
    12. I can't wait to see all the girls we've ordered come in, especially with the full sets and fantasy parts (does this mean they all have magnets in their heads?), and of course the awesome elf Delilah x3 I didn't get any extras with my Vela but here's hoping her Fairy Tale faceup doesn't disappoint!

      Lol thank you Anna and Kittywolf :P

      Btw Anna, I think you were the one I heard once saying your 2011 heeled feet came in the stilettos in their promo pic... Would you still happen to have them to take a photo of (feet+shoes)? I've pretty much dropped my case with Soom, but then Victoria replied with one more question
      which sounds like they honestly don't know much about those original feet (due to change of staff, maybe). Any chance you can put their thoughts to rest? Or tell me if I've been feeding them the wrong info :P
    13. Momiji - nope, I don't have the resin shoes. They wouldn't sell them to me at the time because they were part of the Versailles sets and I only ordered a basic. I can measure the width of the foot and if linakauno does the same for the feet she received, we can try and figure out if mine would fit into the shoes.

      Lubelle - congrats on your order! I can't wait to see the Delilah with elf ears. Did you order the face-up as well?
    14. yes, i did order the faceup. I hope it looks as lovely in person as it does in the picture.
    15. Anna - Aww Soom is so strict >_< But the Versailles heeled feet did fit in their own resin shoes right?
      I doubt your feet would go in linakauno's shoes though because I'm fairly certain they did a lazy job on those too and hollowed them out just enough to fit the weird new foot. Thanks for the offer though :) (And even if the outside measurements matched, it's probably better just to tell them whether or not the original feet had their own shoes to fit into.)
    16. Ok then, the new foot is a little under 4.5 cm in length, the widest part (at the toe) is 2 cm. At the heel, it measures a little under 1.5 cm. The toes don't actually go into the resin shoe which measures right at 5 cm and is not hollow at the toes; the foot just sits on top of the resin shoe which would have to be fastened to the foot in order to stay on. This is a very odd design, in my opinion, because you would have to glue the bottom of the foot to the shoe unless the doll was on a stand, perfectly still. The bottom of the foot is perfectly flat so it will fit firmly in a shoe. This foot is bigger than a 15" fashion doll foot, but might fit in one of the larger fashion dolls like Evangeline Ghastly. If it doesn't quite fit, I think it could be modded slightly. That is probably what I will do with them, especially as Facets by Marcia has lots of great shoes that fit her.
    17. What the heck kind of design choice is that? -__-

      But ooooh, I'm loving those boots at Facets by Marcia. I wonder how those would fit if I managed to find some feet for my Vela.
    18. I think that is the way soom does most of there high heel feet now. I got one of the soom fairies with feet and shoes like that. I have also seen this design in the big girls as well.
    19. In honor of Lubelle's incoming Delilah, Hadassah had a central roll in this week's photostory!


      Link to story!