1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Rosette 47cm discussion Part 6

Apr 17, 2014

    1. :huh?: Well...they need to unfocus on The Gem dolls.....!
      • x 1
    2. I agree! They have so many Gem dolls and they're starting to get repetitive. . . . Why not mix it up by adding in a new Rosette?
      • x 1
    3. Yeah, the Gems were exciting when only one a month came out. Now like 5 come out a month and I'm getting sick of them. I want some more Rosettes!
    4. I have an elf Delilah~ :D She's gorgeous isn't she?

      Here's my girl Rhea; an old photo unfortunately. I really need to take more photos of her now that I have a DSLR camera :XD:

      • x 4
    5. those ears are super adorable <3
    6. Aw it's so good to still see some Rosette love!
      I actually planned on ordering a new girl soon-ish, but see that all their products are out of stock... Sadness. Anyone knows anything about when they will open for business again?
    7. No one knows. They claimed they are focusing on The Gem dolls now (they seem to just be regurgitating the same sculpts).

      Go bug them on their Q&A board to release them again!
    8. Aaaaa :horror:
      Man whats it with SOOM, that's so weird. As soon as I got teh power I will totally go and bother them.

      By the way, it's Ophelia's 7th anniversary soon, and for the occassion I gave her a make over! I don't know who still knows my Rosette Violet, seeing as I've been absent for a while :'D ... But I gave her a realistic albinism look to match her light hair (I look at old pictures of her and am like wtf this isnt pretty what did I do to that poor doll) and will post a picture soon <3
      #488 Ivory, Aug 28, 2016
      Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
      • x 1
    9. Are people still interested in the old Spring, Summer and Extra curricular girls? not sure if those older dolls and outfits are appreciated any more now that the newer fantasy stuff is out ... mine still have their original outfits and faceups <3
    10. I love the extra-curricular girls! I wanted Camillia cute inventor so bad but she was gone before I could get the money together. The Victorian outfits were amazing too! I love them. I really miss Rosette dolls.
    11. I was lurking this thread and just wanted to say that your girl makes me want a Soom Rosette someday (never paid much attention to the line before). :love She's absolutely gorgeous!! :D

      /random swooning

      *scampers away* :XD:
    12. Haha~ thanks! She's my only Rosette but I definitely adore her~ I never paid much attention to them myself until I came across her :) They used to come out with such beautiful limited dolls. Hopefully we'll see more from them again soon.
    13. i finished my boy. here a crappy pic for you
      Nocona and Cynthia
      It's dark and rainy here so bear with the dark Pic
    14. What’s the latest? :kitty2 It's my lovely girl
      • x 2
    15. I'll be having a fir show up in a weekish and I had a few questions. What size wig? 6-7 or 7-8? and is there anything else I should know? Do DZ clothes fit? There's a couple outfits I like.
      #495 ahalfling, Nov 27, 2016
      Last edited: Nov 27, 2016
    16. I only have my Elf Delilah, so I can't speak for all sculpts, but her head is tiny. She wears a 6/7, but often needs a wig cap to prevent slippage. In my experience, the Leekeworld 6/6.5 wigs fit beautifully. As for clothing, I've never bought DZ clothes, but my girl (who is on the shorter Muse body NOT the super tall body) does share some clothes with my Minifee...however they are large on her as she is very skinny. It may be the same with the DZ clothing, depending on which body it was intended for.

      Anyway, I made some new under garments for Saria yesterday and she refuses to put on clothing until I finish knitting her sweater dress I promised her for Christmas...Link to photo here.
    17. DZ clothes do not fit, nothing fits that isn't specifically for Rosettes :|
      Wait, take that back, stretchy Yo-SD shirts and minifee sized shoes do fit, some Dollmore fashion doll sized outfits also work
    18. Are DZ clothes to big or small? A lil big is fine.
    19. HUGE. Comically huge. Like 2 Rosettes could fit in the clothes (and still have room)
    20. @ahalfling If you are looking for clothes that fit, Frezje on Etsy will make her MSD dresses in Rosette size if you put it in a note when you order. I also have a shirt and capri pants from Brennil (Her Delicate Strength) that fit relatively well - the pants are loose in the waist but still look fine and the shirt fits her quite well (although the other t-shirt I have from the same place in a different style is a bit large). My girl also mines clothes from my YoSD kiddies...she sometimes wears a 5StarDoll dress with Lati Green leggings from nubanded. I havent officially tried it, but I bet from how large they are that the ttya YoSD t-shirts would fit. I'm lucky in that all three of my MSDs are different sizes, so if I order something chances are it will fit one of them, but I would say Saria is the hardest to find things for.