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Rosette 47cm discussion Part 6

Apr 17, 2014

    1. aww, thanks! What a sweet story! Hadassah is lucky to have such caring uncles and such an understanding auntie. Now I am even more excited for my girl to arrive!
    2. My fir arrived today! she's so pretty!!! Im not sure what wig she will wear but for now shes playing with three different ones.

      [​IMG]My soom rosette fir by kittywolf13, on Flickr

      I think she's strung funny... and maybe her elbow peanuts are backwards? shes a christmas kit. anyone have a picture of what her knee and elbow peanuts should look like?
    3. My Violet's elbows have the round part toward her wrist (so the pegs up) and the knees have the bigger part upward toward the hip. :D
    4. Some pics in addition to what purplevix said:


      I couldn't find any letter markings on the elbows though.

      edit: Oh, but that's a pure body; I'm not sure if the muse joints are different.
      Congratulations too on your beautiful girl Kittywolf!
    5. Thanks guys. I took a look at the sales pics (which are helpful but not extremely) and she appears to be strung correctly but it's hard to bend her arms especially and her knees. And she isn't tight. I need to investigate more I guess. The rosette's I assume are strung in the same fashion as most dolls? One elasticity from head to toe and one for arms correct? I know mnf for example have elastic running from leg to leg and pelvic to head and then arms.
    6. That's how I've got my girl strung. Is her string too thick? I have that problem in Oethel's arms.
    7. Here's my Violet whom I got as an X-Mas kit a year ago; just arrived from a faceup artist! Name's Marshmallow. Have yet to pick up her clothes from post office (hopefully the day after tomorrow), but I can't wait to show off her gorgeous faceup; too bad my camera ate most of the fine details!
    8. beautifully unique faceup!! :D
    9. I finally stopped being lame and finished Miranda's knit pig!

      Miranda and Piggy Pete

      Now Hadassah and Edi want knit plushies too... :sigh
    10. That's a cute plushie, Girrl! It looks like a human-sized toy scaled down to doll size, the stitches are so small; did you use some kind of micro-needles and extra thin yarn?

      Thanks, Kittywolf13! I wish my camera was better at capturing details though~

      Today I took my dolls outside to take some pictures while trees are still in bloom (mostly cherry and bird cherry trees, followed by apples and other species), so here's a photo of Marshmallow with some greenery.
    11. That's exactly what I did :) I used 000 needles (1.5mm) and laceweight yarn. I have smaller needles and thinner yarn, but those are the sizes I use most often for doll knitting

      Marshmallow looks super cute and ready for spring!
    12. The Vela will be not propose in basic ?
      I want her so baaad right now. :'(
    13. My Fir decided to change herself yet again. This time she's a mage with a bit of an odd fashion sense who would like me to bring home an elf Rosette for her companion.

      [​IMG]Fir by amandylion, on Flickr
    14. Love her in the blonde wig! And I kinda like the fashion choices :D
    15. Aww I love that pose and what's she's doing with her hair, amandylion ^^
    16. Felixata - So very Lolita / fairy pastel kei! I love her! Makes me think of my minifee girl.

      My Rosette girl when I get her will be my one more traditional girl most of the time haha.
    17. Thanks! She ended up with leftover clothes from the drawer since nothing seemed to work for her. I told her plaid and paint splatter don't go together but she has taken to the combination. I ended up having to brace her hands under her wig to get her to hold the pose, but there are no rubber bands or anything. I love the look of Rosettes, they always look like a high fashion model.
    18. I bought myself a 47cm Rosette for Christmas. She's a Violet sculpt, and her head has been blank for several months while I procrastinated over getting her a good faceup. Finally! She got back from Krowbar yesterday, and I'm just so happy with her. She looks really sweet, and I love the gentle smattering of freckles. Sadly my photography just doesn't do her justice. I'll need to have a session with the tripod in the hope of picking up all the fine detail. :)

    19. She does have a beautiful, wide eyed innocent look. She is lovely!
    20. I just realised I need to line the eyes up properly, heh. But thanks. She's adorable and needs some better pics.