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Rosette 47cm discussion Part 6

Apr 17, 2014

    1. Raccoon I love her eyes - she does look so sweet. It's amazing how custom face ups change the way the Rosette's look. I have 3 now and need to get them on here. :)
    2. I'm so tempted to get another one to keep her company. Probably a Sakura, but that will have to wait until next Christmas....
    3. I need to show up more often XD every time I come back there is a new thread ^^""

      Yuna says hi!

    4. Oh Yuna, my precious petal whom I adore <3 Soon you will have sleepy Violet sisters smattered across the globe. http://twitpic.com/e4qzg0 (once again thanks to Micky_HY's twitter)
      i do not think I will be able to pass up a CW ST Violet *heavy breathing*
    5. ... Ooooooooooh! WS and ST?! Exciting! :whee:
    6. Does she still look like part of the fairytale line? I can't think of who she could be representing.
    7. I finally took a picture of my 3 Rosettes. They fit nicely into Ellowyne and Evangeline clothes. [​IMG][/URL][/IMG]
    8. Everyone you have such gorgeous dollies!! I'm so happy about this returning from Rosette :3

      I want to share something. I have a blog and I do monthly interviews with artists/companies, and this month I was able to interview Soom Rosette!! The interview is in my blog HERE, since it has lots of pictures that Emma -the new director- shared for the interview.

      I hope it is OK to share it here :)

    9. Wow, thanks for sharing! "The boy body is under development" :O
      The pictures are really interesting to see as well, along with the newly painted faceups x3
      I wonder what the '4 concepts' bit meant. Does the "Romantic Dress" line exist already?
      And the bit about Art Nouveau influence surprised me. I'm relatively new to Rosettes but I always got the impression that it was based off a very Victorian aesthetic. It does show a bit in the Steampunk line though.

      edit: Hmm? Bit slow on the uptake here, but Emma's Twitter is mostly in Japanese, so I wonder where she's based. Does that make Rosette a Japanese/Korean company? xD Contemplating useless things at 2:30am.
    10. WONDERFUL interview! I enjoyed it a lot!!! I just about died when I saw Rosette boys are under development! I can't wait! And cheshire cat Fir broke my heart!!! :(

      I should get my girls out and spam them more! I was really inspired by the interview. I hope they know they have a small, but dedicated fanbase!
    11. I feel inspired to spend some time with my girl today, too! Thanks so much for the Rosette pick-me-up Musume <3
      Really hope they will reveal the new set some time today!
    12. Thank you for sharing the review, Musume, very cool!:aheartbea
    13. Glee! I just bought a secondhand NS Armeria to use in a mod project I've been planning, literally, for years. I'm finally going to make a Rosette centaur :dance I've got my plans all ready (just needs to be scaled to match the Rosette body), and since I've bought her from a fellow Aussie, I shouldn't have to wait too long before I can start working on her! Can't wait to start sculpting :aheartbea
    14. Omg, you simply must share your fun project with us along the way, sharnofshade! Sounds delicious :3
    15. I was literally just thinking the other day how awesome it would be if Rosette released some boys. I am looking forward to that! And it was really cool to see some photos of the office of Soom!

      sharnofshade, that sounds like a really really cool project! Good luck, keep us posted!
    16. Armeria arrived this morning! Time to buckle down and start working out the proper scale for her centaur body!

      As an aside, I'm so glad I managed to snag an Armeria sculpt - for a long time I thought her face was too stylised, and she was the only Rosette girl I wasn't a fan of. But then, through reading this thread and seeing all the lovely photos people posted of their own Armerias, the sculpt really grew on me, and now I just love her subtle pout and the expression of her eyes. Really looking forward to giving her a face-up when I get a chance!
    17. Centaur Armeria sounds awesome! Does this mean you're sculpting the whole centaur body?:o
      Good luck and I hope we get to see how it goes! x3
    18. oh wow Musume, thanks for sharing the interview!

      and they are really thinking about boy body! yaaay!
    19. Yup, I'll be sculpting the entire centaur body from scratch! Right now I'm still at the stage of working out proportions (just how long and skinny I want the legs to be, and how skinny I want the torso to be). Here's a sneak peek of the very first step in the process - a cardboard mock-up :XD: Once I begin actually sculpting I'll start a Project Journal, too.

      Please excuse her awkwardly-held back arm - it's supporting her entire torso at an odd angle, so it was really hard to find an elegant pose that didn't send everything else tumbling :sweat

      Edit: After a bit of fiddling, I've come up with two different sizes that feel right, and now I can't decide between them! I'd love some input - do you prefer the centaur with the bigger horse body or the one with the bigger human body? The only difference between the two is that for the latter I've taken the horse body and shrunk it by around 80%.
    20. I personally think I like the shrunken horse body better. Though... the bigger horse body could have better proportions if you want her to look "full grown" and not so foal like. Hrm. Now I think I like the bigger one. Oh phooey. Have you had any further thoughts, sharnofshade?