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Rosette 47cm discussion Part 6

Apr 17, 2014

    1. I think I've decided to go with the smaller horse body. My logic is that a) it fits my original mock-ups better (and I am absolutely in love with those), b) it fits the Rosette aesthetic better (as they aren't meant to be adults, and I agree with you that the larger horse body's proportions look like an adult's rather than a teenager's), c) a smaller body will be lighter and a lighter body will be easier to pose and d) one of the things I love about Rosette girls is that, for such tall dolls, they're wonderfully light and easy to carry and handle, and I think the smaller horse body fits that design better.

      I'm going to keep my plans for the larger body, though, just in case one day in the future I decide Rosettes need a more adult centaur option :XD:
    2. Sorry to double post, but has anyone else seen the new Violet LE?! You can get her in CW or NS, on a Pure or Muse body, with a girl or lady bust, and you can get her with her basic head (in addition to, not instead of) her Good Afternoon head! Sounds like Soom have really been hearing that we want more options! I can't wait for her to go on sale, since I'm dying to see some more photos and I'm guessing what's up now is just her teaser.
    3. Oh my, she's SO pretty! Those wings! Holy smokes. And the faceup looks gorgeous also. Can't wait to see the full pictures :aheartbea

      sharnofshade - maybe the bigger horse body will work well when they develop the boy body :wiggle:
    4. She is really pretty! I can't wait to see all the details on her.

      sharnofshade - I know I'm a little late, like the smaller horse body. I think it compliments the slender Rosette body well!
    5. Violet is up for sale (along with an 'armor set' that appears to be.. a lacy dress o.O) and... proper high heel feet! Well, the feet are 'coming soon', but the picture is clearly of the proper full resin feet from the Versailles LE sets!
    6. %#@&! Damn it Soom!! If you didn't pull that stunt last time I'd be properly happy for this, but I don't trust you that much anymore. Sigh... but back on the band wagon... -_-

      Lol, should someone tell them it's spelled "amour"? :P
      (Okay I'm sure it's bound to be spelled "amor" in some languages... but typically I think we think of amour and amore.)

      Btw sharnofshade those horse body mockups look really nice x3 The curve up to the hips looks more natural than I thought it would ^^
    7. And another point of interest! They're available in Brown Tan!
    8. :dance I was praying they'd release them in CW and BT for those of us with FCE girls. I'm so thrilled that Soom seems to finally be giving the Rosette team the go-ahead to offer us more options!
    9. Out of curiousity, has anyone received their alice/chesire/mad hatter girls yet? I am waiting on elf delilah, and i know once those start arriving ive got about another month. Im hoping i will have my girl before august...otherwise i wont have much play time!

      i am so looking forward to seeing more rosettes in the future!
    10. Still no sign of my Cheshire Vela from the 22nd (March) being shipped... Well it's only day 80, early days yet for Soom :/
    11. OH man I finally did it, I have Camellia on her way to my home <3 :D I got her secondhand on the marketplace. SO EXCITE OMG. She even came with her full set school outfit whcih I wasn't sure I could afford but this was I could! Now I need to think of a name...

      They fit size 5-6 or 6-7 wigs? (which is better? It says 6.5" on the Rosette site...) I am researching wigs as I am not sure if I will like her fullset wig for all her looks.
    12. Looks like they've rereleased the heeled shoe feet too, and added CW and BT options there as well! Not sure how popular those will be compared to the regular heeled feet, though...

      And congrats on getting a Camellia, Lithe-Fider! 6-6.5" wigs technically fit, but I find them frustratingly loose (as in, if my girls accidentally sit on their hair, it will pull their wig right off). I'd definitely recommend something like a silicone wig cap, elastic band or velcro to help keep the wigs attached if you buy 6-6.5" size. I don't have any 5"-6" wigs, so I can't tell you for sure whether they'd fit better.
    13. Momiji wow are you really on day 80!? I've no idea what their current waiting period is like, but I hope your girl gets home soon!

      Feeeeeeeeet. I think I gotta get some. >_>

      Also, how did I miss sharn's totally awesome centaur mockup? Woah! That looks so amazing!! :D

      Lithe-Fider - I know the newer Rosettes like Vela, Delilah & Mia have odd-sized little heads that can wear some 5-6s, but I could not fit a (Formydoll) 5-6 on my Sakura or Armeria. Maybe if you have like a really stretchy 5-6 (Monique maybe?), but I'd suggest sticking to a 6-7 with a silicone wigcap. ^^;
    14. Ugh, I haven't even started looking for a wig for future Vela yet =.= There's SO many choices out there, and then it sounds like it would be hit-and-miss with the sizing. I did have my eye on a Leekeworld wig a whiiile ago, which came in the sizing "6inch~6.5inch". Does that sound good? :/

      Ahh I wish Soom would get on with answering their Q&A again; they haven't for a couple of days. I'll be really something-ed if they ship my Vela before combining my heeled feet order >_<

      Wow I'm kinda impressed with the new images on the heeled feet + shoes listing. It's wonderful that Soom are finally taking steps (huh huh geddit?) in
      1. giving us more options and
      2. providing sufficient information and product details.
      Now if only they would fix the Classmate tabs on the Rosette site because I would really like to know more about the girls other than Camellia xP

      Bandersnatch, thank you! The one and only other time I ordered a doll from Soom (Rosette Fir Xmas kit), it took the full hundred days they say is the max waiting period, so I just go by that...


      Aww... y'okay x3
      I wonder what the shipment date would have been otherwise...
    15. This might be wishful thinking and bad google translating, but did anyone else see on Emma's twitter yesterday something about renewing the children art.... does this mean new fresh looks for all the girls?

      Also, also! Has anyone ordered a Violet yet??
    16. Could you link me to the twitter? I didn't realise their was a dedicated Rosette twitter! I'm not sure I'd want all the girls to be resculpted, though (because then I'd possibly end up needing twice as many dolls *_*), so if it is a 'new look' I hope it's just new face-up designs, or maybe new default outfits.

      And I haven't ordered a Violet.... yet. I'm in a kind of tug of war, because on one hand I love Rosette girls in Cream White skin, and I love Violet and I really like the idea of the sleepy heads... and then on the other hand, I've been splurging a lot on dolls lately and should probably be slowing down a bit, and I'm not sure how I feel about Violet's sleepy head in particular (I think I'd need to open her eyes a bit, they're just a bit too closed to be expressive enough...), and I'm worried about what Limited Edition Rosette might show up next month, since it seems like Rosette might be jumping on the 'a new LE every month' bandwagon, considering we've had the Rabbit/Cat girls and then Elf Delilah and now CW Violet, all within one month of each other...

      Luckily I still have a decent amount of time to ponder it, especially since, even aside from everything else, I really want to send Soom the message that giving us all these options is worth their time, and the best way to do that is to buy their dolls!

      (And by the way, if anyone has a Summer Term Violet, please please please send some photo spam my way :aheartbea She's so rare that it's really hard to get a good idea of what her sculpt actually looks like!)

      Edit: Oh, and Momiji, Leekeworld 6"-6.5" wigs are exactly what I have on my two Rosette girls. They definitely fit (as in, they don't sit funny or bunch up, and the wigcap sits smoothly on their heads), but they are loose enough that they move around very easily (as I complained about in my previous post). Definitely recommend a silicone cap, especially for one of the smaller-headed dolls like Vela.
    17. It's her twitter here https://twitter.com/Micky_HY
      Her most recent tweet is the one I am talking about. Doesn't sound like a re-sculpt, just maybe new face ups. Maybe. Maaaaybe. Tell me what you think!
    18. Well, Google Translate has 'redesigned' as one of their alternate translations for 'renewal', so I'd definitely guess the tweet is referring to something being done with the basic line! New default face-ups, especially for the Pure girls, would be amazing.
    19. It's exciting whatever it is!

      I'm not sure I can resist Violet, myself. I always said that if the ST version were ever re-released I'd have to have her. But then I look at my sleepy Camellia and my other sleepy doll and I have to ask myself if I need another almost closed-eyed doll? I'd want the face up on her so modding the eyes open a smidge isn't an option. I wish they had shown pictures of the standard head painted up to match the style, I'm really curious to see how that beautiful eye makeup would translate to the OE head!
    20. Yeah, I feel exactly the same way about the ST heads. And unfortunately, from what I've seen, Violet has possibly the most closed eyes of all of them. Some (like Marguerite and Armeria, for example) look more like romantic heads (with half-lidded eyes), but then some like Violet really seem to have eyes that are just a shade away from being fully closed. And I don't have much use for characters with closed eyes, because they're a lot less versatile for story-telling. Unfortunately, it really limits how expressive they can be (in my experience, at least!)

      And I definitely agree that I'd love to see the default face-up on the OE head. I'm not personally interested in getting it myself (I like my Rosette girls to look very natural, so such dramatic make-up wouldn't suit me), but just from an artistic point of view it would be interesting to see!