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Rosette 47cm discussion Part 6

Apr 17, 2014

    1. Thank you, very useful to know!

      I do like this bolder direction the Rosette faceups have taken, if it is a direction (as opposed to being only for the purposes of these two limited series). It would be nice if they eased up on the saturation though and included more natural tones, but I'm not gonna complain x3 The default faceup that came on my pure Fir honestly felt like it was barely there when I first saw her :/
    2. Well, I am finally taking the plunge and ordering a Rosette upon receipt of my paycheck tomorrow morning, but now I am scared that they are going to do something drastically different with the new Rosettes, and if it happens to be something I adore, I will not be able to forgive myself for not being more patient and waiting to see what it was. The only reason I am so impatient is because I would like to have my girl before I go to England in August, as I cannot pass up the chance to get pictures of her in the city from which her character hails. Oh, and it would be nice to have her for Dollism too :lol:

      That being said, I read that wonderful interview posted on My Dolly Adventures' blog with SOOM, and they seemed to be hinting at something to do with steampunk style. I was wondering if they were referencing the past Rosettes, or perhaps alluding to another Steampunk line? I bitterly regret not discovering this hobby sooner, when steampunk Rosettes were in full swing, but alas, I was too late. What do you guys think? They did the fairytale, the fantasy and the romantic so far...does that mean the steampunk is coming back again, or will it be left in the past? (I sure hope not!)
    3. I was panicking a little when I purchased a Leeke wig for my Vela and then realized how small their heads were, so it's good to hear that they do fit, even if they are a little loose. I'm kicking myself for not grabbing more Licht wigs in 6-6.5 when they had more of the blond ones available, I'm sure they fit better since Licht wigs run small. Luckily I do have one that I think would suit her just in case I'm not happy with the Leeke.

      I've just seen Daydream Violet and wow, she is breathtaking! I'm not really into sleepy-eyed dolls though. I mean, they look great in photos but I would just rather have a more open-eyed doll.

      Edit: I have a WithDoll Cynthia whose head is apparently as small as these girls. I found that the Monique wigs in size 5-6 fit her beautifully. Unfortunately they don't have the styles I'm looking for for my Cheshire Cat Vela.
    4. Hi everyone! I've been lurking through these threads for a while and I was wondering if anyone could help me out? I'm thinking about ordering a Muse Fir and I was wondering how they look compared next to Minifees? I know they're about the same height, but I was just wondering if the proportions looked off or anything. Pictures would be especially helpful. Thanks in advance!
    5. Anna has done a great comparison of these bodies on Flickr here. Even the Muse is quite a bit taller than the Minifee body. Their heads also differ drastically in size.

      My Cheshire Cat Vela shipped today!! I'm so excited!:D
    6. Thank you for posting the link! I need to take better photos, but these old ones will do as well for now :lol:

      I am so excited for your Cheshire Cat Vela! Did you order her with a face-up? Outfit? I hope you share pictures with us when she arrives!
    7. @Anna, yup, I ordered her with a face up and outfit. I'll share a box opening the day she arrives:whee:
    8. I can't wait! I am especially curious about the face-up - it's so different from previous Rosette face-ups!
    9. thats so exciting! That means I probably have about a month until my elf delilah ships.
    10. Eek, can't wait, Venetica x3

      I wasn't expecting my Vela until way later, but it turns out I might be seeing her by early July, after a bit of slow back-and-forth in the Q&A...

      Me: Please combine heeled feet + Vela order.
      Soom: Okay but before we do, it will take a month extra. Is that okay?
      Me: Yes please combine the orders, but tell me a rough shipping date **Fearing this will make her ship in August or something**
      Soom: Okay but before we do, do you want shipping estimate for Vela or Vela+feet?
      Me [-_-]: Please combine order and give me estimate for Vela+feet
      Soom: Okay orders have been combined and please allow 1 week for estimate.
      **Receive estimate saying she will ship "at end of month". Worried for nothing >_>**

      This means she might get here during the two weeks where I will be at home, before going out on internship for 2 months!
    11. My guess is that they will be offering some more steampunk girls in the future. Perhaps not the "winged" line, but something similar. The steam girls were pretty popular (at least I think they were) and two of them were new molds, Vela and Delilah who aren't among the standards.
    12. And Mia! She was a Steam release too, bless her little unpopular socks.
    13. I loved Mia! If they re-release her (with the right options...) I'll really have to rethink my "3 Rosettes policy"

      Speaking of non-standard Rosettes, took a picture of Miranda being monstrous today...
      ADAD - Glass
    14. My Cheshire Cat Vela has arrived! Mostly happy...box opening here.
    15. Well, first, congratulations! She's gorgeous! I love the face-up - it is much prettier and more detailed than the standard Rosette face-ups! The outfit is beautiful as well. I do hope that Soom fixes the resin match issue, though. Ordering resin parts at the same time as the doll should yield a perfect color match.

      If it makes you feel better, I never received a Rosette with the logo pillows. I ordered my first Rosette in 2011 and she arrived in the same grey case as your girl, as did all my subsequent Rosettes. Not sure about the golden plate - perhaps only the first release of a sculpt gets it? It is sad about the box, though - I liked it better than the standard Soom one!
    16. Thank you! I've gotten that feedback about the pillows from another member, so I guess they just ran out of them, lol. I cooled down after box opening and decided I was nitpicking with the smaller issues. Then I discovered the reason her faceplate was falling off was because one of her magnets was dislodged...after a long and grueling experience with that (see the thread for details), it doesn't have that problem anymore, so that's a relief. I already have plans for her photo shoot, I just need to get some clothes for another one of my dolls.
    17. What a frustrating magnet experience! I hate gluing in magnets myself as the cost of a mistake is rather high in both time and effort. I don't remember if my girls have faceplate gaps, but considering that it's so common with faceplate dolls, I wouldn't be surprised if they all did. Hopefully, unless you are planning a super short hairstyle, a wig should cover it up!

      I'm really looking forward to seeing more pictures of her. She's really lovely despite frustrating you so much! :)
    18. HA, it only just registered with me after looking through Venetica's pictures twice and official images on Soom's listing probably twenty times, that Cheshire Vela has a beauty spot! I guess it doesn't change the way I feel about her much, though if I had to have a beauty spot on a doll I think I'd rather have the choice of where it went.
    19. Aww, I was kind of hoping that, if I do end up buying the new LE Violet, I'd finally get the pretty brown Rosette box instead of the Little Gem boxes my FCE girls came in :pout:

      And I have to assume the silver plate is a mistake, because the fantasy girls are definitely listed under the 'Limited Edition' tab in the store. I hope Soom realises their mistake and fixes it!

      Does anyone have pictures of the Rosette brand pillows Venetica is talking about? I didn't follow Rosettes back in their early days, so I've never seen them!

      Edit: I found some photos of the white pillow! They're on the Rosette site here. It's definitely super pretty! It's a shame that Soom don't seem to be making them any more.
    20. I have gotten a response from SOOM! They told me to send her back with the extra hands. They will replace the metal plate, fix the faceplate issue and give me new hands! I was shocked when I read that response, it was the last thing I expected. I've already shipped her back out. They are also going to reimburse me for the shipping cost right away, which I am very thankful for.

      I am a little confused as to how they are going to fix the faceplate. I wonder if I will be getting a different one? Oh man I hope the face up is as perfect as the one I had gotten! It was a little sad to let her go...and I'm sure most owners would decide not to send the doll back out, but I want the doll that I paid for.

      I'll be posting my second box opening when I get her back:XD: