1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Ruby Red BJD's new Honee-B!

Mar 13, 2011

    1. gilou2310 , what a cute little girl! And always so cutely dressed!

      Doesn't seem too many people have honee-B's?
    2. Thank you Keri.I am glad she pleases you too.
      I really like my little Honee-B.
      But,she is quite invisible ....on the Forum.

      So one more pic!
    3. Yes, I can help her.
      Email [email protected]
      I will be happy to help her!

    4. I love Honee-Bs! Below is my Fun with Cherry Blossom. It does seem like there aren't a whole lot of people posting about Honee-Bs, but maybe they will come out of the wood-works eventually.

      gilou2310, what a cute bunny outfit!


      Professional Artist
    5. Hi Cherry Blossom!
      Thank you Megann,your little one is a cutie!
      What a sweet face Honee-B has!She is just like a child,a little girl.
      (The bunny outfit is easy to find...a Shelly one .)
    6. Cherry Blossom is so darling! I agree that Honee-Bs really look like cute little girls, which makes it so fun to make tiny outfits for tiny children. I'm thinking about getting a Guardian Angel of the Ocean Honee-B as well. I just love her teal and gold accents.

      Professional Artist
    7. Hi to you ,Clochette!

      Thank you Ms.Cholong!


      And now be careful,Honee-B.
    8. Hi, Gilou :D Is that a Re-Ment bike your girl has? Sh's cute!

      I should get some pictures of my girl...so busy lately, but I should make the time!
    9. Clochette,it's Jenny's bike.
      A little girl who looks like Kelly-Shelly(Mattel) and made by Simba
      (I am waiting for the the new pics!)
    10. This is an old thread, but I'm hoping someone here might be of some help. I have a Honee-B, and have lost her left hand and left foot. The magnets that held them on seemed to be weak, and Ruby Red doesn't sell replacements. Does anyone have Fairyland pukis or similar sized dolls with magnet hands that would also fit Honee-B? From the website pictures, it looks like they would, but if anyone could confirm this, I'd be forever grateful :)
    11. Hi thatotherginger,

      Your little Honee-B will be good with a pukipuki hand.(as you can see on my pic(01/21/12).
      I just tried a puki foot:it's the good size too;but will not stay except if you glue it.
    12. I bought the Honee B - Luggage and Me Set <3 I named my girl Eileen Junior, or E.J for short.
      Today we went outside and played on the swing

      [​IMG]20150418_161713 by Princess-Oni, on Flickr
      • x 1
    13. I have a Honee-B who started life as the Luggage and Me set, but immediately was renamed "Smidge" and given a pink fur wig. She's since moved on to a fabulous lambskin pink wig made for her by a friend. She is the love of my dolly life, and while I have many, many other dolls and BJDs, she fits into a glasses case for my purse, so she goes EVERYWHERE with me. She stands well, poses pretty well for a small doll, and she borrows inexpensive clothing from Barbie's little sister Kelly. I love her. Happy
      • x 2
    14. What a cute baby!

      What a nice dream?
      #36 Rickama, Mar 5, 2016
      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2016
    15. I just received my Honee-B. I have the Chocolate doll. She is super cute, but I don't care for the wig or faceup.
    16. Congratulations rosamccall!Will you put some pics of her?
      I have a nude Honee-B on shipping.I really like this little girl.
    17. [​IMG]
      My new Honee-B is at home.
      Ha le Luya is glad to introduce her.
      • x 1