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Same character/doll in different life stages

Aug 7, 2016

    1. I was wondering, if any of you shelled the same character into different dolls, so you have them in different lifestages. Like having a Yo-SD and MSD of the same character, where the Yo-SD represents their toddler days and the MSD their kid/youth?

      I would be very interested in seeing pictures of this and your thoughts on the idea of having the same character in two different dolls :D
    2. I do have one doll I have in two stages - one as a YoSD (toddler) and one as a MSD (adult). Both are the same mold but the cild version has his eyes a smidgen more open:



      One pic to show the difference - both his forms are Littlefee Rurus

      I do intend to get a child version for my Iplehouse Violet too for travel purposes xD
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    3. That is so cute. Thanks for the lovely photos :D <3 And it sounds a lot easier to travel with YO-SD compared to MSD and SDs :P
    4. Yes, but normally not at the same time. My dolls shell my RP characters, and my characters do age in real time, so sometimes a character begins as a child and "grows" into an adult. For example, Parker started out as YoSD, "grew" into MSD and now at age 15, he's a small SD. But I only have the SD form anymore. The only time I've had one character shelled in two dolls (or more) is when they're on the verge of "growing" into that next shell, or when I upgraded my first doll from a mature mini to SD. I couldn't bear to part with my mini version even though I found I liked SD dolls better. In the end, I did end up selling my SD version and going back to the mini.

      I tend to feel overwhelmed when I have too many dolls, and I think having multiple dolls for one character would feel unnecessary for me in the long term.
    5. I definitely think this is what I will do. My couple will have a baby at some point and I want to show the child at different stages of life, but I don't know if I'll keep multiple dolls for the same character... I do get very attached to the dolls, I think selling would be really hard for me!

      But the thing I'm really looking forward to is finding/modding an old man sculpt for my wizard SID!
      I also want a pregnant body/torso for my girl when the time comes.
    6. Well, if everything works out I'll have my Jack of Spades three times - once as a little toddler, once as a youth and once all grown up and into the Red Knight.The youth version is a Narin hybrid, the grown-up version is a Ryoma Sakamoto hybrid. The toddler version will be Dollzone Gino. :D
    7. I've just put in my order for an Iplehouse Chris SID who is 63ish cms. He is my older version of my OC Character Astra whom i already have shelled in an Iplehouse Daniel JID who is 46cm.
      I cannot tell you how excited i am to have him in an older version is well as I'm able to take pictures of him and my other SD dolls and it looks cohesive and how it should :D This is the only reason why i have gotten him in SD other wise i would of left him as a MSD.
      I made a mood board of a few things which are key about his personality but most important you can see his younger and older self :kitty2
      I find these help me visualise if the doll would fit to be your older/younger doll.
      #7 Kentarin D'Ley, Aug 8, 2016
      Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
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    8. @CloakedSchemer It makes sense, not to have the same character at the same time, but I think it is really cool, you have your dolls grow up :D I think I would be unable to get rid of their first shelling though, since it was their original.

      @Khell That sounds really exciting! I can't wait for pictures of him :D If you feel for posting them ^^ But it sounds awesome :O

      @Kentarin D'Ley Ohh, that seems really interesting! I am happy for your new doll :D I hope you will post pictures of the two of them, when you get your SID Chris :D
    9. I wouldn't say different life stages, but I do have my characters in different sizes! I originally started out collecting them all as SD's, and now that they're complete I've begun to shell them as minis. However, they are still the same age as minis as they are when they're SD's, they are simply in a new scale. Two of my boys have also made it into 1/6 form (probably the only two I'll get in this size), and I don't really view them as their proper age OR children...they're more like "chibis" in this form if you will, so cute and adorable, but not children either.
    10. That sounds very cool and I would love to see pictures of them if you ever hold a photoshoot with them :D (Or just feel like taking some photos of them)
    11. I really want to get a youngster version of Grimmoire, she's my absolute favourite I have a huge story built around her already.

      I'm looking forward to having a doll of her before she loses her eye.

      I don't think I'd do this with another doll, as they wouldn't have the same meaning to me as she does. But overall I think it's an adorable thing to do, and collections of them look amazing to see how the character grows.
    12. Yep! These characters:

      Cameron has 3 (infant, child, and adult) dolls and his mother, Freya, has 2 (young and middle aged). So, far, they're my only dolls with multiple versions.
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    13. I currently have two flavors of one character as separate dolls; Sara, the shy, tiny, bunny-loving six year old, and User, the adult rebel who's seen some bad things go down. The in-story explanation has to do with alternate universes and a very protective daddy cat.

      Oddly enough, I don't have any pictures of the two together. I'll have to fix that.
    14. @BlitheFool this is the most heart wrenching picture I've seen <3 I love it ;A;
    15. @BlitheFool That picture is amazing. So many emotions and just breathtaking. Thank you for sharing it! <3 :D
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    16. @BlitheFool- Absolutely lovely! This is the kind of thing I'm hoping to do with my characters as well :) Could you share a shot of the young mother and middle aged mother side by side? I'm curious to see how you portrayed the aging.
    17. Sure, @Ellidyr ! They share a body (for space reasons!)- but here's a photo of each more close up:
      Younger version is an Impldoll Bernice and the older is a Cedarheart Lillian (on an Impl Star body)

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    18. Wow! Thats so cool! I love seeing the more mature head sculpt! I looked up Cedarheart on flickr, I just wish she had more pictures!
    19. I have one character like this; my first doll Gabriel is an adult (mini), and my first tiny, Luc, is him as a toddler. I've also considered aged-up versions of his children, but don't have those yet.

      I have the same character at different sizes, too, with tiny and mini versions of six, and SD versions of two of those six! Fortunately, my favorite wig and eye suppliers have lots of size choices, so I can keep their looks consistent. :)