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Sculpts that can wear fashion doll clothes?

May 26, 2024

    1. I hope this is ok as a gen. discussion topic, since I figured there's multiple sizes of BJD that could probably fit different lines of fashion doll! There's some discussions floating about, but I struggled to find anything super relevant discussing certain lines that I think are getting more popular nowadays!

      I see those Rainbow/Shadow High dolls in stores a lot, and those big LOL dolls (sorry, I don't know which is which with those) and I'm astounded by their outfits, they're sooo cute and detailed! Same with modern Monster High, their outfits are super charming and cute! Do y'all use any of these to dress your dolls? Are there any lines of dolls I should take a look at aside from these (to admire or otherwise)?

      I know some Barbie Ken clothes will fit my Hujoo Freyr, long sleeves/pants legs can be a bit too long for him but that's easy enough to tailor if you're good with a needle! I've never tried any of these fashion doll outfits on my other dolls, since I'm worried they wouldn't fit and I wouldn't know what to do with them ^^;
    2. I've been able to fit the Disney ILY 4Ever doll shirts, jackets, and some jewelry on my Zuzu delfs, though long pants or tights are a no-go due to the length (and in comparison, chunkiness) of their legs. Trying tops and jackets/coats/etc on 1/6 dolls will probably be your best bet. The stick-like legs in comparison to chunkier 1/6 BJD legs will likely be a sticking point, as may be sleeve/pant leg length.
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    3. My Dream Valley Aiden has been able to fit into a couple of "classic" sized Barbie clothes! His jeans are a "tall" Barbie pattern I found. From what I know of the RH/SH lines, their clothes might be a bit short for him (tops would probably look cropped at best lol), which is a bummer because they are super detailed and cute. :D No idea how MH clothes compare, unfortunately.
    4. A lot of MSDs can fit into Glitter Girls fashion packs!
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    5. 1/6 mature tinies/minies discussion threads have a lot of discussion about this. Soom Mini Gem/Myou 1/6 can fit into Barbie/Disney iLu 4ever/Volks Who's That Girl? clothes. I haven't tried Monster High/Rainbow High/Everafter High fashions on them as I don't have any. However, if you look on Youtube, there are some doll collectors who will compare the different clothing on different dolls (like Rainbow High on a Barbie) and that might help give you an idea of how they may or may not fit.
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    6. Rainbow/Shadow High dolls have short wide torsos, Soom Mini Gem and Myou 1/6 mature tinies don't fit in their clothes. They don't fit Doll Zone 1/6 either.
    7. I've had success with Barbie clothes on certain mature tinies like Atelier Momoni's Pitusa line. Many Ruby Red Galleria clothes will fit Volks MSDs too.
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    8. My "She's a Dragon" doll by CrowBlackJay will fit some Barbie shirts. Likely skirts too, however I have styled mine to be male so only tried the shirts. I have my boy in a superhero shirt for Barbie.
    9. The myou 1/6 scale boy and girl can fit in a lot of these dolls clothes. My myou 1/6 boys use ken clothes as well shoes.
    10. Monster High (at least G1 and G2, I don't know about the newest ones) are as skinny as a 1/8 doll, just stretched out. So very few BJD lines are thin enough to wear their clothes.
    11. The old Kelly/Tommy outfits for the Barbie line fit Pukipukis quite nicely.
    12. I use a lot of rainbow high on my Jacoosun Rous (see profile pic) - the LOL OMG doll tops fit better than rainbow high (the tops for rainbow high are a bit gappy/loose). They can also wear normal Barbie and Blythe (bottoms only if they are stretchy). I also have atelier momoni pitusas who also fit this category (curvy barbie for momonita, normal barbie or blythe for somni or other skinny hip girls) and I have some Tonocha Cup Faeries who also fit. I just ordered the new Whispering Garden girl and another whose name/sculpt is escaping me but they are all in the same size category clothing wise. That's my preferred size. I can get some of the curvy barbie t-shirts on my atelier momoni MSD size girls too - as a crop top.
    13. My Little Monica tiny fits some Barbie and MH clothing, especially the outfits with lots of stretch. Her torso is more hourglass/exaggerated than MH so she needs shirts that accommodate her breasts and hips but won't fall down.
    14. Popovy Sisters dolls can fit in some clothes designed for 1/6 Fashion Scale.
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    15. In the past I found some Barbie clothing fitted Bambicrony CB dolls but that’s going back over 10 years so I don’t know if they still have similar body proportions.
      Planet Doll (no longer exist) mini Riz, etc fitted some Barbie and even Blythe dresses, tops and loose shorts if you ever find any of those dolls on the second hand market.
      Doll Chateau body B-body 05 can fit some Blythe dresses and tops.
      Fairyland Realfee (although much shorter in height) can wear some Blythe dresses, tops, rompers.
      Fairyland Littlefee can at a push be squeezed into very baggy or stretchy Barbie tops and dresses, just!

      Arms, hands, hips and thighs are always going to be the main hurdles as they’re usually thicker on BJD than fashion dolls so sleeveless, short-sleeved or super stretchy fabric is the way to go.

      I saw someone mention Monster High G1 and G2 outfits, although they are super skinny the T-shirts, waistcoats, etc do fit Fairyland Pukipuki although the clothes are a smidgen loose. My puki is currently wearing an old MH top, from Kjersti Trollson who was one of the shorter MH girls, it’s a bit loose around the shoulders but looks cute.
      #15 Blodeuwedd, Jun 13, 2024 at 11:54 PM
      Last edited: Jun 14, 2024 at 12:00 AM
    16. My Xagadoll Sylvie fits some fashion doll clothes. The biggest issue is she's very curvy top and bottom, so Barbie pants and Bratz tops often work. Some Momoko clothes as well.
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    17. As others have said, I would say the Myou dolls fit Barbie stuff fairly well. Also, Dollmore Kidults would likely fit. I also find Atelier Momoni Pitusas work well for Barbie sized stuff, though some can fit some Rainbow High tops as well.

      Maskcat 1/6 doll would probably fit some pieces - petite or Skipper in particular. They also fit some Azone and Blythe sized stuff. Actually, due to the size of some of the smaller Maskcat dolls, they tend to fit a wide variety of fashion doll clothing.

      I have found Disney NuiMOs clothing can work well for some Pipos dolls, like their Cheshires. Do have to adjust the Velcro, but it works.
    18. pipos 1:6 po11 large bust fit on many barbie clothes and all curvy barbie clothes just the trousers are a bit long but the dresses work perfectly