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Secretdoll - Picture Doll Person - discussion part 5

Jun 3, 2015

    1. Oh dear, who's not sharing?!
    2. Awww! Only one chicken to go around? They will have to figure out a timeshare schedule. ;)

      I love how almost all of them are tan, this release! So nice to see them!
      Currently thinking hard about lay away....
    3. Sharing is caring, MiyaMaia. ;)

      Funny about the eyes -- I didn't notice some were glass since Groovy Girl 04 is still listed as having handmade Secretdoll Eyes this time around. Same with Girl 21. I wonder if SD is only is going to make eyes when they can't find exactly what they want in glass. It would be a shame since the eyes are so distinctive, but I bet it speeds up production, especially in a big release like this one.
    4. Thanks everyone for the compliments! (sorry, I'm new and can't sort of how to highlight names :-P )
      I think I'm going to name her Hattie, if the name sticks.

      I love the new release so much! My favorite is Groovy Girl 4.
    5. I ordered my first Person! I waited to see the limited release, and while they are all super cool, I just went ahead and ordered a basic 21. I can't wait to see all the Groovy 70s Persons when they all start to arrive, though! Is it about a 3 month wait for a basic, the same as for limiteds? Also, I'm clearly going to need a Wubba Chicken once my Person arrives. Where does one procure a miniature Wubba Chicken?
    6. Thank you for the well wishes, aernath! Hoping by this weekend, I can put the box of tissues down and pick up my camera. :daisy

      Great pic, astronik! And yes, I noticed that about the eyes, too. I know many would change out the Secretdoll eyes, but I always liked how unique they were and miss seeing them.

      Seeing that 04 with big eyes sure was a surprise for me, too. It changes the whole look of that doll - really softens the personality. I think my favorite this time is the big eyed tan 21, but I don't feel the need to buy her, which is a relief after getting two in a row. My wallet needs a breather. But I'm happy for everyone who found exactly what they were looking for in this collection - it really is a great one!
    7. Congratulations, Jaybirdfinnigan! :sumomo: The basic 21 is a beautiful girl! It usually only takes about 2 months to get them - at least, that's been my own experience. I imagine it can go longer, say if you choose to do layaway.

      I got one of those rubber chickens from Sausalito Ferry Co.'s on-line site, but not sure they sell them anymore and the one I got may be a little smaller. That was a couple years ago. My male Catsy, Bogart, used it in his magic trick, but it didn't work out well for him: https://www.flickr.com/photos/88404558@N07/9001944652/in/album-72157632628410190/ :kitty2
    8. yay, more People!

      Nettle had some Wubbas but I just looked and her shop is empty right now.... poo.
    9. I am loving all of your photos and new Persons! The 70's summer special editions are all wonderful. I think I am most tempted by the 04 in her green jumpsuit and the 21 in her little dress with the handbag ... but I love them all! I'm glad I have until July 20 to see if I must order or can resist! :D It's amazing how the "big eyes" effect changes the whole look.
    10. Thez remind me little but of Valfres drawings. Does anybody know her? Shes a fashion desinger or something like that
    11. Slinking into the thread...

      I never thought these little ones were for me but them I saw one in "person"....LOL and they are so stinkin cute. Plus with this 70s vibe and the tan skin...cuteeee!
      Question about the handmade eyes, what are they like...someone mentioned they were made of paper? Or is it like a paper decal on a glass base?

      Im in glad the limited period is til July. I want a pair of them and they are just no where in my budget plan. Help me resist!
    12. I have a few spare wubba chikens so if any of you guys would like one PM me your address and I'll get one out to your Person!
      Yes I looked back and I think two of the new ones still have the custom eyes, whew. Honestly I'm finding it easier to resist ordering with the plain eyes.

      Has anyone ever confirmed whether the previous tan version are the same with different releases or not? I know the cat 08 specifically said Light Tan, and these ones really seem pale as well.
    13. I believe they are different -- I haven't put them side by side yet but my new Groom looks lighter than Oliver (Aqua Release) though both were listed 'Light Tan'. I'll take a comparison pic later when I get them both out.

      But! Here comes the Groom --

      [​IMG]James by christina, on Flickr

      I think I might call him James, my bad Victorian prep school boy...

      or I also think I might call him Holmes and give him a flat at 221b Baker Street...

      or I might go with my first impulse and dress her up like the Wednesday Addams she is, deep down inside...

      ... sometimes it's more fun to let them decide once they settle in...
    14. Congratulations, icicle! :sumomo: Your little Groom is wonderful! He's both handsome and pretty at the same time! Love the outfit - so well done! Yes, I can see him making a great Wednesday Adams, too, but then again, if he's Holmes, he's a master of disguise and can be anyone anyway - including an adorable "she"! :fangirl:
    15. Thanks Cattwo, I'm really smitten with him (or her). It'll be entertaining trying to decide what direction to go in first. You're right, Holmes would be such fun -- the disguises, especially the gypsies and ragmans ! the Victoriana! a chance to finally use that awesome wallpaper from the modern BBC series! I'm such a prop hound...

      The outfit is surprisingly versatile and clever -- the 'shirt' collar is part of the vest which has no sleeves and that makes it easy to put on the jacket. The pants are gray flannel and the shoes... oh my bob, they are awesome... perpetually tied, thank goodness...

      [​IMG]awesome shoes by christina, on Flickr

      I hope you're feeling better and have time to enjoy your Bride soon!
    16. I'm so excited to see this thread taking off, like it has the past few days! I'm happy new Persons are on the way to our group!!! Congrats to all!!!!
      I love the wubba chicken challenge. But I've lost ours, or they fled from neglect. I'll have to try and find some more, now Eloise is mad at me for losing them!

      Eloise has been on a shopping spree, since I left her to play, while I was ill. She loves new clothes, who knew!... lol
      We had a little snafu, when she learned that the plastic money thingy, as she calls it, eventually runs out of money to spend.[​IMG]

      Sent from my Venue 8 3830 using Tapatalk
    17. Congratulations on the new arrivals! So fun seeing them "in person" instead of just the company photos! ^_^
      Oh, it's always best to let them pick their own personality when they arrive. I've had too many rejections of my own ideas over the years. ;)
      Poor Eloise! I know that feeling! It sucks. But you have plenty of fun stuff to play with already. Just look at that tablet and papasan chair! I do think she looks best in that wig. So cute!
    18. Ooooh icicle that outfit looks even better than the promo pics. I really wish I could have swung a mustachioed man but such is life, maybe one will turn up in my future.
    19. Thanks for the kind welcome for James! This is my first fullset with clothes from Secretdoll and I'm impressed. Makes me wish I could afford them each time too... :)

      astrosnik -- definitely a difference in 'Light Tan'. I took a comparison of all the People I currently have. It's quite a range...

      Persons People
      by christina, on Flickr

      l to r --
      21 Aqua Aqua Light Tan
      08 Big Eye Spring Wedding Light Tan
      08 Basic NS
      21 Narrow Eye Cat Person WS

      More comparisons are on my flickr ...
      • x 1
    20. They are made of paperclay... No decals. Hand painted. Very beautiful. And fragile. I bought my girl second hand and the seller just tossed the eyes in a plastic box. The eyes were crackled and unusable :(

      Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk