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Secretdoll - Picture Doll Person - discussion part 5

Jun 3, 2015

    1. Oh, what a shame! I've gotten chipped glass eyes before, some sellers just don't think.
      Thanks for the comparison! Nice range of skintones there.
    2. Thanks so much for the answer! That really really sucks that a seller was so irresponsible with your second hand girl and the eyes were ruined. :pout:

      Does anyone know if Secret Doll will hand-make a pair of eyes if requested instead of providing the glass, I wonder? They really are something special and do give the dolls a certain look. If I can decide which little cutie I want I'll ask them if it's possible even if it costs more/takes more time. I'm just curious.

      Also is there a "what fits" thread? I am so unfamiliar with anything outside of big SDs… Do all the clothes for them need to be custom or is there a similar doll size that might have clothing options? There weren't a ton of options still available on the Secret Doll website.

      Sorry for being a newb on your thread folks.:daisy
    3. You know, they might! Wouldn't hurt to ask. ^_^ They seemed very kind when I was doing my first order with them, and couldn't quite figure out the lay away system.

      As for what fits... I'm terrible with that and can never remember. I have seen in the thread somewhere, it's mentioned. I think Lati White? Or Yellow? But don't quote me. :sweat I got my first boy with the outfit so he'd have something to wear, but the second one I bought without, and am sewing teeny clothes for them when I get motivated. lol

      Speaking of motivation: I did just that and made a fringed jacket and bell-bottom pants that came out not quite so bell-bottomed. :roll:
      And we don't have any Wubba chickens around here, but we do have a Wubba DUCKY! ;)
      My boys, Wilfred and Wilson.

      [​IMG]Wilfred, Wilson - SecretDoll Persons 17 and 21 by aernath, on Flickr
    4. Thanks aernath! (seems I'm everywhere you seem to be…lol). I've been trying to sort through the treads and Etsy and be all about do diligence…but jumping to a new size is hard! Your little ones are so cute! :XD: Girls I can resist…but then I see cutie little boys & their toys, I just go on auto-pilot press the buy now button!:doh

      I'm so glad the order period is til July.
    5. I thinks James is a very versatile Person, icicle - lots of fun avenues to explore with him! His outfit really is fabulous - so much detail! Sounds like you have some excellent props for him already, too - can't wait to see what trouble he gets into! ;)

      Thanks a bunch for sharing pics of all the different skin tones - very cool to see the differences and really great that you have such wonderful diversity in your collection! I'd love to get a tan one someday. :aheartbea

      And thank you for the well wishes, too! I was able to take a pic of her today, which I'll share after I catch-up with this fast moving thread.

      Eloise looks adorable in this pic, LadyCrow! She even has her own tablet - how cute is that?! :fangirl:

      Sad to hear that, MissEmily! Glass eyes still look nice in them and some people actually prefer them, but the first owner should have valued and cared for those eyes better. I've actually never had them out of my Persons' heads. I just think they fit their style so well.

      No harm is asking her, mdonline! I agree with aernath on that. She probably does have some still available. I agree that I think they add something special to the dolls.

      As far as being a newb - no need to apologize there! We've all been newbies before and I'm thankful to everyone who helped me out. With regard to clothes, it's Lati Yellow that they can wear, though some Lati Yellow can be a little wide or short on them. However, most works okay. Middie Blythe dresses can work well, too. There are also some Etsy sellers who make clothes specifically for Persons, too. :daisy

      Your boys are adorable, aernath! Love the names you gave them, too - they really fit them! And wow - you made a fringed jacket and bell-bottom?! That's cool! Can't wait to see them! :fangirl:
    6. Without further ado,

      Here Comes the Bride...


      I'll try to take some more pics of her soon, as this one was just a quick one and she looks especially lovely in profile.
    7. Oh, don't be sorry, welcome! We were all newbies once :)
      As for what fits, you can usually get away with things for Lati Yellow and Pukifee -- they'll likely be too short and sometimes too wide, but it's a place to start -- and there are lots of things for those two lines. Irrealdoll Enyo/Ino/Dryo are similar sized too but sometimes just as hard to find and some Middie Blythe stuff can work, hit or miss.
      If you have something specific in mind, Spampy makes custom stuff for Persons (and all tinies, really). She's closed right now but she opens up orders fairly regularly. You put your name on her list and she contacts you when it's your turn. She's very nice and the clothes are well made, reasonable and fit perfectly.
      Another option is to do a search for Secretdoll on Etsy-- depending on who's got stock, ican'tdance, nettlefromspace, dollily and feltland all have done work for Persons.
      Hope that helps!

      That's an awesome jacket, aernath, well done, you! Bell bottoms look good too.

      *Wubba Ducky, you're the one... *

      LOL! Now I've got that as an ear worm :)

      ... duckies totally count!

      Oh Cattwo! She's gorgeous!! Wow. Her outfit looks beautiful as well. I think the Wedding clothes have been exceedingly well done and were really worth it.
      I'd love to see her profile.
      Have you chosen a name yet?
    8. Cattwo & icicle - thank you so much for the welcoming understanding and the little tid-bits of info! So helpful! I'm making my list now.

      Cattwo your bride is just delightful!
    9. Thank you for your nice comment, icicle! I agree that the outfits for these dolls are very nicely made. I've bought most of the outfits that were available with my Persons and have been delighted with all of them. I know they can be pricey, but there is a fair amount of detail in them, much of it handmade, and I couldn't make anything myself that's as nice. The only Person whose clothes I passed on was my 04 Person of the Past. Her outfit was cute, but nothing I couldn't replicate.

      I've named her Gwyneth. She just seems like a Gwyneth to me. :daisy

      Thank you for your nice comment, mdonline03! And glad we could help with those tid-bits! :daisy
    10. Here's that profile shot, icicle!

      Are you my Prince?

      I wish I had better lighting because it's so tough to make out her pretty golden brown eyes.
    11. [MENTION=20691]Cattwo[/MENTION] - Wow! But look at all the other pretty colored things! What a gorgeous gown! That bride outfit is very nice, but... wow!
      And thanks! Wilfred just totally looked like a Wilfred to me, and then I was on a "W" kick with Wilson. I figure the next one I get will be a Wallace. lol
      Actually, Wilfred's wearing the jacket and pants. See? The bell-bottoms came out not so bell bottomy. :XD:
      [​IMG]Wilfred - SecretDoll Person 17 by aernath, on Flickr
      [MENTION=59239]icicle[/MENTION] - That song was totally in my head all day! Had to share. ;)
      [MENTION=63054]mdonline03[/MENTION] - We still have the same tastes! I only have two girls in my entire crew. And these little boys just swept me off my feet! They're just so cute. So much character!
      They are a bit top-heavy, and a little fiddly for me with their small bodies and my huge hands. But I still love them!
      And I will be angsting about getting that 04 all the way up to the deadline to order! :sweat So many other actual bills to pay first.
      [MENTION=57662]MissEmily[/MENTION] - Ouch! That sucks! My boys aren't currently wearing their SecretDoll eyes, but I am definitely keeping them safe. I may go back to them eventually.
    12. Gwyneth certainly suits her, as does her princess dress. Such a refined young miss. I see she has the same tastes in art as my daughter -- if it's a cat, she loves it! I do too.
    13. Thank you, aernath! I had that gown for quite some time and finally got around to using it. It was made for another doll - can't recall which one, maybe a Puki or Lati. Anyway, I fell in love with it before I even had a doll I knew for sure could fit in it - lol! Glad my Persons can wear it.

      I love the fringed jacket! :aheartbea It's so cute and really fits his personality! His pants look nice, too! Boys like to wear them baggy like that and he looks great in them! I'd love to get a boy like yours - they really are adorable! And yes, do name your next one Wallace! You'd have a real band name then - Wilfred, Wilson and Wallace! Gosh, how cute is that?! :fangirl:

      Thank you, icicle! This one just seems to have a very girly, romantic vibe to her. I think my other, regular eyed 21 does, too. The 08's are the contemplators or conspirators - they look quiet, but you know they're up to something. And 04's just seem grumpy and bossy to me. The 15's are happy-go-lucky sorts and the 17's seem thoughtful and sweet. That's how I see their personalities, but I know everyone sees them differently - that's what makes them so much fun! :daisy

      And yes, cats are big with me, hence my moniker. My first bjd was actually a cat, too - an Elfdoll Catsy. The very one you see in my avatar. Have more stuff for them than any other doll, hence that kitty painting :kitty2
    14. OMG!! Gwyneth and the boys are so darn adorable!! I love Gwyneth's dresses!!
      And i love that leather jacket!!
      Where did you find the guitar? I'd love one for Hubby!

      Gosh,I'm loving these Persons so much!!

      For some reason i can't seem to get a photo to load on here tonight. I've tried everything!

      Eloise had been enjoying some new comic books,i wish you could see them.
      I did post photos on Flickr if you're on there.

      Sent from my SPH-D710BST using Tapatalk
    15. To share a photo from flikr, there should be a little arrow in the bottom right corner of the photo's display page. Click on that, then click on the "BBC code", then choose your size (I resize before I load photos on to flikr, so I usually use " original" size) and then right click on the line of code it gives you (it should highlight blue) then "paste" that code in here. That should post your photo then. :)

      On! And I got the guitar from a Japanese Figma. I actually bought the entire Figma - doll with faceplates, outfit, and guitar - just for that guitar! :sweat
    16. I'm using my mobile or my tablet. No right clicking, no mouse. Taptalk app isn't working right for me as it usually does. I'll keep trying.

      Eloise is waving hello to all.

      Sent from my SPH-D710BST using Tapatalk
    17. Oooooh. I haaaaate trying to do anything with my tablet other than just simple replies here. I save all the picture sharing for when I'm on my laptop or desktop.
      Glad to know it's not just me, though! Seriously! I thought I just wasn't getting it or something. ~.~ I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes. Especially with new technology.
    18. Loving all the photos. I really must take photographs of my crew. I have two from the Aqua release that I still haven't photographed. So, who will be ordering? I hope to soon but I'm still undecided on which of the open eye versions to go for but I think it will be need boy.
    19. Thank you for your nice comment, LadyCrow! I hope you're able to post pics of your Eloise again soon! I'll be sure to go check her out with her comic books on flickr! :fangirl:

      Oh, yes, please do take some pics of your crew, smudge! I'd love to see your two from the Aqua collection! That was such a nice collection, too! :daisy
    20. Does anyone know of a company that sells wigs like the fine mohair ones that come with the Persons please?

      Thanks very much in advance for any information anyone can give me!