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Secretdoll - Picture Doll Person - discussion part 5

Jun 3, 2015

    1. I've gotten some nice Glib mohair wigs for mine and they're similar to those on Secretdoll Persons. You can get them from 3 places that I know of:
      MUdoll: http://mudoll.com/shop/step0.php?co...c_code=C20080530033934&m_code=M20080530034028
      JunkySpot carries some: http://junkyspot.com/obindex.html
      Doll Peddlar also carries them: http://www.dollpeddlar.com/wig-bout...e-with-c-1507_1511.html?filter_id=125&sort=2a

      I hope you find the style you're looking for, dambuster01!
      • x 1
    2. Thanks very much for those links Cattwo, I will have a look there.....I'm not looking for anything fancy, but just love how those particular wigs are a great scale for the already big Person heads!!! ;)
    3. [​IMG][/URL][/IMG]

      It's hard to keep up on here! I havent had the opportunity to take proper pix yet, but 2 new girls joined our home a few days ago. The blonde I'm probably changing her hair to red. The tan colored girl, Hattie, usually wears blond hair.
    4. What a cute crew you have! So glad to see them!
    5. You're very welcome, dambuster01! I think they're all fairly simple styles, so I hope you find one that will work. You can always tweak them and trim them a little to suit your doll's style better. I've done that to mohair wigs before - I find them easier to work with than other types of fiber wigs. :daisy

      Congratulations on your new girls' arrival, kcoconuts! :sumomo: What wonderful faces all your girls have! They look so sweet and adorable together, too! :aheartbea
    6. They are dreamy!!! I love them all.
      I'm not looking at the new dolls!! I made a promise to Eloise that she'd be my one and only.
      I honestly don't think i could handle more than one of these sassy girls, so its been easy to make and keep that promise...lol

      Sent from my SPH-D710BST using Tapatalk
    7. I'm excited to say that I have put a Person on layaway.....finally I have a tanned girl coming!! She is a #21 from the Person of the Past release. She won't be home until mid July and I can hardly wait! It seems all my bjds are turning 'tanned' ;) Must be the Spanish sunshine.

      This is Secretdoll's photo obviously, so hope it's OK to share it here :) Her name is Valentine and she will probably have red hair, not sure yet though. :dance

      [​IMG]Secretdoll Person of the Past by Sharon, on Flickr
    8. Ooo, she looks great! I hope she comes home quickly! I would love to see her in a red wig!
    9. dambuster01, congrats! Your girl is gorgeous <3 I love her name too.

      ladycrow, cattwo, aernath... thanks! I adore them all. They are a great trio.

      I ordered a red glib wig for the blonde girl this morning. She is stubborn and hasnt told me her name.
    10. Congratulations, dambuster01! :dance She was one of my favorites from that collection and I regret not being able to get her or the 17 Persons of the Past, but I had my heart so set on getting a 04 at the time. Anyway, I think she's really lovely and I hope you enjoy having her in your collection!

      Congratulations on your doll's in-coming red wig, kcoconuts! :dance Maybe once your girl gets her new wig, she'll let you know her name.
    11. [MENTION=67121]kcoconuts[/MENTION] - I keep looking at the photo of your girls, and it's making me really waaaaaant that tan 04 in this release! I still think she would make a wonderful boy....
      But I so shouldn't! Argh!
    12. [MENTION=20691]Cattwo[/MENTION] she actually told me her name this morning. Her name is squeegee. :)
      I was bad, I followed up my wig order with a commission order from icantdance for the girls.
      [MENTION=9171]aernath[/MENTION] I'm really wanting a boy! I'm considering doing a layaway.
    13. Layaway is your frieeeeennnndddd! :)
    14. Yeah, I need to figure out how to do it. I'm such an instant gratification person...patience. .I haz none! :lol:
      It'll be a looong wait!
    15. But woooorth it! ;)
      I'm thinking about it too. I'll probably wait until the last minute, trying to convince myself not to do it. :sweat
    16. kcoconuts your little ladies are adorable…!
      Congrats on your little lady dambuster01! Love the outfit too.

      These Persons are killing me…they are just too dang to be called dolls even. Ugh this is torture because I'm also on the last minute boat. I swear every time I look - I change my mind, then want a pair which I just will not allow myself to do (I think):shudder.

      Any special Person tips I should know about? I saw some posts saying that they can be kicky (but that's fine for me). I don't care so much about posing…I think I also read they are a little top heavy? (that's fine too for me)… so I dunno...

      I think I got the clothing sizes down and wigs but don't think I'll change them from their 70s get ups.

      Oh maybe this…does anyone know roughly hour often the limiteds are released and are the regular picture dolls always available or do they sell out/have purchase periods? Tryin to catch up…trying to catch up. :)

    17. I think someone needs to set an alarm so we all remember to re-evaluate on the 24th of July. I'll likely be waiting for the last day too.

      mdonline -- The basic Persons are usually available at any time although Secretdoll did pull them a few months ago for an overhaul. They were brought back with new makeup options and a no makeup option. In other words, like any bjd company, you never really know what they're up to and for how long things will stay the same!

      The older Persons were extremely kicky but they have been redesigned a few times and that is no longer much of an issue. Top heavy for sure, with that noggin!, but now they can actually stand on their own much more easily too. Still, propping heads against the wall is a time honored Person thing :)

      kcoconuts -- cute girlies! I hope to see more of their adventures.
      dambuster01 -- congrats! I had a 21 Person of the Past. She was awesome. Please share pics when she arrives!
    18. Thank you for the congratulations etc., hopefully she will be here in July and I will certainly share photos of her on here :)
      I ordered her a red wig from MUDoll yesterday but then when I came to pay I forgot to put the order number on the paypal payment.....what an idiot I am! Particularly as my email address that I'm registered on their site with and my paypal one are completely different. I hope they understand my message to them, I did include a screen print of the payment. I don't know what I was thinking. Or wasn't thinking, as the case may be!

      MDonline, you ask if there is anything you should know about the Persons.....well here is the most important thing, they can be very very naughty, you cannot leave them unattended and have to have eyes in the back of your head. Here is an old photo of mine. The #21 has gone to live in Canada, and is going to be replaced with a tan girl.....but she was less of a handful than Kobi, the redhead #8.......

      [​IMG]Ahhh...isn&#x27;t it lovely.... by Sharon, on Flickr
    19. Thanks!:) really good intel. I had thought that the Persons were sold out or unavailable or "something" like that. So it must have been when they were doing their overhaul when I went-a-poking after seeing one at a doll meet.

      Hahaha…that picture is hilarious:lol: great warning! I better warn all of my other dolls that their peaceful existence will be ending shortly. A new Person will be arriving….mmmwhahah.
    20. I nearly fell out if my chair when i saw that photo!!
      I'm trying another app to see if we can add photos of Eloise again. I don't understand why the other one stopped working.