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Secretdoll - Picture Doll Person - discussion part 5

Jun 3, 2015

    1. Glad you enjoyed that, but this is nothing compared to what she did to her own best friend!!!!! ;)

      [​IMG]Lesson No. 13 by Sharon, on Flickr
      • x 2
    2. Oh no...she really is a handful!!! And now i have sweet tea to clean up...lol

      Sent from my SPH-D710BST using Tapatalk
    3. [MENTION=9980]dambuster01[/MENTION] - Bahahaha! On man, those photos are wonderful fun!
      Yes! Keep one eye at all times on your Person! Some are sneakier than others!
    4. Your pics are hilarious, dambuster01! Your Persons sure do like to get themselves into trouble - and in such an adorable way, too! :fangirl:

      Squeegee is such a cute name, kcoconuts! It's full of personality just like her! :fangirl:
    5. LOL thanks Ladycrow, aernath and Cattwo ....glad you enjoyed seeing the photo. Honestly though, I'm grey before my time with those two, it's the reason I had to let Percy (#21) go and live in Canada earlier this year. She was beginning to get traumatised by Kobi's bad behaviour ;)
      I'm hoping that the new #21 will be a bit more 'gutsy' and be able to hold her own against this little minx!! :)
    6. @dambuster01 your pix of the girls are too funny!:XD:

      I had a question for everyone:

      How do you go about cleaning your dolls, if needed?

      Also, someone told me that if I wanted to keep a wig in place, I could use a bit of elmers glue. They said it wouldn't stain or damage the doll. I know I can use wig caps too. any thoughts or advice?


      Last night, the girls were entertaining my youngest daughter. She got out her little camera and took pictures of the girls during a wubba party!
    7. I use white glue to hold wigs on, and it works! Tiny Bear posted this a couple years ago, and i love it!

      Sent from my SPH-D710BST using Tapatalk

      I love this photo soooooo much! I've gotten my granddaughters to take photos of their dolls. They love to look at my photos so,
      I bought them cameras and dolls together.

      Sent from my SPH-D710BST using Tapatalk
    8. kcoconuts, looks like your daughter is getting the photo all lined up properly and everything! Never too young to start them on doll photos I don't think! I love the look of concentration on her face too, bless her!! :)
    9. [MENTION=67121]kcoconuts[/MENTION] - That is such a cuuuuuute photo! She's handling all those personalities so well! I can clearly see the one in the pink hat, asking what is taking so long, and the brunette is kicking at the chicken, obviously not liking it getting too close to her. :lol:
    10. Adorable pic, kcoconuts! Very sweet! :fangirl:
    12. Sorry! Your picture completely distracted me from the questions!

      Cleaning is easy with Mr Clean Magic Eraser.
      And to hold on wigs, there is Velcro with a sticky back. I usually use that. But my Persons came with silicone wig caps, so I use those for them.
      I have heard of using hot glue on the wig cap, and I think that would work just fine. I use hot glue to suede many of my other dolls, and there are no adverse effects.
      Elmer's should work too. I use it for holding on non-drilled earrings.
    13. You can also use the silicon ear plugs. They work great on my tinies. You only need a little dot on the head. Press the wig down on the suit and it should hold. I use this for my eyes too.
    14. I just glop some hot glue on the head for the wig to grip. If it's really fiddly I'll actually glue the wig on with it but I've only done that with some really teeny dolls; haven't needed to for my Persons.
    15. Thanks everyone for the useful info and all the nice comments! My daughter loves playing with the dolls along with me. She has a few of her own Blythe dolls, as do I. With these girls, I keep a close eye on her!:lol:
    16. I got nothing to add…other than I constantly stalk this thread cause these troublemakers cheer me up to no end. I'm still un-decided who'll come home with me. I'm so torn. I love the boys but I haven't really seen too many options for boy clothes. I've been googling a lot! There's TONS for girls…so I feel like I'm switching gears. I love the Narrow eyes Person 21 basic. I just adore her little open mouth. I can just image her stuffing it with chocolates and sweets and then running around on a sugar high causing havoc. :XD:

      By the way what do you folks think of the company face ups? Do most of you get your Persons with them or do you send them out? I'm liking what I'm seeing…but also I know sometimes the company photo and the actual are a bit different.
    17. The two I have gotten were spot on, just like the photos! :)
      Good luck deciding! I think I am going to stick with the two I already have for now. Other, bigger dolls taking precedence.
    18. All of my Persons (6 now, I think!) have the factory face-ups and they look beautiful, in my opinion - just like the photos. I think they do a wonderful job!

      I love that mental image of your possible person 21 running around on a sugar high! Great description!

      Edited to add: I've had 9 total, I think --- I sold three earlier on, but now they just multiply! :P
    19. I've seen some beautiful custom face-ups on these dolls, mdonline03, but mine all have Secretdoll ones. They are all spot-on accurate to the dolls shown on her site and quite lovely.

      I just spotted this wonderful pic by Secretdoll, on flickr, showing all the current dolls from the Summer Fashion 70's collection together: https://www.flickr.com/photos/122585006@N06/19377325175/in/contacts/ I think they look terrific! :daisy
    20. I really like the company faceups and think they are very much like their website photos. I only had my (since adopted out) #21 repainted by Vainilladolly because I accidentally damaged the lips then in trying to 'fix' it, ended up removing the whole faceup. I got her repainted just like the original!

      Aren't they lovely! I really like several of them!

      Hopefully I will pay off the balance on my tanned Person #21 this weekend! I am really looking forward to her arriving, I received her wig today from MUdoll :)