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Secretdoll - Picture Doll Person - discussion part 5

Jun 3, 2015

    1. I love that photo of all the new releases together - I just wish the two I wanted were next to each other so I could decide which one to get!
    2. Congratulations, dambuster01! Won't be long before she's home and trying on her new wig! :sumomo:
    3. Thanks everyone for the feedback on the face ups!:) They really do look fantastic and especially the colorful 70s. :daisy

      Back off to stare at the promo pics again….eenie - meenie - minee - moe...
    4. I had no plans to buy a Person but I LOVE the new releases! I just can't decide between Person 04 or Big Eyes Person 04. :aheartbea
    5. It seems like once you fall for them, you fall hard!:aheartbea:lol:
    6. Oh no, my options have widened now since I started looking at 17. This is not gonna be an easy choice to make. :XD:
    7. heh heh heh Good luuuuuuuck! :sneaky
    8. My girl arrived today, her name is Valentine and she is a #21 Person of the Past and I love her!! She's sooooo cute and grumpy. She's already having a good old moan about the fact that she's been here all day now and I still haven't made her anything new to wear....never mind the fact that she has a mountain of clothes to choose from. Her argument is that although this 'stuff' might be 'new to her' it just isn't NEW new!!!! Oh and she insisted on a Minion! (Between us, I thought that as far as Persons are concerned, everyone is a Minion!!! (Now I just need to find the right wire to wire her legs and hot glue gun for her joints as her legs are all over the place!)

    9. New or new new, she looks great in that outfit!
      And I think you're right, everyone is a minion to the Persons!!!
    10. Congratulations on your new Person, dambuster01! :sumomo: She has such a wonderful face - so pretty! :aheartbea Your name choice is perfect for her, too! I'm sure Valentine will be up to her eyes in "new" new clothes before she knows it - she'll make sure of that! ;)
    11. Thank you both for your nice comments, I'm really 'taken' with her, I just love the Persons, but this time I'm going to stick to just the one and as an only child, she'll get more 'stuff' and hopefully will be placated! ;)

      I thought I'd add another photo :)
      The tan is so pretty, I love it!

      [​IMG]Please meet Valentine and her Minion! by Sharon, on Flickr
    12. She's gorgeous, dambuster01, especially those eyes! Persons never seem to mind being an only child -- they get all the attention that way too -- just how they like it.

      Here's my crew in new swimsuits -- Enid is still trying to catch Oliver's eye and Edie isn't sure James knows the difference between a bathing suit and long johns...
      [​IMG]Summer Crew 2015 by christina, on Flickr
    13. [MENTION=9980]dambuster01[/MENTION] - that hat is just the perfect touch! She is such a cutie!

      [MENTION=59239]icicle[/MENTION] - now how adorable is that lineup?! Those suits are wonderful! Each one has such character, and suits each Person to a t!
      Are they going to get to go to a beach or at least a pool?
    14. We'll see! My daughter has been asking the same question all summer long ;)
    15. I do love your new girl, dambuster01! She is so cute! :love

      Icicle, your group is so adorable! Love their swimsuits! :aheartbea
    16. Thank you aernath, icicle and Lisa for your sweet comments on my new girl! I'm really happy with her! And yes, icicle, they certainly don't seem to mind being an 'only child'...which is good because I really would like to keep it that way!

      Icicle, I love your lineup and their little bathing costumes! How sweet they look, a real bunch of cuties!

      I have noticed something with my girl, one of her feet doesn't seem to sit right, it tends to turn outwards, and not lie flat on the floor.....like it doesn't sit right in the bottom of the leg part/ankle. Has anyone else noticed this with theirs?
    17. It never gets old looking at this thread and it never fails to make me guffaw out loud when I see them. But boy I am really waiting til the last minute to decide to get one of their limiteds…cause they're tan or get a basic. Totally inside thoughts spewing on the page…

      icicle & dambuster01 - where do you get those outfits? too too cute.
    18. Love those photos dambuster01 and icicle and everyone!

      Have looked at these kids for a long time and finally I am IN! Just paid for my very first person...tan big eyed 21!! WaHoo
      Look out LATI here she comes:o

      Good luck mdonline03...I went around and around for last two days trying to decide...wish I could get two.
    19. Thank you mdonline03, glad you like them! I make mine myself. This particular outfit was made ages ago, I made the shorts for a Lati I think and the top was for a Pocket Fairy! The hat was actually made for my since adopted out Person and the socks were bought many years ago for Riley Kish.

      Thanks very much Kate, I am excited for you!!! :) And yes, look out Lati indeed....those sweet Lati girls and boys of yours won't know what's hit them when she arrives.....or when she 'takes over' their wardrobe!!!! ;)
    20. Thanks for the kind words on the photo, everyone!

      She has the same knees as Enid, yes? --
      [​IMG]Enid Gidget by christina, on Flickr

      If you look at my group photo, you'll see Enid stands very differently than the others (she's oldest) and that her feet don't quite sit flat on the ground. There was a leg redesign for that release but it was redesigned again shortly after. My other newer Persons don't have that problem. And least it means she's authentic!

      mdonline03 -- Thanks! Their suits were made by Spampy. I show her a photo of the style I want and pick fabrics/colors, and she sews my ideas -- like magic... :)