1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Social Status

Nov 23, 2010

    1. there are social groups and statuses in every part of life they'res no avoiding it bjd is no different. Let people think they're better than me for having a $1000 doll. It doesn't make me feel bad or like i'm less of a part of the hobby because at the end of the day i have my beautiful dolls who i love and i'm enjoying this hobby my way and nothing can make that any less important.
    2. I... I don't really think about stuff like this. I buy what I like. I honestly could NOT care less about what other collectors think of my collection. Someone could say "you shouldn't buy that doll because it's cheep/ugly/whatev," and I would pay it no mind. Sadly I probably would not sass them, but I wouldn't listen.

      I think that if some people are consciously trying to gain social status in a group of people over the internet that they may never see by buying x doll and not y doll... Uh, that's sad. Really sad. But of course that's just my opinion :)

      I am an intern writer for Tomopop (I occasionally hop in to discuss BJD news), and so I've "converted" a few people who come to the site to see other toy news. I feel uncomfortably around new people who haven't fully come to terms with the expense of the hobby, and keep asked "how did you afford SO MANY DOLLS?!?!". I am not rich. I'm a poor college student. But dolls are my thing, and I buy little else; I don't party or drink or eat out much. So any money I scrape together? It almost all goes here, as well as all the gifts I receive from my family (they give me doll stuff and so they are amazing, hehehe).

      But, uh, you don't have to be rich to get a doll. You just have to save and not buy the other amazing things out there :)
    3. Having witnessed a few of these debates on DoA, I'm reminded of the brilliantly deflating expression: "The infighting is so vicious because the stakes are so low." There will always be people getting their nads in a wringer over trivial things.
    4. Seconded.

      I don't doubt there is "elitism", but I also think some people are paranoid enough to read/see everything as an elitist manifestation. This is such a miserably small issue and, no matter how much I think people develop the hobby the way they want to, both attitudes (the so called elitism and the paranoid whining) are too low-spirited and obstructive to deserve attention.
    5. I have only Volks dolls at the moment and I keep each and everyone of them in their boxes at all times...Why? Because I am a snob? No. Because I live in Miami and it's too damn sunny in my house and I have cats and don't want the dolls that I spent my hard earned money on getting ruined.
    6. Ha! So true!

      Like theologians arguing over how many angels can fit on the head of a pin.


      "No, clearly, it's six."

      "You are dead to me forever."
    7. Very well said!!!!
    8. In any hobby, there is always a couple of elitists. You will have people who proudly announce they own only *_insert name/term of something much coveted in hobby here_* because only *______* is good enough for them. However, you will also have people who own something from *_____* that they love and adore simply because they put in so much effort in order to get it, and most of these people are understanding if you don't have anything from *_____*.

      As for myself in the BJD hobby, I am super picky when it comes to sculpts in conjunction with poseability plus resin matches (so I can't just up and buy a new body for whatever head with a nice sculpt I like because everything has to be to my standards). I have seen super-rare limited sculpts and bodies that I've found only so-so, and I've also fallen head-over-heels in love with that one damn sculpt everyone else already has...I don't think I have the capability to be an elitist in this hobby because I base my opinions on the individual dolls, sculpts, and features themselves, as opposed to company names or lines.
    9. But even if you did like only one line, that wouldn't make you an elitist. Elitism would require thinking you're better than everyone who doesn't feel the same way as you.
    10. It should be mentioned that, with this criteria, it's not only those who collect expensive dolls that can fall into the elitist way of thinking. I have met the odd Bobobie/ResinSoul purist who looks down their nose at anyone who spends more than $500 on a doll, and this is just as much a form of elitism as anything else.
    11. That pretty much sums up the internet in a nutshell, too. Best analogy ever, hands down.

      Now pardon me while I wipe the monitor down, since I was drinking coffee when that one hit like a cackle-inspiring grenade of cosmic truth. You can just hear it.
    12. I am so glad I had already put my coffee down or that would have happened to me too. :lol:
      Nice one sakuraharu!
    13. Thanks Nihmo! Sorry about your monitor, surreality. I'd buy you a new one, but I'm saving my pennies for a Dollshe. :P

      Micchi, I definitely think elitism is income-independent. People will always find something to divide themselves.
    14. Good question! I always thought that the fun of collecting was to be able to share your love of something with others, while understanding that everyone collects things in a different way. No way is better or worse really, it`s just all personal preference. At least it would be in an ideal world... But even as a new collector, I definitely feel that `social status` vibe under the surface to a certain degree.
    15. I think it is possible, but really in this hobby effort trumps quality... If anyone has the right to be "above" anyone else, it's those who put enough effort into their dolls to make them beautiful, regardless of what company it is or how much it cost...
      And a small bit of showing off isn't bad. Just as long as someone isn't LORDING their dolls over others, going on and on about them, and claiming that they are completely better as hobbyists because of their dolls... At that point, it is rude, but that applies for ANYTHING people flaunt that much, not just dolls.

      Fortunately, I have yet to encounter anyone at a meet who has used their dolls as status... Everyone in my group has been very understanding and respectful of our varying lifestyles :)

      Also, I second what BronzePheonix said in that I don't really care about what other people say I should or shouldn't buy or what they think of me for it... I'm getting an Angel of Dream doll soon because I love the mold to death and he fits the character I had in mind perfectly in all aspects. He just happens to be one of those "cheaper" dolls... I don't really care about any stigma caused by this. I am confident in myself that I can make him look just as respectable as a high quality Volks doll, and if anyone should come up to me and make a remark about him being bad in any way BECAUSE he's cheap, I will promptly smack them! hahaha, no just kidding XD;; But I would explain very clearly that I got that doll because I loved it, and not because it's cheap.
    16. Can you explain why you feel that way? I don't see it, so I'm genuinely curious to see why others do.
    17. I know there have been like 3798439903 (no really only 76 XD) replies to this but what the heck XD.

      Personally I don't really care either. If someone else I know is into BJDs cool, that's one more thing to have in common with them and geek about form time to time. I've run into people who scowl upon certain types of dolls, and only buy a specific company. However Elitist are rare, I would like to think. I've only run into one or two. If someone doesn't like my dolls, so be it. I like them. That's the cool thing about BJD too, as long as your pleased with your doll, it doesn't really matter where other people place you on a spectrum. It's your money and you're buying it for yourself, so then do with them what you like.

      I'm sure keeping them in a box is just another way they take care of them, would be the same as keeping them in a glass cabinet. I personally like to keep my dolls out so I can gaze upon them whenever I want and play with them whenever I want.

      I wouldn't worry too much about social status. I've gone to a couple of meets. Most people are super nice. I've seen a few that avoid me, glare at me, or eye me from across the room, but again as others have said that could be me misreading intentions or being insecure myself. Generally I just smile at them and continue what I'm doing. I really haven't run into anyone whos been super mean. Even the ones I run into with the very elaborate dolls are extremely nice. So I'd like to assume running across a snooty owner is rare.
    18. I think that... maybe it happens?

      Just because the "common scenario" is that people buy say... Bobobie because they're cheap. But... some people might just REALLY LIKE Bobobie.
      Personally... I own 2 SoomMD Tinies, with my 3rd on the way. But I would still love a Bobobie one day.

      My friend and I had a discussion once, and she put it in a way that... really kind of made me laugh, and really brings something to the table for this thread.

      " If say.... SOOM is Ambercombe
      Iplehouse is Old Navy
      Luts is Wal Mart
      And Bobobie is Big Lots/Value Vilage/Goodwill. "

      I think these are the "stereotypes" we kind of put to certain dolls.

      PERSONALLY I have no prejudice to any doll haha. It's all in how they look. Cause really... some of Soom's dolls I look at and say "I would never ever buy that" haha. But some of Bobobie are so cute. <33
      So really I think it comes down to person-by-person on if we're really creating a "doll hierarchy".
    19. AHHH, the sweet smell of superiorism. Theres a "social class" everywhere you look. Its just that feeling that something do you or have is superior because of either quality, care, or cost. Its everywhere. Its almost as plentiful as the air we breathe. It shouldnt really bother anyone since everyone does is one time or another. ;D

      HOWEVER, really the superiorism really just comes down to the feeling that theres more to a certain doll than another when it may be different in reality. For example, im looking into a Resinsoul doll being my first and a lot of people love its resin quality. But then theres more expensive dolls where theres lot of people saying the quality isnt as nice. Yet some people will still hold that the other doll is better because the company just has that "brand" reputation. Thats just what it is, people and their "brand name goods". Its just something that exists. Like buying a brand name purse or buying a different not known brand, its just a status people think in their heads.
    20. I was just thinking about this earlier! :3 Actually, it came up because it seems like there are certain people in the doll community who almost seem like "celebrities." I was sort of absently wondering if these people went to doll meetups, and if any of that feeling of "fame" or "superiority" was present when they went~ It came up because a couple dolls on the forums have really stood out to me since I joined... When I went to my first meetup, I was really surprised to find one of those dolls, when I looked around! I don't think it's owner was super-popular, but I know she was at least well known. I didn't feel any of that sense of "superiority" from her, however! In fact, she turned out to mainly just be super nice and insanely creative. ;)

      However, I did notice at my meetup that there were people who seemed to have that sense of superiority. >///< There were a couple people who just sort of sat off by themselves with very expensive dolls in very expensive clothing, and my mom was particularly fascinated with them (because they were some of the most beautiful dolls there, in terms of being "perfect," but also a bit cookie-cutter)... When she asked them about their dolls, they might as well have stuck up their noses and started preening their feathers. :sweat They weren't terribly rude, but there was a really, really big sense of almost snobbish pride about them.

      To be utterly honest, I've certainly seen people with dolls and thought; "My girls are much cuter/more beautiful than that"--but I try really hard not to say that that makes me "better" than another person... XD And, I mean, that person may think the same thing about my girls! I'm very finicky about how they look; I want them to look very nice and pristine; but other people prefer their dolls to have more character and story, even if it's at the sacrifice of a "perfect" faceup or clothing.

      As for the brands themselves... I've never considered it! My first doll was from Everpurple who, at the time, had never released a doll; the turkish angora anthros were their first set. Even now, people don't notice Allura because she's from an infamous company, but because she's unique~ Not a lot of people have her mold. :) Elodae is the exact opposite, however... She's from DOD, which is a company a lot of people--especially those new to the fandom--are really attracted to. They're also home to some of the more expensive, and often infamous, dolls in the community, it seems... But I've never even considered the idea that a DOD is "better" than a doll from another company, just because she's got a logo on the back of 'er head.