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Soom CutiePie 12cm Anthros Discussion Part 1

Feb 2, 2013

    1. Eeee, Soom's got teaser images up on their banner for a little mouse and a frog for the Thumb Princess set. No information up, but from the looks of them, I suspect they'll be the next entries for the CutiePie series.
    2. That little mouse is so cute! I've been wanting a friend mouse for my anthro cats forever!
    3. The mouse looks super sweet, but I am dying over that frog. XD Ugh, Soom, you already have all of my money. Why must you release an adorable frog now?

      (Actually, the more I look at all of them, the cuter they're all getting. Danger! Danger!)
      • x 1
    4. Everything in the previews looks super cute so far; I'm very excited to see more pictures! I wonder if Soom will offer a variety of resin options? I love the frog's violin! :aheartbea
    5. I think I died a little from cuteness~I love that frog! *A* His little hat and waistcoat! :aheartbea I'm assuming he's gonna be a CutiePie... o,o And I hadn't expected Soom to use Neo AngelRegion Timps for the Thumb Princess either! XD
    6. What? Where are these pictures, I didn't see them!
    7. Oooh, shows how much attention I pay to non-Gem things. XD I totally wouldn't have spotted them as Timps! (I even went and got excited about them over in the TG thread. XP )

      But yeah, that frog's dapper little outfit. *-* Fffff. Sooooooom, why you gotta go and do a thing?

      Edit: angelcallie - They're the rotating images in the banner at the top of the Gem site.
    8. :/ I don't see them there at all. All I'm getting is three rotating images of the Beauty and the Beast Beauty doll.
    9. Weird! D: Here, I'll post them up then:

    10. Oh my gosh, that frog! And the little mouse! So adorable! Thanks soooo much Malaryush!!

      ETA It looks like their order page is up now, too! And they are indeed both cutiepies! Unfortunately for me, I literally just this morning already gave Soom all of my money for something else, so neither of these are in the cards for me, but I really hope to see some little toads and mice around here to join the pandas!
    11. Eeeeeek little baby fairies and I so love the frog!!!
    12. The Toaaaaaad! *dies* I was just chatting with a friend that I thought my SOOMed days were over. I was wrong. I must have this little guy! Top hat and all! :...( I JUST bought a MiniFee yesterday. I can't believe this. My poor finances....
    13. OMG!!! The frog!!!! Why now Soom??? Crap, poop and darn. Wonton I have the same problem as you. I just spent my money in the LG Full Choice event. But I want that frog...I need that frog!!
    14. I am fond of frogs and toads but this one doesn't appeal to me. But I'm entranced by the little prince! I can't get him because I ordered a Banji just a couple weeks ago. Aww....
    15. Toad is freakin amazing!!!
    16. Pandy was cute and so is the field mouse but im not very drawn to those... the toad on the other hand, is ADORABLE! D8
      wheres my money :S
    17. Whyyy SOOM! WHYYYY?! I've never liked frogs/toads until I saw this one (Waves grabby hands in the direction of the frog) His outfit... and that violin! -.-" Unfortunately, I'm broke (For now.) CindyG, Wonton, I share your painnnnn!
    18. So the frog is on topic for DOA?
    19. The other cutiepies are on topic, and Pipos Tomo and Roggie are on topic now as well, so I don't see why he wouldn't be.