1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Soom CutiePie 12cm Anthros Discussion Part 1

Feb 2, 2013

    1. Does anyone know what size eyes the frog wears? I ordered him but I couldn't afford the eyes. Thanks!
    2. Their eyes are probably 8mm. It occurred to me yesterday that they might do Puss in Boots as part of the CutiePie line- with boots and a feathered hat. If they did I would have to get one!

      I just went and looked at Soom's new MD page. Guess what's next on the list? Puss in Boots! :o I may be royally Soomed.
    3. Oh hi there, this thread has been quite quiet. But I come bearing photos! My Pandy, Cobweb, arrived today!


      I took that before I glued his ear and tail magnets in (which was an enormous pain in the butt because they're strong so they kept flying off and sticking to each other!) but here he is! I'll hopefully have a chance to take some outdoor pictures soon, and with his ears on!
    4. Me too!!! Just got it today, my coworkers said it is sooooooo cute :)
      • x 1
    5. Aaaawwwwww these Pandys are so adorable :aheartbea
    6. I'm so pleased that the Pandys are being shipped! I hope mine gets sent soon! angelcallie and ltt7062, your little arrivals are so cute! Cobweb is such a cute name!
    7. Oh my gosh,Wonton, he is ridiculously adorable!
    8. OMG eeeeek he is so cute, now I want one too!
    9. I also want to show my Soom MD March field-mouse!

      Two days ago I went to the customs to get her. I LOVE her, she's so cute! :aheartbea

    10. Congratulations! Can't wait to get mine.
    11. And here is another toad! He's called Sammakko and is now wearing trousers I just sewed for him. He still lacks a face-up, though.

      (Anyway, he just looks so cute everytime I look at him! Adorable, simply adorable. <3 )

      • x 1
    12. Oh my gosh, your little toad in overalls is just ridiculously adorable XD
    13. Thank you, angelcallie!

      Oh, how cute, *[E]*! These eyes and her look... Aww.
      I guess she could have a Chinese name, being a panda?

      Here is a newer picture of Sammi, my Soom Toad. I hope you have nothing against Lotta (Pukipuki Flora) being on the photo, too. They're best friends, catching a "real" frog.
    14. In the Tiny Animal Anthro's topic they suggested the Japanese beverage Canned Milk Coffee to me
      and I produced this name out of it:
      Pokka Khan K&#333;h&#299;
      Pokka is a popular brand of canned coffee, and the rest is how they pronounce Canned Coffee lol! ^_^
    15. Pokka is a very cute name!
    16. Finally glued the magnets into my tines, I second the pain in the butt experience mentioned earlier. I had to make three holes wider to have the magnets go in, I didn't manage to have my Pandy's hat stay on his head and the button on the Fieldmouse dress fell off when I first tried to close it. I ended up loving little Thumbelina most.........and she was only ordered to be able to buy Fieldmouse on layaway in the first place.....

    17. Anyone ordering teddy or polly? I love polly so much! She is precious! If my money sitch works out polly will be joining the resin family as my first anthro.
    18. I am having the same thoughts. Anthro have never appealed to me. They are cute but I didn't think they were for me... But I passed up the pandas but omg! little christas bears?! aawwwwiiiee ^^ Still thinking about it though...